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This article reviews "Action Research for Management" by William Foote Whyte and Edith L. Hamilton.
This article reviews "Agriculture and the Public Interest Toward a New Farm Program" by Leon H. Keyserling, from the Conference on Economic Progress.
This article reviews "An International Comparison of Factor Costs and Factor Use" by Bagicha Singh Minhas.
This article reviews "Demand for Rehabilitation in a Labor Union Population" by H.J. Weiner, S.J., Akabas, B. Grydbaun, and Sidney Hillman.
This article reviews "Handbook of Medical Sociology" by Howard E. Freeman, Sol Levine, and Leo G. Reeder.
This article reviews "Le perfectionnement des cadres en France et aux États-Unis" by Pierre Demarne with the collaboration of Jean-Baptiste Jeener.
This article reviews "Les installations électriques en moyenne tension" by J. Boulouvard.
This article reviews "Méthodologie vers une science de l’action" by R. Coude and A. Molès.
This article reviews "Plaidoyer pour la grande organisation" by Léonard R. Sayles.
This article reviews "Principes de la gestion budgétaire" by M. Fuster.
This article reviews "Procedures and Policies of the New York State Labor Relations Board" by Kurt L. Hanslowe.
This article reviews "Profit Sharing in Perspective" by B.L. Metzger.
This article reviews "The Economics of Health and Medical Care" the Proceedings of the Conference on the Economics of Health and Medical Care (Michigan).
This article reviews "Workbook to Accompany "Principles of Economics" " by William P. Yoke, John O. Blackburn, and David McFarland.
This article reviews "Written Communications for Business Administrators" by Robert D. Hay.
This article reviews "Regulating Union Government" edited by Marten S. Estey, Philip Taft, and Martin Wagner.
In his paper, the author presents methods to forecast long-term manpower requirements : employer interviews, extrapolation of trends derived from historical data, standard growth curves, examination of the technology and manpower demand in new firms and industries, study of occupational growth prospects and requirements, comprehensive econometric models. And finally, the article contains a brief examination of French and American current research and practices in long-term manpower forecasting.
L'auteur démontre, au moyen de clauses significatives, que la seule lecture du texte des conventions collectives ne permet pas de connaître toute la portée des transformations technologiques sur les relations de travail. Une recherche menée sur le terrain s'avère nécessaire à cette fin. L'auteur étudie également le rôle des clauses d'ancienneté en cas de transformations technologiques.
L'auteur analyse du point de vue méthodologique et du point de vue substantif la thèse exposée par Selig Perlman dans« A Theory of the Labor Movement ». Il en examine la consistance intrinsèque, l’utilité et les faiblesses. Il conclut que la théorie de Perlman est fondamentalement une apologie anti-marxiste dirigée principalement contre des propositions de Lénine. Une telle approche apporte une conception incomplète et normative du phénomène syndical. C'est pourquoi la thèse de Perlman demeure au niveau de généralisations dont l’utilité est limitée. En effet, considérant la base de la solidarité, les buts, les méthodes et les comportements syndicaux, elle ne fournit qu'une explication partielle, parfois subjective, des diverses composantes de faction syndicale.
The author in this article examines the status of unions and collective agreements under the new Québec Labour Code. He first presents a brief historical review of the laws and decisions concerning this matter not only in Québec but also in the common law provinces. He goes on stating the conditions prevailing in Québec as well as in the other provinces up to the enactment of the Code. He finally analyses the new provisions of the Labour Code governing the status of unions and collective agreements covered by it.
Resource type
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1940 and 1949 (372)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (630)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (1,016)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (1,005)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (2,168)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (1,745)
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (1,784)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (1,811)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (557)