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The article reviews the book, "Shaping the Futures of Work: Proactive Governance and Millennials," by Nilanjan Ragunath.
The article reviews the book, "Tacky's Revolt: The Story of an Atlantic Slave War," by Vincent Brown.
The article reviews the book, "Code White: Sounding the Alarm on Violence Against Health Care Workers," by Margaret M. Keith and James T. Brophy.
The development of work–life policies—e.g., employee assistance programs, on-site childcare, flextime, part-time, compressed week, and so on—is increasingly important for a growing number of organizations. Though such programs provide benefits for both employees and employers, usage rates are still low. Scholars have called for research that addresses this phenomenon and more particularly explains the underlying processes of individual decision-making concerning work–life balance, and describe why and how certain social groups differ in their approaches to policy use. Our inductive study –based on 44 individual interviews- aims to address these issues. We found that the policies are used differently depending on the employees’ social group, and that certain salient social identities—such as gender, parenthood and managerial status—shape their use. Such programs are a structural and cultural change for organizations and often present an opportunity for redefining the centrality of work. Indeed the values inherent in them, including resting and taking time for oneself or for one’s family, may conflict with the traditionally masculine values associated with the ‘ideal worker’, intuitively linked to performance and production of positive results. The clash between the two, which permeated the interviews, causes employees to fall back on the social identity or identities they find meaningful. Our findings show three main strategies that individuals use when they feel that their social identity is threatened: (1) engage in workaround activities to avoid using work-life policies; (2) try to compensate for policies use (by engaging in projects outside one’s job or doing overtime work) ; and (3) significantly limit policies use. These results contribute to literature by showing that many managers and men do not feel legitimate to use work-life policies and find workarounds to manage without them, thus perpetuating stereotypical masculine norms. We demonstrate that the identity threat that underlies work-life policies taking may help women in the short term, but also contributes to their discrimination in the long run as well as is detrimental to the work-life balance of men.
This article reviews the book, "People, Power and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent," by Joseph Stiglitz.
The article reviews the book, "No Property in Man: Slavery and Antislavery at the Nation's Founding," by Sean Wilentz.
The article reviews the book, "Industrial Craft in Australia: Oral Histories of Creativity and Survival," by Jesse Adams Stein.
To appease public anxieties and limit exploitation, in recent years Canada has sought to more strictly regulate and reduce temporary migrant work, while expanding opportunities for international mobility. This article explores the division between mobility and migration in this settler colonial context by charting developments in two overarching Canadian immigration program streams dedicated to facilitating international migration for employment on a temporary basis – the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) and the International Mobility Program (IMP) – focusing on the latter. Through an analysis of underexplored IMP subprograms directed at ‘national competitiveness,’ it probes the extent to which several fast-growing IMP subprograms entail a departure from temporary migrant work under exploitative conditions. Questioning the validity of the migration/mobility distinction assumed in policy discourse, it argues that far from providing for ideal conditions for ‘mobile’ workers, Inter-Company Transfer, Postgraduation, and Spousal subprograms are characterised by conditions poised to heighten exploitation. Meanwhile, many participants in these subprograms migrate from source countries with a history of subordination through differential inclusion, illustrating how the application of migration control devices is bound-up with residues of formal barriers to entry forged on the basis of nationality and the institutionalised racism that they engendered and threaten to perpetuate.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada imposed certain international travel bans and work-from-home orders, yet migrant farmworkers, declared essential to national food security, were exempt from such measures. In this context, farm worksites proved to be particularly prone to COVID-19 outbreaks. To apprehend this trend, we engaged an expanded and transnational employment strain framework that identified the employment demands and resources understood from a transnational perspective, as well as the immigration, labour, and public health policies and practices contributing to and/or buffering employment demands during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. We applied mixed methods to analyze administrative data, immigration, labour, and public health policy, as well as qualitative interviews with thirty migrant farmworkers employed in Ontario and Quebec. We concluded that the deleterious outcomes of the pandemic for this group were rooted in the deplorable pre-pandemic conditions they endured. Consequently, the band-aid solutions adopted by federal and provincial governments to address these conditions before and during the pandemic were limited in their efficacy because they failed to account for the transnational employment strains among precarious status workers labouring on temporary employer-tied work permits. Such findings underscore the need for transformative policies to better support health equity among migrant farmworkers in Canada.
The article reviews the book, "The Subjectivities and Politics of Occupational Risk: Mines, Farms and Auto-Factories," by Alan Hall.
For four days in October 1932, during the height of the Great Depression, prisoners at Kingston Penitentiary revolted. They took control of their workshops and brought the convict labour regime to a halt, until the guards and militia violently regained control. This revolt was the culmination of more than a year of organizing and collective actions. Prisoners wrote manifestos, participated in work refusals, elected representatives, and developed a sophisticated critique of the conditions of their incarceration and the penitentiary administration. Using a unique collection of archival documents, this article closely examines the complaints, criticisms, fears, hopes, and frustrations of the incarcerated, whose demands and goals are crucial for understanding how and why the prisoner revolt unfolded as it did. I argue that the prisoners at Kingston Penitentiary, by striking and organizing to assert their dignity, democratically organized their lives and ensured a "fair deal" should be considered part of the Depression-era protests of the unemployed, imprisoned, and marginalized.
The article reviews the book, "A Matter of Moral Justice: Black Women Laundry Workers and the Fight for Justice," by Jenny Carson.
This article compares the union careers of the US Teamsters Union leader James R. Hoffa and the head of the Canadian Seafarers International Union (siu), Hal Banks. It focuses on the charges of union corruption that swirled around both men in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The article uses that comparison to consider the predominant understanding of union corruption in the United States, which posits a kind of American exceptionalism in regard to this issue. The similarities and differences between the cases of Hoffa and Banks provide a new consideration of the history of union corruption in Canada. This comparison also offers a new perspective on the divergence between unionization rates in the United States and Canada since 1964.
Le notariat connait depuis les années 2000 un phénomène de modernisation qui se traduit par la digitalisation de nombreuses prestations. Cette contribution vise à montrer comment deux technologies digitales modifient les activités historiques de la profession notariale. L’implémentation de ces technologies cristallise des controverses qui concernent d’une part la légitimité du notariat, et d’autre part l’évolution de l’identité professionnelle du notaire. Cette analyse de la digitalisation de la profession permet d’interroger le repositionnement institutionnel largement animé par la fédération professionnelle, qui vise à doter les notaires d’une place centrale dans l’organigramme juridique belge, en même temps que de rompre avec l’image archaïque de la profession.
The article reviews the book, "Closing the Enforcement Gap: Improving Employment Standards Protections for People in Precarious Jobs," by Leah F. Vosko et al.
Documents the upheaval inside the Labor-Progressive Party, Canada's major Communist organization, that erupted at its 6th national convention in April 1957, which resulted in an exodus of members from the party. Originally an undergraduate essay, the author's research is based on interviews conducted in 1976-77 with Labor-Progressive Party members who were at the convention.
Over the last decade, firms positioning themselves as craft or artisanal have proliferated in the urban environments of the Global North. Selling themselves as community hubs, friendly neighbours, anticorporate crusaders, and environmental stewards, craft industries – craft breweries, artisanal bakeries, heritage clothing manufacturers, and the like – have effectively insulated themselves from critique. Hidden beneath this veneer, however, are the accounts of countless workers detailing experiences of harassment, overwork, low pay, and discrimination. Motivated by the methodological orientation of workers’ inquiry, this article recounts attitudes and experiences offered by craftworkers and craftspeople about their working conditions, motivations, and attempts to organize in craft industries, particularly craft brewing. Worker testimony reveals a profound disconnect between the optimistic industrial mythologies offered up by craft discourse and the rigid hierarchies, unequal division of labour, and toxic cultures many observed in their workplaces. Contrary to the pervasive artisanal allure that motivates many workers to seek out work in craft brewing and similar industries, the research presented here also suggests new levels of working-class consciousness and solidarity emerging in these industries and profiles attempts by craft brewery workers to organize their workplaces and fight to improve conditions.
La reconnaissance au travail est un des facteurs essentiels de la qualité de vie au travail. Alors que la littérature a mis en évidence la dégradation des conditions de travail à l’hôpital cet article a pour objectif d’étudier les relations entre les conditions de travail et la perception des pratiques de reconnaissance au travail. Nous adoptons l’approche de la reconnaissance en 4 dimensions (existentielle, de la pratique de travail, de l’investissement au travail et des résultats du travail) définie par Brun et Dugas (2005) pour identifier les dimensions qui sont les plus impactées par la transformation des conditions de travail. Nous avons interrogé en entretiens semi-directifs 16 personnels tirés au sort et 5 experts dans un centre hospitalier universitaire français au cours de l’année 2018. Les résultats montrent que la plupart des catégories de personnel regrettent le manque de moyens matériels et humains mis à disposition par la direction pour réaliser un travail de qualité. Ce manque de moyens est perçu comme un manque de reconnaissance de la qualité du travail de la part de la direction de l’établissement. En raison du manque d’effectif, de nombreux personnels accroissent leur investissement pour malgré tout produire des soins de qualité au patient, ils regrettent alors une non reconnaissance de leur investissement au travail. Seules les catégories de personnel les moins qualifiées expriment des attentes de reconnaissance existentielle.
The article reviews the book, " Histoire du Taxi à Montréal : Des taxis jaunes à UberX," by Jean-Philippe Warren.
L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser les facteurs influençant l’effectivité d’un accord-cadre international (ACI). L’effectivité est analysée à l’aune de la mise en conformité des pratiques locales de gestion du travail avec les engagements pris dans l’ACI. Considérant la négociation comme un processus, composé de trois phases (avant-négociation, négociation stricto sensu, après-négociation) et ancré dans un contexte, nous élaborons un modèle d’analyse inspiré des études de processus stratégiques (process studies). Ce modèle met en lumière l’influence des positionnements, des comportements et des interactions des protagonistes de la négociation et de l’application d’un ACI sur son effectivité. Nous détaillons les processus de négociation de quatre ACI, conclus au cours des années 2010, par deux firmes multinationales (FMN) françaises et deux fédérations syndicales internationales (FSI). Ces ACI portent sur des thématiques de gestion du travail (santé et sécurité au travail, égalité femmes-hommes, emploi durable). Cette recherche repose sur une analyse de documents, d’observations et de 38 entretiens, menés auprès de syndicalistes internationaux, européens, nationaux, locaux et de membres des directions générales (DG) de ces FMN. Elle porte une attention particulière à la phase de l’avant-négociation et met en exergue les interactions entre les acteurs managériaux et syndicaux, tout au long du processus de négociation. Nous montrons que le positionnement de la DG de la FMN (« social » ou « managérial ») est un facteur décisif du déroulement de la négociation d’un ACI, de son résultat (accord « substantif ») et de son effectivité. Le positionnement « qualitatif » de la FSI peut être un élément essentiel du déroulement de la négociation (par le choix de la thématique de l’ACI) et de son résultat (dispositions portant sur des sujets sensibles). Enfin, la mobilisation des syndicats locaux, soutenue par la FSI, est essentielle à l’effectivité d’un ACI. Nous révélons des processus d’apprentissage et des particularités des ACI et de la NCI.
Resource type
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1940 and 1949 (372)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (630)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (1,016)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (1,005)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (2,168)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (1,745)
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (1,784)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (1,811)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (557)