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The article reviews "Human Relations in Industry," by Ralph N. Campbell. Reprint Series Number 15, New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University (5 pages).
A chaque année depuis son accession au souverain pontificat, le Pape Pie XII profite de la fête de Noël pour adresser un message à l'univers entier. Il y aborde toujours un sujet qu'il considère d'une importance primordiale. Le dernier message du 25 décembre 1952 porte sur l'organisation de la société humaine et sur les rapports entre les peuples. Le pape souligne l'éminente dignité de la personne humaine et prend sa défense contre un danger en train de la menacer : son étouffement par la technique et l'organisation. Comme ces profondes vérités doivent être constamment à l'esprit de tous ceux qui s'occupent de relations du travail, nous avons extrait de ce message certains passages qui valent la peine d'être médités.
The article briefly reviews "Attitude of Union Members Toward Their Union," by Herbert G. Heneman, Jr., and Dale Yoder; published by the Industrial Relations Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 14, Minn. Reprinted from Labor and Nation, Summer 1951 issue (4 pages).
The article reviews "Contrôle de la main-d'oeuvre dans les métiers du bâtiment de la région des Cantons de l'Est: rapport," prepared by Charles E. Thérien, statistician, Service de l'Aide à l'Apprentissage, décembre 1951 (28 pages).
The article reviews "Factors in Successful Collective Bargaining: Report" of the Subcommittee on Labor and Labor-Management Relations, 82nd Congress, 1st Session, (57 pages).
An article from Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, on Érudit.
The article reviews "La mesure de la productivité," by Jean Dayre, conseiller technique du Comité national de la productivité. Series of three articles published successively in the october, november and december 1951 issues of the journal, Travail et Méthodes. Editions Science et Industrie, Paris.
The article reviews "Labor Views Collective Bargaining," by J.A. Beirne, President, Communications Workers of America (CIO), 1952 (22 pages).
The article reviews "Le patronat devant le syndicalisme," summayr of the 12th congress of the Fédération des Patrons catholiques de Belgique, held on 15-16 December 1951, published in the Bulletin social des Industriels, January 1952.
List of journals that are pertinent to the field.
The article reviews the book, "Problèmes du travail féminin," by Roger Chartier, proposed for the teaching of labour relations, Centre de culture populaire de Laval, Université Laval, 1952 (61 pages).
Bibliography with subject headings.
Should Conciliation Boards be abolished? This is an interesting question raised up in the contributed editorial of the 1952 winter issue of "Public affairs" and presented in the following way.
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Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1940 and 1949 (372)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (630)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (1,016)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (1,005)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (2,168)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (1,745)
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- Between 2000 and 2009 (1,784)
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- Between 2020 and 2025 (557)