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The article reviews the book, "The Management of Labour: A History of Australian Employers," by Christopher Wright.
The article reviews the book, "Trois Usines Mexicaines," by Jean Gérin-Lajoie.
In industrialized economies, unemployment rates are inversely related to education levels. Data from 1963 to 1994 show that Israel is an anomaly exhibiting an inverted U-shaped relationship. Workers with 9-12 years of schooling consistently experienced a higher level of unemployment than the schooling groups with less and more education. Multivariate regression analysis of data for Israel during the 1976-1994 period indicates that this inverted U-shaped relationship is moderating. The national unemployment rate and a time trend variable had positive and significant effects tending to strengthen the inverted U-shaped relationship. However, an increase in the unemployment rate within the 0-8 education group relative to the 9-12 group and a decline in the labor force participation rate of the 0-8 group overrode these factors, resulting in a flattening of the inverse relationship. The major factor responsible for the anomaly in the education-unemployment relationship in Israel appears to be government policies intended to protect low-educated immigrants with large families. A reduction in government support over recent years seems to have increased the exposure of the least educated to labor market forces.
The article reviews the book, "Les marginaux, les exclus et l 'Autre au Canada aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles," edited by André Lachance.
Wilson introduces "Something From Canada" by Augusti Bernhard Mäkelä, the Finnish Marxist journalist and publicist. Originally published in 1913, Mäkelä's article bluntly condemns the capitalist exploitation of BC workers (including immigrant labour) and the pillaging of BC's resources. Mäkelä arrived in Canada from Finland in 1901 when he was nearly 40. Apart from a sojourn in Finland from 1907-10, he lived in the Finnish communal settlement of Sointula on Malcolm Island, British Columbia, until his death in 1932.
The article reviews the book, "Raising Baby by the Book: The Education of American Mothers." by Julia Grant.
The article reviews the book, "The Canadian Auto Workers: The Birth and Transformation of a Union," by Sam Gindin.
[Links] the development of union training initiatives and their relationship to state labor market policy to an emerging literature on trade unions in industrial geography. In particular, I examine labor's involvement in state policy in Canada and consider the impact it has had on the direction of these initiatives at the federal, provincial, and sectoral levels, with particular reference to the Canadian Labor Force Development Board (CLFDB), the Ontario Training and Adjustment Board (OTAB), and sectoral training initiatives by the Canadian Auto Workers and the United Steel Workers of America. Researchers in geography and industrial relations have linked post-Fordism to an enhancement of local union strategies and have suggested that one possible configuration of skill development under an emerging Schumpeterian Workfare State would include labor as an important stakeholder-especially at the regional level in a high skill/high-wage virtuous circle of development. However, in Canada labor has been organized historically on a largely local level and has been relatively weak in the formulation of state policy, nationally and provincially. If anything, labor has sought to overcome the legacy of localism. Although unions differ in central-local relations, overall they have fought for effective national, provincial, and sectoral representation in these initiatives. Labor has been able to achieve some input into this process, but the success or failure of these programs reflects more on national, provincial, and sectoral institutions, in particular the structure of capital, than on local factors or strategies by labor.
English/French abstracts of articles published in the issue.
English/French abstracts of articles in the Fall 1998 issue.
Fund-raising appeal by the Association of Veterans and Friends of the MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion, in co-operation with the British Columbia Federation of Labour and the provincial government, in order to erect a monument to the BC veterans of the Mac-Paps and the International Brigades.
The article reviews the book, "Lesbian Motherhood: An Exploration of Canadian Lesbian Families," by Fiona Nelson.
The article reviews and comments on the film, "Land and Freedom" (1995), directed by Ken Loach, with screenplay by Jim Allen. Concludes that this portrayal of the Spanish Civil War - in which idealistic volunteers including the central character - a young, unemployed, working-class communist from Liverpool - are betrayed by the Stalinists - deserves "five red stars" as cinema, history, and politics.
The article reviews the book, "Le stratège du XXIe siècle : vers une organisation apprenante," by Pierre Dionne and Jean Roger.
The article reviews the book, "Nouvelles formes d'organisation du travail," edited Michel Grant, Paul R. Bélanger and Benoît Lévesque,
The article reviews the book, "Technology, Globalisation and Economic Performance," edited by Daniele Archibugi and Jonathan Mitchie.
Le présent article analyse l’efficacité de la procédure de règlement de 1 148 griefs dans neuf municipalités et huit hôtels de la région de Montréal pendant la période d’application de leurs deux dernières conventions collectives. Un bon climat de relations industrielles entre les parties et l’amélioration de ce climat d’une convention collective à l’autre diminuent de façon significative le délai nécessaire pour régler un grief sans que le règlement se fasse à une étape antérieure de la procédure. L’expérience du chef de service accélère le règlement du grief alors que l’expérience du délégué syndical le ralentit. Par contre, certaines caractéristiques de l’emploi, notamment le statut et le quart de travail, influencent à la fois le délai et l’étape du règlement. L’effet sur l’efficacité de la procédure de règlement des griefs d’autres caractéristiques comme l’origine ethnique du plaignant, le type et l’objet du grief sont aussi examinés.
Critiques the trade-and-investment agenda of the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation summit held in Vancouver in November 1997.
Une recherche récente réalisée par John T. Dunlop et David Weil montre que les entreprises du vêtement sont peu nombreuses à avoir réussi à implanter l’organisation modulaire de travail et que pour y arriver, elles adoptent une stratégie d’ensemble comprenant trois étapes importantes. Comme les exigences de la variante la plus poussée de cette nouvelle forme d’organisation du travail sont élevées, cet article propose d’introduire une étape préparatoire supplémentaire dans le processus pour en augmenter la diffusiion.
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Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1940 and 1949 (372)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (630)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (1,016)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (1,005)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (2,168)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (1,745)