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The article reviews the book, "Playing Indian," by Philip J. Deloria.
The article reviews the book, "The Trouble with Normal: Postwar Youth and the Making of Heterosexuality," by Mary Louise Adams.
This article reviews the book, "Researching the World of Work - Strategies and Methods in Studying Industrial Relations," edited by Keith Whitfield and George Strauss.
The article reviews and comments extensively on the books, "A New Labor Movement for the New Century" (1998) edited by Gregory Mantsios and "Unions and Workplace Reorganization" (1997) edited by Bruce Nissen.
La présente étude s'insère dans les multiples efforts de recherche déployés pour mieux circonscrire les paramètres de l'évaluation du rendement. À partir du modèle de Murphy et Cleveland (1995), les auteurs développent une méthodologie originale qui permet de tester empiriquement auprès de 106 fonctionnaires de la fonction publique québécoise la motivation de l'évaluateur à produire des évaluations indulgentes de leurs subordonnés. Les résultats révèlent que l'indulgence s'avère une réponse à un contexte défavorable d'évaluation : les variables contextuelles influencent significativement les appréciations faites par l'évaluateur.
This article reviews the book, "The Ethics of the New Economy," edited by Leo Groarke.
The article reviews the book, "Hard Bargain: Transforming Public Sector Labour-Management Relations," by Peter Warrian.
Présente le colloque international coparrainé par le Centre de relations industrielles de l'Université Laval et le Réseau canadien de recherche sur les milieux de travail qui s'est tenu en septembre 1997.
The article reviews the book, "Pistol Packin' Mama: Aunt Molly Jackson and the Politics of Folksong," by Shelly Romalis.
The article reviews the book, "Peronism Without Peron: Unions, Parties, and Democracy in Argentina," by James W. McGuire.
The article reviews the book, "Enlisting Women for the Cause: Women, Labour, and the Left in Canada, 1890-1920" by Linda Kealey.
The article reviews the book, "All-American Anarchist: Joseph A. Labadie and the Labor Movement," by Carlotta R. Anderson.
The article briefly reviews "Dismantling a Nation: The Transition to Corporate Rule in Canada," 2nd edition, by Stephen McBridc and John Shields, "A Nation of Immigrants: Women, Workers, and Communities in Canadian History, 1840s-1960s," edited by Franca Iacovetta, Paula Draper, and Robert Ventresca, "Rethinking Canada: The Promise of Women's History," 3rd edition, edited by Veronica Strong-Boag and Anita Clair Fellman, "Gendering the Vertical Mosaic: Feminist Perspectives on Canadian Society," by Roberta Hamilton, "Canadian Political Parties," edited by Daniel Azoulay, "Introducing Canada: An Annotated Bibliography of Canadian History in English," by Brian Gobbett and Robert Irwin, "Uncommon People: Resistance, Rebellion, and Jazz," by Eric Hobsbawm, "Steelworkers in America: The Nonunion Era," by David Brody, "Forging American Communism: The Life of William Z. Foster," 2nd edition, by Edward P. Johanningsmeier, "Labor Histories: Class, Politics, and the Working-Class Experience," edited by Eric Arnesen, Julie Greene, and Bruce Laurie, "Waterfront Workers: New Perspectives on Race and Class," edited by Calvin Winslow, "Cutting Edge: Technology, Information, Capitalism, and Social Revolution," edited by Jim Davis, Thomas Hirsch, and Michael Stack, "Capitalism and the Information Age: The Political Economy of the Global Communication Revolution," edited by Robert W. McChesney, Ellen Meiksins Wood, and John Bellamy Foster, "When We Were Good: The Folk Revival," by Robert Cantwell, "Swings and Misses: Moribund Labor Relations in Professional Baseball," by Kenneth M. Jennings, and "Ms. Mentor's Impeccable Advice for Women in Academia," by Emily Toth.
The article briefly reviews "Not One of the Family: Foreign Domestic Worker," edited by Abigail B. Baikan and Daiva Stasiulis, "The Ethics of the New Economy: Restructuring and Beyond," edited by Leo Groarke, "Working: Images of Canadian Labour, 1900-2000 = Travailler: Images de la vie ouvrière au Canada, 1900-2000," by Laszlo Barna, "Working People: An Illustrated History of the Canadian Labour," 4th edition, by Desmond Morton, "Counting for Nothing: What Men Value and What Women Are Worth," by Marilyn Waring, "Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale: Women in the International Division of Labour," by Maria Mies, "Rocking the Boat: Union Women's Voices, 1915-1975," by Brigid O'Farrell and Joyce L. Kornbluh, "Organized Labour and American Politics. 1894-1994: The Labor-Liberal Alliance," edited by Kevin Boyle, "The Pullman Strike and the Crisis of the 1890s: Essays on Labor and Politics," edited by Richard Schneirov, Shelton Stromquist, and Nick Salvatore, "Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century," 25th anniversary edition, by Harry Braverman, with a new introduction by John Bellamy Foster, "New Approaches to Disability in the Workplace," edited by Terry Thomason, John F. Burton, Jr., and Douglas E. Hyatt, "The State of Working America, 1998-99," edited by Lawrence Mishel, Jared Bernstein, and John Schmitt, " Island Stories: Unravelling Britain, Theatres of Memory," v. 2, by Raphael Samuel, edited by Alison Light, with Sally Alexander and Gareth Stedman Jones, "Shaping History: Ordinary People in European Politics, 1500-1700," by Wayne Te Brake, and "The Maquiladora Reader: Cross-Border Organizing Since NAFTA ," edited by Rachael Kamel and Anya Hoffman.
The article reports that the monument honouring the Canadian veterans of the Spanish Civil War is almost completed. On 4 December 1998, Spanish Civil War veterans from Canada, Britain, Demark, Israel, and the United States witnessed the unveiling of a plaque and eight stone columns near the provincial legislature in Victoria, BC.
In the wake of President Roosevelt's New Deal for labour in the us, the International Woodworkers of America (IWA) experienced tremendous growth in Oregon and Washington. Fearing the arrival of the IWA in BC, the provincial government enacted the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration (ICA) Act as a means to stanch the growth of militant industrial unionism. It was at the company town of Blubber Bay, BC, that the ICA Act was tested for the first rime as capital, labour, and the state struggled over the pith and substance of the new legistation. Drawing on the insights of critical legal theorists and neo-institutionalists, this article examines the multiple ways in which the state, law, and legal process shaped both the formation of the IWA and the nature of class struggle itself. In particular, it illustrates how the expansion of formal collective bargaining, as well as the age-old legal remedies available at common and criminal law, worked together to set limits and erect boundaries on collective working-class action and, in the end, forge a "responsible union."
A study is presented that deals with the unemployment problem in Europe. While the prevailing explanations of sources of unemployment - jobless growth, rigid labor markets, and the process of globalization - are rejected, it is argued that technological backwardness, slow growth, and investment rates are responsible for the high European unemployment rate. A change in the mix of economic policy implement in Europe is proposed in order to decelerate real interest rates and increase investments, GDP, and employment.
The article reviews the book, "Passive Smoke: The EPA's Betrayal of Science and Policy," by Gio B. Gori and John C. Luik.
The article reviews the book, "The End of Parliamentary Socialism," by Leo Panitch and Colin Leys.
The Montreal fur trade labour system was organized around indentured servitude, patemalism, and cultural hegemony. French Canadian labourers signed legal contracts promising to obey their master in exchange for board and wages. These legal contracts were overshadowed by "social contracts" which signified continual negotiating for fair working conditions. Although voyageurs did not challenge the structure of the master and servant relationship, they continually pushed at the boundaries of their rights as workers. They diminished master authority through a "counter-theatre" of resistance, which inctuded working slowly, complaining, stealing provisions, and desetting the service.
Resource type
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1940 and 1949 (372)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (630)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (1,016)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (1,005)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (2,168)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (1,745)