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The article reviews the book, "Human Resource Management: A Critical Text," edited by John Storey.
The article reviews the book "By the Sweat of the Brow: Literature and Labor in Antebellum America," by Nicholas K. Bromell.
The article reviews the book "Organized Labor in the Asia Pacific Region: A Comparative Study of Trade Unionism in Nine Countries," edited by Stephen Frenkel.
The article reviews the book, "Union-Management Relations in Canada," 3rd edition, by Morley Gunderson and Allen Ponak.
One of the prevailing concerns about compulsory interest arbitration is its possible effect on genuine collective bargaining. Numerous studies report overall settlement rates (i.e., the proportion of settlements achieve prior to the final impasse procedure) are lower in arbitration systems than in strike-based systems. A study attempts to provide a broader assessment of the effect of compulsory arbitration by calculating settlements rates for different settlement stages. Based on over 28,000 collective agreements negotiated in Ontario between 1982 and 1990, the results show that settlement rates were generally lower under arbitration. At the same time, settlement behavior varied considerably across arbitration systems. These differences are associated with specific institutional and organizational aspects in bargaining.
The article reviews the book "Learning History America: Schools, Cultures, and Politics," edited by Lloyd Kramer, Donald Reid and William L. Barney.
Les médias font régulièrement référence au taux très élevé de syndicalisation au Québec qui ferait de la province un château fort du syndicalisme en Amérique du Nord. Cette opinion est fondée sur les estimations de la densité syndicale fournie par le ministère du Travail du Québec dans sa publication annuelle Les relations du travail. Une analyse critique des sources et de la méthodologie utilisée par cet organisme montre que ses évaluations depuis le début des années 1980 ont tendance à surestimer fortement la syndicalisation. Les estimés fournis par Statistique Canada (CALURA et enquêtes) permettent une meilleure approximation du taux de syndicalisation qui se situerait à environ 41 % en 1992. Parmi les provinces canadiennes, le Québec est dans le peloton de tête avec la Colombie-Britannique, mais derrière Terre-Neuve. Ce taux relativement élevé le place au dixième rang parmi les pays industrialisés en 1989.
The article reviews the book, "Maynard Keynes: An Economist's Biography," by D. E. Moggridge.
The article reviews the book "Common Labour: Workers and the Digging of North American Canals 1780-1860," Peter Way.
This article discusses various and alternative forms of corporate strategy developed with respect to current industrial restructuring and transition towards flexible production. Corporate strategies are distinguished according the size of firms and their organizational structure. The point is not to establish an exhaustive typology of strategies but to elaborate the concept of variety in flexible organization of production and markets. For each type of corporate strategy four major options are analysed: interfirm networks, internal organization of production, labour market, and innovation. The article concludes that the strategic choices made by firms are influenced more by local socioeconomic factors than by global models which apply to all firms ' sites and operations.
The article reviews the book, "Les apprentissages du changement dans l'entreprise," by Nicole Fazzini-Feneyrol.
English title: New models of negotiations, dispute resolution and joint problem solving. Abstract: Conflicts, tension and disputes are at the heart of industrial relations. At the end of the day, understanding, preventing and finding solutions to them constitute the essential subject matter of industrial relations. This is nothing new, but what is new are the efforts of imagination and experimentation being made just about everywhere in the world to find new, effective means to achieve the very purpose of industrial relations, that is, the resolution of disputes. An evaluation of the results of these new methods is presented.
The article reviews the book, "On strong foundations: the BWIU and industrial relations in the Australian construction industry, 1942-1992," by Glenn Mitchell.
The article reviews the book "Against the Market: Political Economy, Market Socialism and the Marxist Critique," by David McNally.
The article reviews the book "Separate Spheres: Women's Worlds in the 19th-Century Maritimes," by Ian McKay.
The article reviews the books "A History of the French Working Class: The Age of Artisan Revolution 1815-1871," and "A History of the French Working Class: Workers and the Bourgeois Republic 1871-1839," by Roger Magraw.
The article reviews the book, "Industrialization and Labor Relations: Contemporary Research in Seven Countries," by Stephen Frenkel and Jeffrey Harrod.
The article reviews the book "A World Remembered 1925-1950," by Bernard Smith.
The article reviews thee book, "Workplace Industrial Relations and the Global Challenge," edited by Jacques Bélanger, P.K. Edwards and Larry Haiven.
Resource type
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1940 and 1949 (372)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (630)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (1,016)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (1,005)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (2,168)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (1,745)