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This article reviews "Issues in Business and Society : Reading and Cases" by William T. Greenwood.
This article reviews "Notions essentielles de comptabilité de gestion" by Pierre Maingaud.
This article reviews "Schedule, Cost and Profit Control with P.E.R.T." by Robert W. Miller.
This article reviews "Applications of Graph Theory to Group Structure" by Claude Flament.
This article reviews the report "Concentration in the Manufacturing Industries of the United States" by Ralph L. Nelson.
This article reviews the report "Emplois et gains dans les professions scientifiques et techniques, 1959-1962" by Hon. Allan MacEachen and George V. Haythorne, from the Ministère du Travail (Ottawa).
This article reviews "Instructor’s Manual for Use With Principles of Economics" by William P. Yoke.
This article reviews "L’entreprise et la culture générale" by P. Demarne, L. Meyer, J. Quinson, M. Raclot, and L. Salleron.
This article reviews "Les organigrammes" 2e édition, from the Entreprise Moderne d’Édition (Paris).
This article reviews "Poor Countries and Authoritarian Rule" by Maurice F. Neufeld.
This article reviews "Principles of Economics" Second Edition, by G.E. Ferguson and J.M. Kreps.
This article reviews "Problems of Employment in Economic Development" from the International Institute for Labour Studies, reprinted from International Labour Review.
This article reviews "Public Assistance, Too Much or Too Little?" by Duncan M. MacIntyre, from the Series : The Dimensions of Poverty and Its Remedies.
This article reviews "The Arts in Society" edited by Robert N. Wilson.
This article reviews "The Composition of Economic Activity" by Melvin A. Eggers and A. Dale Tussing.
This article reviews "The Economics of Health" by Herbert E. Klarman.
This article reviews "Values and Interests in Social Change" by Sister Marie Augusta Neal.
The following study constitutes a breakthrough in the field of behaviour sciences applied to labour-management relations. This paper is a description and an interpretation of the organizational pattern and the type of behaviour dynamics which emerged in the course of the experiment under the guidance of the Institute of Public Affairs at Dalhousie University.
Dans un article précédent, l'auteur s'est efforcé de dégager le climat nouveau dans lequel s'inscrivent les relations de travail en Europe. Dans la présente étude il tente de dégager, à même les systèmes européens de relations industrielles, les caractéristiques les plus significatives ainsi que les institutions de droit et de fait informant la négociation et la convention collective de travail et concourant à la paix industrielle dans les pays étudiés.
L'auteur se propose, dans la présente étude, de caractériser les changements survenus depuis la deuxième guerre mondiale dans les systèmes de relations industrielles des principaux pays de l’Europe occidentale. Il y insiste particulièrement sur l'évolution des contextes et des idéologies et leur incidence sur les structures et les fonctions des partenaires sociaux, patronats et syndicats. Les principaux pays étudiés sont la Grande-Bretagne, la France, l’Allemagne de l’Ouest, la Belgique, les Pays-Bas, la Suède et le Danemark.
Resource type
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1940 and 1949 (372)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (630)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (1,016)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (1,005)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (2,168)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (1,745)