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A vast number of criteria have been proposed as indicators of union democracy. Unfortunately, little agreement exists on the relative importance of those criteria. This article examines the interrelationships between several major components of union democracy: participation, electoral control, leadership responsiveness, and union control structure. Based on the results an integrated approach to union democracy is proposed.
Replaçant la procédure d'injonction dans son contexte sociologique en se référant aux caractéristiques essentielles du droit du travail, l'auteur préconise le rapatriement d'une procédure d'injonction modifiée dans la législation du travail et analyse les nouveaux pouvoirs accordés au Conseil canadien des relations du travail (CCRT) en matière d'ordre de ne pas faire (cease and desist order).
The deplorable exploitation of immigrant workers from the 1890s to the Depression is documented in this vivid account of Canada's early immigration policies. Transported by boxcar and often herded at gun point, these "men in sheepskin coats" were lured from Central and Eastern Europe by promises of shared wealth in a veritable promised land. Their backbreakaing labour in industry and agriculture directly furthered Canada's economic development, transportation lines, and land settlement. But their status, as detailed here with public records, newspaper accounts, and private correspondence was little above that of slave labour. Professor Avery records the immigrants' poor working conditions, bad pay, violent treatment at the hands of challenged authorities, and wholesale deportation when work became scrace. Recounted as well as their hostile reception by British Canadian, the government neglect of immigrant assimilation programs, and the workers' ultimate recourse to radical ethnic and political organization to better their lot. --Publisher's description
The present study attempts to assess the empirical relevance of Becker's theory of commitment to study organizational commitment among blue collar workers. The relative importance of demographic, background and job factors as possible predictors of organizational commitment are examined. The sample is drawn from packaging, power distribution and manufacturing industries in Canada. Stepwise multiple regression analysis is used to isolate the important predictors of organizational commitment.
In 1976, a group of women bankers decided to organize their workplace. The banks were enraged. When they decided to do it themselves, the big unions were upstaged. Over the next two years, nearly a thousand bank employees in western Canada participated in a unionizing drive that challenged not only the banks but organizated labour's approach to a workplace that they had long considered beyond their range of union activity. This is the story of the United Bank Workers of SORWUC (Service, Office and Retail Workers of Canada). With honesty and humour, the clerks and tellers of the UBW tell why they decided to take on the banks and what happened when they did. --Publisher's description
The purpose of this paper is to examine conflict in the bargaining context as it operates mainly in the United States, and then draw some broad inferences for the theory of conflict.
After a brief description of the I.L.O., this article summarizes the main events which led to the U.S. withdrawal, reviews precedents, then tries to explain the reasons for the U.S. withdrawal and lists its consequences.
This article reviews the book, "Les disparités régionales de la productivité et de la croissance au Canada," by L. Auer. This article reviews the book, "Regional Disparities of Productivity and Growth in Canada," by L. Auer.
The article reviews the books, "Essentials of Personnal Management," by Michel S. Novit, and "Personnel: The Management of Human Ressources," by Stephen P. Robbins.
This article reviews the book, "Organized Behavior: an Applied Psychological Approach," by Clay Hamner & Dennis W. Organ.
Après avoir proposé une définition du leadership et expliqué la différence entre dimension et style de leadership, l'auteur résume les principales études qui ont porté sur les dimensions du leadership et suggère une classification qui semble pouvoir intégrer les connaissances acquises jusqu'à maintenant. L'étude de quelques auteurs bien connus pour leurs écrits sur les styles de leadership permet ensuite de voir à quelles dimensions ces auteurs ont fait appel pour définir les styles dont ils nous parlent.
À la suite d'une description des différentes théories qui ont été avancées pour expliquer une relation possible entre la participation et la motivation, l'auteur soutient que ces théories pèchent souvent sur deux points majeurs: une définition trop vague de ce qu'est la participation et l'absence d'un modèle explicite de motivation au travail. Il s'attache donc à corriger ces déficiences et à démontrer par quels processus certaines formes de participation peuvent affecter chacune des trois composantes du modèle VIE (Expectancy) de motivation. La capacité que semble posséder ce modèle d'intégrer toutes les théories présentées au début de l'article fait ensuite l'objet d'une brève discussion.
This article reviews the book, "Mediation, an Annotated Bibliography," by E. Levin & D.V. De Santis.
This article reviews the book, "Labor and American Politics," by Charles M. Rehmus, Doris B. McLaughlin & Frederic H. Nesbitt, Revised.
Dans cet article, l'auteur analyse les principales modifications apportées au régime de négociation collective dans les secteurs public et para-public québécois. Après avoir affirmé que le rapport de force est au coeur même des relations du travail dans les sociétés industrielles et que la forme privilégiée que revêt l’institutionnalisation de ce rapport de force dans les pays occidentaux est la négociation collective, il s'interroge sur les conséquences de la transposition de ce mécanisme dans le secteur public. Il rappelle brièvement l'évolution historique de la négociation collective dans les secteurs public et para-public québécois et analyse la philosophie de base de la Commission créée en juillet 1977 par le gouvernement pour étudier le régime des négociations collectives en vigueur. Constatant que les principales modifications introduites par le législateur en juin 1978 s'inspirent de cette philosophie de base, il les situe par rapport aux positions exprimées par les parties syndicales et patronales devant la Commission et par rapport aux problèmes rencontrés dans les négociations antérieures.
This article reviews the book, "Spirits and Demons at Work: Alcohol and Other Drugs on the Job," by Harrison M. Trice & Paul M. Roman.
Cet article traite de l'éducation, de l'emploi et de l'utilisation de certains professionnels en contexte nord-américain.
History has traditionally taken the working man for granted, ignoring the fact that without his labour there would be no history. As this book shows, the history of working people in Canada is colourful, exciting and filled with many dramatic characters and events well worth discovering. Alberta Labour traces the growth of union organizations in Alberta like the Knights of Labour in the 1880s, the legendary Wobblies, the abortive One Big Union and finally the Alberta Federation of Labour, founded in 1912, which today represents and fights for the labouring men and women of the province. This history, the first of its kind, has been compiled from interviews with union members, original letters and documents, and contemporary newspapers and magazines. The text is illustrated with over 90 full-page photographs, most of them never published before, depicting labour at work in Alberta from its origins to the present day. --Publisher's description
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