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The bureaucratic model becomes more and more self-defeating in present time because it is highly inadequate to meet the challenges of the modem world. Literature on the alternative models of collective work is now available. These are also several highly encouraging practical experiences. Fewer and fewer people still trust that any substitute for bureaucracy is just unrealistic.
This thesis deals with the working class of two advanced capitalist countries and focuses upon ideological conflict within working class organizations such as trade unions and political parties. The outcome of such conflicts within working class organizations is considered to be an expression of the state of working class consciousness at a given time. Within this broad context particular attention is paid to the ideology of social democracy which has been dominant in working class organizations in both countries during the modern period albeit to different degrees. The thesis uses a comparative approach and pays considerable attention to the interaction between the working class and its societal environment- the political economies of the two countries, the activities of the capitalist class and the impact of its ideology upon the working class. Using this approach the thesis deals with the emergence of social democracy as the hegemonic working class ideology, its main features particularly as they were developed in the post-war period, the emergence of possible contradictions between social democratic parties and ideology, and their working class supporters, and, utilizing an historical analysis of previous ideological shifts in working class organisations, the possibility of social democracy being superceded in its hegemonic role is considered. In dealing with such matters the issues of nationalization and incomes policies were judged to be especially salient and are discussed in some detail. In the course of this study theories which posited an end to ideological conflict in the advanced capitalist societies are considered and rejected. The past, present and future of social democracy, of ideological conflict, and of the working class itself, was found to be considerably more dynamic, complex and open to change than such theories had imagined.
This study empirically evaluates current personnel practices in 216 Canadian firms. Specifically, 33 decision areas are considered in an attempt to determine the role of Canadian personnel departments in the organization's decision making process. Also evaluated is the possible impact of size, ownership and geographic differences on the level of involvement by personnel departments.
This article reviews the book, "Grèves et lock-out au Québec – 1978, Rapport annuel," by Services des études en relations et conditions de travail.
This article reviews the book, "The Economic Analysis of Trade Union," by Charles Mulvey, Glasgow Social & Economic Research Studies 5.
The Independent Labour Party of Manitoba was established in November 1920, mainly through the efforts of two English immigrants, F.J. Dixon and S.J. Farmer. Dixon was the I.L.P.'s first provincial house leader and Farmer was an I.L.P. M.L.A. from 1922 to 1949, as well as being Mayor of Winnipeg in 1923 and 1924. In their early years in Winnipeg both of them were strong supporters of Henry George's single tax doctrine and militant anti-socialists. This article has two purposes: first, to analyze the political ideas of Dixon and Farmer, and, secondly, to explore the influence of their Georgeite world view on the outlook of the early I.LP.
This article reviews the book, "The Health Care Business. International Evidence on Private Versus Public Health Care Systems," by Ake Blomqvist.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the rationale behind and provisions of a recent amendment to the Canada Labour Code, where the parties negotiating a first collective agreement are unable to reach agreement and have met all the legal requirements precedent to a strike or lockout, the Minister of Labour may direct the Labour Relations Board to inquire into the dispute and if advisable settle the terms and conditions of the first collective agreement. That agreement will be binding on the parties and in force for one year. The reactions of the organized labour and employers to this amendment are also discussed.
This article reviews the book, "The Making of the Crofting Community," by James Hunter.
The article reviews "Die Entstehung der Kommunistischen Partei Deutschlands. Überblick" by Heinz Wohlgemuth, "Die Hamburger Arbeiterbewegung vom Vorabend des Ersten Weltkrieges bis zur Revolution 1918/19, 2 Bande, Geistes — und Sozialwissenschaftliche Dissertationen, 37/1," by Volker Ullrich, "Novemberrevolution. Die Volkserhebung gegen den deutschen Imperialismus und Militarismus 1918/19," by Wolfgang Ruge, "Arbeiter- und Soldatenräte im rheinisch-westfälischen Industriegebiet: Studien zur Geschichte d. Revolution 1918/19 ," edited by Reinhard Rürup, "Zwei Formen von Radikalismus in der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung," by Erhard Lucas, "USPD: Zur Geschichte der Unabhängigen Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands," by Hartfrid Krause, "The Socialist Left and the German Revolution: A History of the German Independent Social Democratic Party, 1917-1922," by David W. Morgan, USPD und Internationale. Sozialistischer Internationalismus in der Zeit der Revolution," by Robert F. Wheeler, "Das Verhältnis der KPD zu den Gewerkschaften in der Weimarer," Republik, Schriftenreihe der Otto Brenner Stiftung 8, by Freya Eisner,"Arbeitslosigkeit und Rationalisierung. Die Lage der Arbeiter und die kommunistische Gewerkschaftspolitik 1920-1928," by Eva Cornelia Schöck, "Wie kam es zur RGO? Probleme der Gewerkschaftsen-wicklung in der Weimarer Republik von 1927 bis 1929," by Steffen Lehndorff, "Workers in Arms. The Austrian Schutzbund and the Civil War of 1934," by Ilona Duczynska, "Die Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands (SAP). Untergrund und Exit 1933-1945," by Jorg Bremer, "Economy and Class Structure of German Fascism," by Alfred Sohn-Rethel, "Arbeiterklasse und Volksgemeinschaft. Dokumente und Materialmen zur deutschen Arbeiterpolitik 1936-1939," Schriften des Zentralinstituts fur sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung der Freien Universitat Berlin Band 22 , by Timothy Mason, and "Sozialpolitik im Dritten Reich. Arbeiterklasse und Volksgemeinschaft," by Timothy Mason.
This article reviews the book, "Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe," by Peter Burke.
Dans le modèle explicatif proposé par March et Simon, l'hypothèse selon laquelle le niveau d'éducation des employés démontre une corrélation positive avec les taux de roulement volontaire est émise. Dans cet article, l'auteur examine un cas où l'effet contraire est observé, ce qui permet à l'auteur de remettre en question l'hypothèse de March et Simon, et de la remplacer par une notion plus nuancée.
Après avoir présenté le contenu et les principales recommandations du rapport d'un Comité technique sur les méthodes d'enquêtes du Bureau de recherche sur la rémunération (1978), les auteurs explorent une nouvelle approche de travail concernant la comparabilité de la rémunération entre les secteurs public et para-public et le secteur privé.
This article reviews the book, "Relations Industrielles," by Dimitri Weiss.
,,,The Amherst general strike resulted from the interaction of two broad historical processes which began prior to the First World War. First, the impact of the de-industrialization that accompanied the centralization of power and wealth in central Canada affected Amherst's working class in immediate terms as working conditions, wages, and living standards fell behind those of other Canadian workers. Particularly ominous for local workers were the signs pointing toward the complete economic collapse of the town. Second, the local labour movement, partly because of previous failures, began to move toward a more radical response to these economic developments. In 1919, the merging of these two forces forged a new working class solidarity in Amherst, which found expression in the rise of the Amherst Federation of Labor, the renewed interest in socialist ideas and, of course, the three week general strike. --From introduction
À la lumière des événements depuis dix ans, l'auteur passe en revue ce que l'on pensait des tendances prof ondes dans le système des relations professionnelles, alors que beaucoup étaient convaincus de l'existence d'un modèle de portée suffisamment générale pour que l'on puisse expliquer les cas déviants. Il se demande que vaut aujourd'hui ce modèle, quelles critiques il soulève, quelles corrections il faut lui apporter et quelles leçons de méthode on peut en tirer.
This study investigates the effects of strikes and strike length on negotiated wage settlements in Canada using a large body of individual contract data. The main novelty of the paper is the inclusion of both a strike/no strike dummy variable and the length of the strike if one occurred in an equation explaining wage changes. This allows for the possibility (and thus tests the hypothesis) that the occurrence or non occurrence of a strike and the length of the strike if one occurred have separate effects on the negotiated settlement.
This article reviews the books, "The Precipitous Path, Studies in Political Sects," by Roger O'Toole, and "RCMP, The Real Subversives," by Richard Fidler.
This article reviews the book, "Analyse empirique des décisions de rémunération de la Commission de lutte contre l’inflation," by David K. Foot & Dale J. Poirier.
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- Between 1940 and 1949 (380)
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