Full bibliography 12,979 resources
This article reviews the book, "The Priority of Labour. A Commentary on Laborem exercens, Encyclical Letter of Pope John Paul II," by Gregory Baum.
This article describes a macro/micro decision making model designed to aid the T/D specialist.
This article reviews the book, "Unemployment and Labour Force Behaviour of Young People : Evidence from Canada and Ontario," by F.T. Denton, A.L. Robb & B.G. Spencer.
L'auteur étudie les variables techniques et économiques qui influencent la structure et les stratégies des entreprises de construction. Des interviews auprès de quinze dirigeants d'entreprises de construction ont indiqué que la stratégie porte non seulement sur le choix d'une mission économique spécialisée mais surtout sur la confection d'une structure organisationnelle qui permet le retranchement, l'expansion, la formalisation et la contraction en fonction du contexte économique. À l'exception du noyau permanent, les ingénieurs et les ouvriers absorbent la variabilité de la demande.
This article reviews the book, "Index et résumés de sentences arbitrales de griefs, vol. 1 1970-1980," by Copland Limitée, service de gestion-conseil, division des relations du travail.
This paper presents the experience of Canadair-I.A.M. Productivity Improvement Plan.
Après avoir présenté la situation actuelle en regard des politiques de rémunération de la main-d'oeuvre dans les secteurs publics fédéral et québécois, l'auteur propose une nouvelle démarche en expliquant le modèle d'estimation des écarts de rémunération entre les secteurs public et privé.
This article reviews the book, "La langue et le revenu du travail à Montréal," by Jac-André Boulet.
This article reviews the book, "The Political, Economic and Labor Climate in the Philippines," by Jaime T. Infante.
This article reviews the book, "Labor-Management Cooperation. The American Experience," by Irving H. Siegel & Edgar Weinbert.
This article reviews the book, "Relations industrielles dans l’industrie de la construction du sud du Nouveau-Brunswick," by H.D. Woods. This article reviews the book, "Southern New Brunswick Construction Industry Industrial Relations," by H.D Woods.
An attempt is made here to show the conditions under which Austria, West Germany and Sweden have come closer than other countries in attaining the double objective offull employment and price stability. Answers appear to lie in the direction of Gross Domestic Product and the idea of a "Social Contract".
Publishes an address given by Tester at the Labour Panel of the Canadian Oral History Association, University of Ottawa, June 8-10, 1982. Discusses the value of oral labour history (he had in recent years collected 75 hours of tapes in 50 interviews) and the labour-industrial archives founded at Laurentian University. Argues that the Mine, Mill and Smelters union was locally controlled, unlike the Steelworkers, and that there was no Communist representation in the Sudbury leadership. (Note: Jim Tester (1913-1995) was a longtime Mine, Mill union member who was also prominent in the Sudbury labour movement.]
This article reviews the book, "An Impartial Umpire : Industrial Relations and the Canadian State 1900-1911," by Paul Craven.
This article reviews the book, "Les enseignants et le pouvoir : histoire de l’Alliance des professeurs de Montréal, les luttes syndicales et le développement social (1952-1958)," by Paulette Vigeant-Galley.
Cet article examine si l'enseignant est satisfait de son travail, s'il veut le quitter et quels sont les motifs les plus probables qui peuvent l'amener à le vouloir.
This article reviews the book, "Labour Law and Industrial Relations in Canada," by H.W. Arthurs, D.D. Carter & H.J. Glasbeck.
This article reviews the book, "Labour Law and Politics in the Weimar Republic," by O. Kahn-Freund.
This article reviews the book, "La qualité de la vie au travail. Regard sur l’expérience québécoise," by Maurice Boisvert & le groupe d’étude de travail des HEC.
Resource type
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Publication year
- Between 1800 and 1899 (4)
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1900 and 1909 (2)
- Between 1910 and 1919 (3)
- Between 1920 and 1929 (3)
- Between 1930 and 1939 (3)
- Between 1940 and 1949 (380)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (637)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (1,040)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (1,110)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (2,299)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (1,964)
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (2,140)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (2,527)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (837)
- Unknown (30)