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This article reviews the book, "Historical Directory of Trade Unions, Volume I : Non-Manual Unions," by Arthur Marsh & Victoria Ryan.
This article reviews the book, "L’Église d’ici et le social 1940-1960, 1. La Commission sacerdotale d’Études sociales," by Jacques Cousineau.
This article reviews the book, "L’évolution des systèmes de travail dans l’économie moderne," by Éditions du CNRS.
Jacob Lawrence Cohen was a prominent Canadian labour and civil rights lawyer in the 1930's and 1940's. Cohen was instrumental in negotiating a number of landmark labour disputes that helped pioneer legislation in Canada. He also defended a number of trade unionists, many of whom were Communist, imprisoned under the War Measures Act. His staunch defense of society's underdogs brought him a great deal of respect and notoriety. Cohen's career reflected many of the tensions of Canadian society in the period. The growth of industrial unionism, the development of progressive labour legislation and a growing fear of Communism, all touched him professionally and personally. His brilliant career ended abruptly in 1946 after his conviction of assault. His trial raises a number of questions about the judicial system. After a four year struggle in the courts, Cohen's law practice resumed in 1950 but he failed to regain his former prominence. He died in May 1950. J.L. Cohen had a great impact in developing and fighting for progressive labour laws to deal with the changing society of the 1930's and the 1940's. He was in the centre of a turbulent period in Canadian history as counsel in diverse and unpopular legal cases. Many of his struggles helped legitimize the aspirations of the labour movement and develop the legal and jurisdictional regulations that govern all trade unions today.
This paper extends and updates the research of Professor Jamieson on strike activity in British Columbia for the period 1945-1975.
We are apt to think of labour unions as a feature of a relatively advanced industrial society. It comes as a surprise to many to learn how long ago in Canadian history they actually appeared. Unions already existed in the predominantly rural British North America of the early nineteenth century. There were towns and cities with construction workers, foundry workers, tailors, shoemakers, and printers; there were employers and employees - and their interests were not the same. From this beginning Dr Forsey traces the evolutions of trade unions in the early years and presents an important archival foundation for the study of Canadian labour. He presents profiles of all unions of the period - craft, industrial, local, regional, national, and international - as well as of the Knights of Labor and the local and national central organizations. He provides a complete account of unions and organizations in every province including their formation and function, time and place of operation, what they did or attempted to do (including their political activity), and their particular philosophies. This volume will be of interest and value to those concerned with labour and union history, and those with a general interest in the history of Canada. --Publisher's description
The authors examine long term variations in the level of strike activity in Canada between 1926 and 1974 by examining the effects of several économie and organizational variables on the pattern of industrial conflict.
Today the giant Stelco steel mills in Hamilton are shut down, but in Canada’s turbulent labour history it was a place of protracted conflict between the stubborn, anti-union management of the company and the equally stubborn and militant Local 1005 of the Steelworkers Union. The story is a fascinating one – a microcosm of the larger labour/management struggles in Canada. Among the events the book explores includes: the battle from 1919 to 1944 to establish a union in the face of hostile management; the struggle for supremacy at 1005 between Communist and CCF factions; the 1946 strike for union recognition which became the post war showdown in Canada between unions and management; and the chaotic 1966 wildcat strike that tore the union apart. The book tells the story of Local 1005 and at the same time explores the nature of political life in a local union, and the social and economic forces that shaped the politics of the local. This is a book that describes how working people struggled to improve their lives, and in the process changed the history of the trade union movement and the nature of Canadian political life. --Publisher's description
This article reviews the book, "The Dynamics of Industrial Conflict, Lessons from Ford," by Henry Friedman & Sander Meredeen.
After having addressed the concept of tripartism and the issues of corporatism and incomes policies, the author examines the background to the imposition of controls and the subsequent tripartism debate. Finally, the author focuses on the main stages in the negociations over controls and tripartism, with particular reference to major shifts in CLC policy and strategy.
This article reviews the book, "Working People, An Illustrated History of Canadian Labour," by Desmond Morton & Terry Copp.
The author critically examines theoretical developments in industrial relations. Pluralism, the Systems approach and the radical perspectives are identified as the main contributions to the stream of thought in industrial relations theory.
The objective of this paper is to identify characteristics which distinguish first strike situations from other strike actions. It is based on both collective bargaining and conflict resolution litera- ture as well as the detailed analysis of a recent walkout by a public school teachers' union.
Job search theory has been offered in recent years as one explanation of unemployment. A key element of the theory requires that workers behave as if they operate on a reservation wage strategy. The authors verify this hypothesis.
This article reviews the book, "Chroniques impertinentes du 3ème (sic) Front commun syndical, 1979-1980," by François Demers.
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- Between 1940 and 1949 (380)
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