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This article reviews the book, "A Flannel Shirt and Liberty: British Emigrant Gentlewomen in the Canadian West, 1880-1914", edited by Susan Jackel.
L'auteur expose les grandes lignes des changements profonds apportes au Code du travail français par les lois Auroux en 1982. Il explicite les motivations qui éclairent leur présentation ainsi que l'accueil qui leur a été fait.
This article reviews the book, "Class, Power and Property: Essays on Canadian Society", by Wallace Clement.
This article reviews the book, "The Militancy of British Miners," by V.L. Allen.
This article reviews the book, "L'arbitrage des griefs et les infractions disciplinaires à caractère criminel," by Francine Gauthier-Montplaisir.
Cette étude passe en revue les modèles économiques usuels de détermination des avantages sociaux qui, pour la plupart, ont été développes et testes aux États-Unis. Elle présente des résultats d'estimation inédits pour le Canada et en tire un certain nombre d'implications pour les finances publiques, la politique économique et la compréhension du fonctionnement des marches du travail.
This article reviews the book, "Renewal in the Workplace : A Critical Look at Collective Bargaining," by Harry Antonides.
Trade unions were not criminal conspiracies in Canadian law prior to the passage of the Trade Unions Act. In a series of trials between 1854 and 1872 the Toronto criminal courts consistently failed to convict workers on evidence that would have warranted conviction had combinations to raise wages or lessen hours been considered to be criminal conspiracies. Analysis of the English case-law reveals a lack of judicial consensus that such combinations were criminal conspiracies, and in any event all such statements of law were merely obiter dicta. While such trade union purposes as raising wages could serve as evidence of combination, there was no criminal conspiracy in the absence of specific crimes.
This article reviews the book, "Work and Politics. The Division of Labor in Industry", by Charles F. Sabel.
L'annulation du congédiement pour raison de vice de procédure entraine-t-elle l'incapacité de l'employeur de procéder à un nouveau congédiement fonde sur les mêmes faits.
This article reviews the book, "Une majorité laborieuse. Les femmes qui gagnent leur vie, mais à quel prix," by Pat Armstrong & Hugh Armstong.
The authors critically reassess the standard view that Canada's skilled-unskilled wage differential has collapsed over the past four decades.
This article reviews the book, " Le droit du travail en pratique," by Yves Delamotte.
Sur la base d'une enquête menée en 1981 dans cinq municipalités d'union de la gauche situées dans la banlieue «rouge» de Paris, l'auteur examine le comportement d'une section cégétiste d'employés municipaux face à un maire communiste, comment la CGT agissait-elle dans une municipalité socialiste et comment réagit la CFDT.
The autors aim at ascertaining whether perceived organisational climate alone explains any significant portion of variance in work performance and to examine whether the concomitant entrance of selected sociodemographic variables yields any additional contribution in explaining performance.
This article reviews the book, "The Politics and Philosophy of Economics: Marxians, Keynesians, and Austrians," by T.W. Hutchison.
This article reviews the book, "Wages and Hours: Labor and Reform in Twentieth-Century America," by Ronnie Steinberg.
This article reviews the book, "Les grèves illégales dans les hôpitaux du Québec, 1977-1978," by Chantel Gagnon & Gérard Hébert.
This article reviews the book, "The Australian Council of Trade Unions," by C.D. Donn.
Text of the poem, "Keep Going."
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