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This article reviews "Public Employee Unionism : Structure, Growth, Policy" by Jack Stieber.
Dans cet article l’auteur examine d'abord si le phénomène de syndicalisation ne constitue qu'un feu de paille momentané ou s'il s'inscrit comme une vague de fond qui fauchera l'ensemble des universités canadiennes et américaines d'ici quelques années. Ensuite, l'auteur s'interroge sur la nature des revendications du corps professoral afin de savoir si celles-ci diffèrent de celles mises de l'avant par les autres syndicats.
This article reviews "Strike : A Live History, 1887-1971" by R.A. Leeson.
The poor and destitute have traditionally been ther esponsibility of municipalities in Canada.This responsibility became ananachronism with the mass industrial unemployment of the 1930's. Lacking the resources to provide relief alone, municipalities became dependent on help from the senior governments. Annual Relief Acts of the dominion government gave assistance, but stressed always municipal and provincial responsibility for relief. For the municipalities each new Act demanded both administrative and financial changes which had to be complied with in order to receive the badly needed help. Of all the three levels of government the municipalities bore the brunt of the unemployment problem of the 1930's. Local councils were in daily contact with the unemployed and their plight. Responsibility rested with them. Yet their inflexible and diminishing revenues did not allow them to take the initiative in solving the problem of unemployment. In British Columbia the problems of transients and of Vancouver City have absorbed most attention. Unknown or ignored is the impact of the depression years on the surrounding suburbs. In 1930 Vancouver's bedroom suburbs were Burnaby, North Vancouver City, North Vancouver District and West Vancouver. In the winter of 1932 to 1933, in the depth of the depression, the first three defaulted on bond payments and were taken over by a provincially appointed commissioner. West Vancouver in contrast retained solvency and hence local responsibility and control. The Dominion Acts were not designed to counteract the disparities between provinces and municipalities either in the incidence of unemployment or in their ability to cope with it. Burnaby, North Vancouver City and North Vancouver District were predominantly working class suburbs, many of whose residents and taxpayers lost their jobs. West Vancouver, by contrast, was a consciously middle class, residential suburb whose residents were much less susceptible to unemployment. As suburbs, unlike a city, have no major industries to compensate for non-payment of taxes by their residents, this basic occupational difference led to bankruptcy in Burnaby and North Vancouver City and District. The history of the attempts of these suburban councils to provide relief for the growing numbers of unemployed between 1929 and 1933 not only contrasts the difficulties of providing relief in working class and middle class suburbs, but also illustrates the problems that arose from insistence on municipal responsibility for relief. Daily contact with the growing numbers of unemployed and the obvious inadequacy of municipal and even provincial revenues convinced municipal officials in British Columbia that the dominion government should take control and assume responsibility for unemployment relief.They were not merely 'passing the buck'. The worldwide nature of the depression supported their contention that unemployment was not a local problem with a local solution. Neither the provincial nor dominion governments would accept primary responsibility for relief. Only in the municipalities which wentbankrupt was a senior government forced to assume responsibility and take control.
What was the Depression like? This book is made up of memories of it, memories collected by Barry Broadfoot from more than 600 men and women all across Canada. Although the stories they tell are true, anyone too young to remember the Depression will find them almost unbelievable. The Depression - as all its survivors know - was a time when unbelievable things happened regularly.... --Publisher's description
Leonard Hutchinson: Ten Years of Struggle is the first book in a series to be published by NC Press, collectively entitled Toward a People's Art. The series follows on the general study of our culture, The History of Painting in Canada: Toward a People's Art, and was conceived because NC Press, as Canadian Liberation Publishers, recognizes the need for a whole series of such books on our arts. There is a far vaster heritage of people's art in Canada than can be contained within the pages of one book. --From introduction
In this paper the author examines the implications of the licensing regulations of physicians in Canada.
Collective bargaining in Canada is undergoing strains today, as it has in different circumstances, which are challenging the process and are causing responsible people to question whether it can be improved or should be replaced.
This paper deals with some of the basic problems created by the adoption of collective bargaining procedures by faculty at Canadian colleges and universities.
This article reviews "Confrontation at Winnipeg: Labour, Industrial Relations and the General Strike," by David Jay Bercuson.
Trente ans se sont écoulés depuis qu'à l'occasion de la grève chez Ford Motor à Windsor, le juge Ivan C. Rand a rendu une décision arbitrale célèbre. L'auteur retrace l'origine de la formule Rand et montre comment celle que Von connaît aujourd'hui a été émasculée de certains de ses éléments essentiels.
Ainsi que nous l'avions fait dans le dernier numéro de Relations industrielles au sujet des « Mouvements du personnel dans l’entreprise » 1, nous présentons ici les définitions d'un certain nombre de termes relatifs au personnel extraits de notre ouvrage en préparation, le Dictionnaire canadien des relations du travail.
This article reviews "Les entreprises multinationales et la politique sociale" by the Bureau international du travail (Genève).
This article reviews "Petit dictionnaire de droit québécois et canadien" by Me Dominique Pagé.
This article reviews "Recommandations internationales sur les statistiques du travail" by the Bureau international du travail (Genève).
The article reviews the book, "Years of Hard Labour," by Morden Lazarus.
Assess the elements of a national industrial strategy with emphasis on manufacturing and services.
[The author] has undertaken to prove incorrect the notion previously widely held that the labour movement militancy associated with modern Quebec was a feature born in the post-World War II period, By examing, through the tradition of oral history, several strikes in the thirties and forties in transportation, textiles and other important industries, and by recording the impressions and feelings of some of the surviving strikers, whether leaders or rank-in-file militants, she captures the mood of the period. --Publisher's description, Translation of: Dans le sommeil de nos os [: quelques grèves au Québec de 1934 à 1944] (1971). Contents: Preface to the English edition (pages 11-14) -- Preface to the French edition (pages 15-18) -- The Basic Picture (pages 19-27) -- The Foreigners' Strike (pages 28-42) -- The Shmata Strikes (pages 43-49) -- The "Bleuets" Strikes (pages 70-77) -- The Tramway Strikes (pages 78-100) -- The Sky Will Be Red Hot (pages 101-127) -- Epilogue (pages 128-130) -- Appendix: The Choice of Conflicts and the Framework of the Study (pages 131-145).
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