Full bibliography 12,979 resources
This article reviews the book, "The Intellectuals on the Road to Class Power: A Sociological Study of the Role of the Intelligentsia in Socialism," by George Konrád and Iván Szelényi.
This article reviews the book, "Canada and War, A Military and Political History," by Desmond Morton.
À l'occasion de son congrès annuel tenu à Ottawa en juin 1982, le président sortant de l'A.C.R.L, le professeur Gérard Hébert, a présenté la distinction de l'association dans les termes suivants.
Some of the most highly developed tripartite Systems have been established in the Scandinavian countries, in Holland and in Belgium. The difficulties in implementing such a System in Canada are examined.
This paper provides a detailed review ofthe empirical studies that have attempted to disaggregate the observed earnings differentials between men and women into discriminatory and non-discriminatory components. It also examines the existing public policy on equal pay including the equal value/comparable worth concept. A U.S.-Canada perspective is used to see if the two countries have dealt differently with the problem they commonly face.
This article reviews the book, "Émotivité et efficacité au travail," by Eugène Houde.
The purpose of the study is to empirically verify the Marxian proposition that increased (decreased) control and decreased (in-creased) professional incentives bear a positive (negative) relation to alienation; and to look for possible differences between Canadian and American engineers with regard to the relationship between alienation and control-incentive structure.
This article reviews the book, "Le partage de l’emploi, vers une société sans chômage," by Bernard Delplanque.
The author uses information obtainedfrom the unpublished conciliation records of the ACAS régional office in Scotland to look at some of the potential influences on the likelihood of a trade union successfully obtaining récognition under these provisions. Three sets of influence are applied using correlation analysis.
Resource type
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- Book Section (267)
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- Thesis (514)
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Publication year
- Between 1800 and 1899 (4)
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1900 and 1909 (2)
- Between 1910 and 1919 (3)
- Between 1920 and 1929 (3)
- Between 1930 and 1939 (3)
- Between 1940 and 1949 (380)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (637)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (1,040)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (1,110)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (2,299)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (1,964)
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (2,140)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (2,527)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (837)
- Unknown (30)