Full bibliography 12,977 resources
This article reviews the book, "International Socialism and Australian Labour: The Left in Australia, 1919-1930," by Frank Farrell.
The article reviews and comments on "The Polish August: The Self-Limiting Revolution," by Neal Ascherson, "The Alternative in Eastern Europe," by Rudolf Bahro, "At The Lenin Shipyard: Poland and the Rise of the Solidarity Trade Union," by Stan Persky, and "The Road to Gdansk: Poland and the U.S.S.R.," 2nd edition, by Daniel Singer.
Cet article examine l'utilisation et l'efficacité des méthodes de gestion de conflit interpersonnel utilisées par les doyens d'université avec leurs directeurs de département et les professeurs de leur faculté. L'auteur discute les implications théoriques de l'étude pour la gestion des conflits ainsi que les implications pratiques pour l'administrateur.
Le règlement, qui a un effet rétroactif au 18 février 1982, contient des directives concernant la stabilisation des traitements dans le secteur public. Il précise de quelle manière ces directives sont appliquées ceci comprenant la détermination du début de la période de contrôle. Pour la première période de contrôle qui est de 12 mois, le maximum suggéré d'augmentation est de 6% avec des variations maximales de plus 4% ou de moins 6% selon les traitements qui ont été accordés au groupe concerné par le passé et selon des circonstances spéciales telles que définies. Pour la seconde période de contrôle, qui est normalement de la même longueur, le taux maximum suggéré est de 5% avec des variations maximales de plus 4% ou de moins 5% selon le niveau d'inflation, les traitements accordés dans le passé et des circonstances spéciales. Il n'y a pas d'augmentation pour les cadres supérieurs.
This article reviews the book, "The Unemployment of Youth: The Importance of Education for their Adjustment in the Canadian Labour Market," by Joya Sen.
This thesis originated in my curiosity over the last decade or more, as to the fate of the "golden age" of labour radicalism in Winnipeg after the First World War. As a radical and trade unionist I wanted to understand why this radicalism declined so drastically over the half century to the leve1s it existed in the city's unions in 1969 when I first got involved in the labour movement. The logical place to start looking for answers was the decade following the general strike and preceding the depression of the thirties. In researching and writing this thesis I have found some answers, although they have seldom been simple, about the effects of the twenties on union radicalism. The task has been made more difficult and at the same time more stimulating by the almost total lack of work by labour historians on the twenties. To the extent that the period has been dealt with at all it was as a prelude to the great depression and the rise of the C.I.O. in Canada, or as a postscript to work on labour and radicalism before and during the post war upsurge and in Winnipeg, the general strike...
This article reviews the book, "British Labor and the American Civil War," by Philip S. Foner.
This article reviews two books: "Embattled Shadows: A History of Canadian Cinema," by Peter Morris, and "John Grierson: A Documentary Biography," by Forsyth Hardy.
Un article de la revue Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française, diffusée par la plateforme Érudit.
This article reviews the book, "Urban Complex of an Industrial City," by Jugendra Sahai.
The article reviews the book, "Bitter Harvest, a History of Californian Farmworkers, 1870-1941," by Cletus E. Daniel.
British Columbia has an undistinguished history of racial discrimination against ethnic minorities, most notably against "Asiatics", such as the Chinese, the Japanese and East Indians. Members of these "visible" minorities were allowed into the province in the past as cheap labo
The judges lack the intimate knowledge of the very dynamic process of industrial relations and collective bargaining. For these reasons...the new labour code has removed the court's jurisdiction over labour disputes...The new law seeks an administrative rather than a judicial solution to labour disputes
Resource type
- Audio Recording (1)
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- Book (766)
- Book Section (267)
- Conference Paper (1)
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- Encyclopedia Article (23)
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- Report (151)
- Thesis (514)
- TV Broadcast (3)
- Video Recording (9)
- Web Page (61)
Publication year
- Between 1800 and 1899 (4)
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1900 and 1909 (2)
- Between 1910 and 1919 (3)
- Between 1920 and 1929 (3)
- Between 1930 and 1939 (3)
- Between 1940 and 1949 (380)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (637)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (1,040)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (1,110)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (2,299)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (1,964)
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (2,140)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (2,526)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (836)
- Unknown (30)