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The article reviews the book, "Management And Labour In Europe," by Christel Lane.
Rebutts Charles Bergquist's critique of historical methods of Latin American labour history, published in the Spring 1990 edition of the journal. Defends "new" labour interpretations of working class experience and class consciousness, although it is acknowledged that some studies were excessively particularistic. Argues that there is no historical norm or law of economic development. Concludes that Bergquist's approach to the study of class consciousness and economic development in Latin America is mistakenly "essentialist," that new social historical methods can be usefully applied, and that comparative studies of labour that include North America or Europe with Latin America are valid.
The article reviews the book, "The Economics Of Comparable Worth," by Mark R. Killingsworth.
The article reviews the book, "Irish Emigration and Canadian Settlement: Patterns, Links and Letters," by Cecil J. Houston and William J. Smyth.
The article reviews the book, "Trade Unions and Socialist Politics," by John Kelly.
This is the first comprehensive work in the field of Canadian women's legal history. Author Constance Backhouse, an internationally-recognized authority on Canadian women's legal history, has compiled here the most important of her decade's worth of research. This highly-readable book highlights the status of women through in-depth case profiles of individual women who were swept up into the 19th century legal process as litigants, accused criminals and witnesses. The cases span the country, providing information about all the common law provinces as well as Quebec. --Publisher's description(Osgoode Society)
This essay explores the nature of the relationship between police and workers using the 1906 strike of Lethbridge coalminers as a case study. Following a discussion of relevant literature and theoretical frameworks it examines in detail the relationship between the Lethbridge strikers and the Mounted Police. This interaction was extremely complex with each party having an influence on the other. Consequently, no definitive conclusion can be drawn as to the interpretative debate between pluralist theory and class cortflict theory insofar as police-striker relations are concerned.
Pays homage to the life and work of Margaret Benston, an influential writer on women, science, and technology who taught chemistry, computer science and women's studies at Simon Fraser University, Benston also was a labour activist and helped to found feminist community-music ensembles in Vancouver.
Industrial relations concepts are synthesized in order to make explicit the underlying values of industrial relations at a particular stage of its development. It is argued that industrial relations' underlying value is the human essence of labor as a commodity or factor of production and labor's right to equity in the employment relationship. Labor's human essence and employment equity are seen as the defining themes of industrial relations. Labor problems arise out of the adverse effects of industrialism on the human condition. Industrial relations' problem-solving aims to ameliorate these effects through applications of the equity principle in the employment relationship. Leading concepts of industrial relations are structured in a sort of logic or sequence of propositions that are summarily stated in the form of a syllabus as an expository device.
Au-delà du comportement individuel, l'absence s'inscrit dans une dynamique sociale. À partir d'une étude de terrain dans une grande entreprise québécoise, cet article associe le phénomène des absences brèves et autorisées à un modèle de contrôle du travail caractérisé par l'autonomie ouvrière et une relation de coopération sur le plancher de production. La gestion des absences était l'une des composantes de la relation d'échange entre le superviseur et les subordonnés, ce qui permettait d'atténuer les effets de l'absence et d'évacuer toute dimension conflictuelle. De façon générale, l'absence de courte durée représentait toujours une source d'incertitude, mais son effet sur la productivité était très faible.
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