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Le modèle des ancres de carrière proposé par Schein en 1978 est considéré comme une contribution majeure pour comprendre les cheminements de carrière des individus. En fait, cette théorie repose sur le postulat implicite selon lequel un individu ne posséderait qu’une seule ancre dominante. Ce phénomène de dominance est encore appelé « différenciation ». Aussi, de nombreux chercheurs en déduisent-ils qu’il faut ne retenir que l’ancre de carrière ayant le score le plus élevé pour opérationnaliser ce concept de dominance ou de différenciation. Pourtant certains individus pourraient posséder plusieurs ancres élevées, ce qui pose la question de la multiplicité des ancres, ici appelée « indifférenciation ». S’appuyant sur un échantillon de 900 ingénieurs québécois, cette étude montre que « l’indifférenciation » est plus fréquente qu’on ne le pense, qu’elle n’est pas un phénomène pathologique et qu’elle permet de mieux cerner un cheminement de carrière mal connu, soit le cheminement hybride.
The article reviews the book, "Working Like a Homosexual: Camp, Capital, Cinema," by Matthew Tinkcom.
The article reviews and comments on "The Tramp in America" by Tim Creswell, "Citizen Hobo: How a Century of Homelessness Shaped America" by Todd DePastino, and "Indispensable Outcasts: Hobo Workers and Community in the American Midwest, 1880-1930" by Frank Tobias Higbie.
The article reviews the book, "Initiative individuelle et formation," edited by Fabienne Berton, Mario Correia, Corinne Lespessailles and Madeleine Maillebouis.
The article reviews the book, "Third-Sector Development: Making Up for the Market," by Christopher Gunn.
The article reviews the book, "Responsabilité sociale d’entreprise et finance responsable : quels enjeux ?," edited by Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay and David Rolland.
The article reviews the book, "Travail, organisation et santé : le défi de la productivité dans le respect des personnes," by Alain Vinet.
The article reviews the book, "Formidable Heritage: Manitoba's North and the Cost of Development 1870 to 1930, by Jim Mochoruk.
The article reviews the book, "Gurus, Hired Guns, and Warm Bodies: Itinerant Experts in a Knowledge Economy," by Stephen R. Barley and Gideon Kunda.
The article reviews the book, "When Coal Was King: Ladysmith and the Coal-Mining Industry on Vancouver Island," by John R. Hinde.
Citizenship in work is a continuous process of sustaining and fighting for just social rights. The argument here is that currently a major impediment to this democratic process at work is the practical and ideological imposition of economic liberal policy, conceived for and by dominant class interests. This article discusses the idea of citizenship, its antithesis economic liberalism and its synthesis Keynesianism and the welfare state. Then it asks what these and other ideas bring to the debate about citizenship and work in a global society?
The article reviews the book, "New Jersey Dreaming: Capital, Culture, and the Class of '58. Ortner, Sherry B.
Dave Kashtan, who was born in 1912, reminisces about his life and times in as a young Communist activist in Montreal in the late 1920s and 1930s, during which he visited the Soviet Union and was also jailed for a year for allegedly seditious remarks made at a public meeting in Montreal. Published posthumously, Kashtan's memoir (entitled "Living in One's Time") is introduced and edited by Kirk Niergarth.
Globalization has been accompanied by a decline in unionization; however, while globalization presents extremely serious challenges to unions, globalization does not necessarily result in weakened unions. It is important for unions to identify and utilize ways to increase and leverage union power that are responsive to the pressures of globalization. Companies frequently introduce training during restructuring efforts aimed at remaining competitive in a global environment. This paper describes a joint union-management training program which offers an example of a pro-active union approach to joint training initiatives. The training took place in early 2004 in a typical paper mill in central Wisconsin. While the training was designed and undertaken in response to various competitive pressures, the content of the training was primarily determined by employee focus groups. The training design is examined against criteria for successful union involvement in joint ventures. The paper argues that, while joint ventures typically address management's production concerns at the expense of labor, a pro-active union can work to ensure that benefits also accrue to the union. Recent literature on union power in a globalized economy suggests that this training model could be used in other industries to enhance union knowledge and power.
The article discusses communism in Canada. The study of communism is stated to have generated less new work and little controversy. Issues concerning bureaucratism of Comintern, Stalinization and transformation of the Left in 1920s are explored by comparing the political histories of Maurice Spector and James P. Cannon. In late 1928, Spector and Cannon abandoned Stalinism and embraced Trotskyism. The efforts made by Spector and Cannon to keep alive the revolutionary potential of Bolshevism highlights the importance of the subjective realm in the construction of a left opposition.
Le travail atypique se caractérise par d’importantes disparités de traitements entre les personnes effectuant, au sein d’une même entreprise, des tâches semblables mais ayant des statuts d’emploi différents. Le présent article tente d’établir si le statut d’emploi peut être considéré comme un élément constitutif de la condition sociale au sens de l’article 10 de la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne. Pour ce faire, nous analyserons l’évolution jurisprudentielle de la notion de condition sociale en nous penchant tant sur l’interprétation des tribunaux de droit commun que sur celle du Tribunal des droits de la personne, nous identifierons les éléments objectifs et subjectifs du travail précaire et nous questionnerons l’interprétation de la notion de condition sociale proposée par la Commission des droits de la personne.
The article reviews the book, "Making Men, Making Class: The YMCA and Workingmen, 1877-1920," by Thomas Winter.
The article reviews the book, "Keeping Up with the Dow Joneses: Debt, Prison, Workfare," by Vijay Prashad.
While there is a strong logic favouring co-operation, it faces a central problem: the "free rider" or "cheat." Collectives find ways of promoting norms of solidarity and seek regulation to prevent free riding. Around two-fifths of Australian employees covered by collective agreements are free-riding non-members. Evidence suggests that the recent growth of free riding reflects institutional changes and not the decline of co-operative values and the ascendancy of individualism. The Canadian solution to the cheating problem, which is the Rand formula, inspired Australian unions to introduce (excessive) "agency fees" into collective agreements. These were eventually stopped by the state. Alternative models include "social obligation fees" - provisions for employees covered by the agreement to make a contribution to a voluntary organization of their choice.
This paper examines the implementation of a model of systematic individualisation of the employment relationship by a large multinational corporation in Australia, operating with the support of a pro-corporate state, and the nature and effects of resistance. Principally through interviews with affected workers, we show how the symbolic and the real effects of employment practices, relational practices and informational practices were all aimed at removing freedom of association and replacing it with uncontested, union-free managerial control. We consider how workers and their families were affected by these strategies and how they and their union responded. // Cet article examine la mise en place d'un modèle systématique d'individualisation de la relation d'emploi par une grande multinationale australienne, cela avec le support d'un gouvernement partialement favorable au patronat. La nature et l'impact de la résistance des travailleurs syndiqués sont également mis à jour. Nous montrons, principalement à l'appui des témoignages des travailleurs en cause, comment les effets réels ou symboliques des pratiques d'emploi, ceux des pratiques relationnelles et informationnelles ont été utilisés de concert pour dénier la liberté d'association et la remplacer par un contrôle gestionnaire incontestable et exempt de présence syndicale. Nous relatons comment les travailleurs et leurs familles ont souffert de ces stratégies patronales et comment leur syndicat a rétorqué.
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Publication year
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (1,784)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (1,811)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (557)