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The railway boom in mid-nineteenth century British North America added a new occupational group to the working class of the area—the men in the 'running trades' who operated the trains. By the mid-eighteen eighties, these men had become members of trade unions, the 'railway brotherhoods,' which had their headquarters and most of their members in the United States. These unions were the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, the Order of Railway Conductors, and the Brotherhood of Railroad Brakemen (which became the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen in 1889). This 'Americanization' of the running trades in Canada had several causes, including a tendency for Canadian railroaders, like industrial workers elsewhere, to think in international terms when it came to unionization. Clearly, however, certain differences between Canada and the United States, and the presence of the border itself, might make it difficult at times for the international brotherhoods to serve adequately the needs of their Canadian members. This study examines their efforts in this regard. The approach is basically chronological. The period examined is from approximatley the middle of the nineteenth century to the outbreak of the World War in 1914, and covers several major areas: the entry of the brotherhoods into Canada and expansion afterwards; the elimination of rival organizations; relations with Canadian governments and railway managements; and the administration of the brotherhoods' Canadian wings....
Prairie Forum is a multidisciplinary journal serving as an outlet for research relating to the Canadian Plains region. Papers published in the journal are drawn from a wide variety of disciplines but are united through the common theme of human behaviour and nature on the Prairies. The journal’s focus is thus essentially a regional one. The Prairies have traditionally been regarded as a significant unit in the fabric of Canada, but research on this region has frequently been fragmented through being conducted on a provincial basis. Prairie Forum attempts to reduce this fragmentation by bridging both geographic and disciplinary boundaries. --Website description
The author examines the recent developments in worker participation in the context of overall patterns in industrial relations. In Europe, it appears as a complement to traditional patterns, an attempt to decentralize influence. Efforts toward worker control are likely to have limited appeal in places such as the United States and Britain where labour perceives industrial relations as already fairly decentralized.
Arbitrage d'un différend entre la Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited et l'Union Internationale des United Automobile, Aircraft and Agricultural Implement Workers of America {U.A.W.-C.LO.)
If, as Sir Wilfrid Laurier said, the twentieth century would be the century of Canada, by the end of the first decade of the new century it was already apparent that it would not be the century of the Canadian working man. The twentieth century ushered in the great Canadian boom.The twentieth century ushered in the great Canadian boom. And boom conditions produced a boom psychology. Nothing could stop Canada. Incredible industrial expansion; two new transcontinental railways pushing across the West; seemingly unstoppable floods of capital and immigrants pouring into the country; these were the hallmark of the decade. Indeed, everyone seemed to be prospering. Everyone, that is, but the Canadian worker. To him the twentieth century ushered in no new changes - or at least, no changes for the better. His conditions of work were still appalling, and his wages--though somewhat higher--could not keep up with spiralling living costs. Indeed, the influx of hundreds of thousands of hungry, penniless immigrants even made it difficult to hold a job. And what jobs? Stuffy, unventilated factories; sixty hours a week; back-breaking work; all for a dollar a day. These were the conditions of work for the men, women and children of Canada. And a dollar a day was considered excellent pay for the thousands of boys and girls, some not yet in their teens, who were forced to find jobs. --Introduction
The Communist Party in Canada is the first thorough study of a political party whose limited size and position outside the mainstream of politics have not lessened its impact and the interest it has aroused among Canadians for over sixty years. Drawing on Communist sources in several languages, Ivan Avakumovic outlines the party's ups and downs from its origins at the turn of the century through to the present day, traces its connects with the American and Russian Communist parties, and describes its internal organization, its policies and tactics, its attitude to the rest of the left wing and other political parties, to labour groups, police, and the general public. Here is an objective, scholarly description, with appeal for the historian and the general reader. --Publisher's description
The Marxian System [of economics] has been universally proclaimed to be dynamic. It is therefore of some importance to discover that the analytical framework is static, that it cannot be modified easily, and that it has led to a very wrong conclusion which has been embedded in Marxian thinking. --Author's introduction
In this paper, the author concludes that the collective bargaining model will be able to preserve the most vital features of the intellectual community.
This article reviews "Le management d’aujourd’hui, Savoir organiser, Savoir décider" by Gérald Lefebvre.
This article reviews "Motivation and Commitment" by Dale Yoder and Herbert G. Heneman.
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