Full bibliography 12,979 resources
This article reviews the book, "Prairie Capitalism: Power and Influence in the New West," by John Richards and Larry Pratt.
Introduces three documents from the Stanyan Ropeworks in Halifax from the 1840s: terms of an indentured apprenticeship; terms and regulations of the Stanyan Ropeworks; and payroll lists. Provides a history of the establishment, which was founded in 1826-27 by merchant capitalists Temple and Lewis Piers, who recruited Scottish spinners and their families to serve as the workforce. The business closed in the mid-1850s shortly after it was sold. Concludes that the documents are indicative of a key transitional stage between the 18th century artisanal workshop and the Victorian factory.
This article reviews the book, "Socialism in Canada: A Study of the CCF-NDP in Federal and Provincial Politics," by Ivan Avakumovic.
Discusses papers given at the conference, Class and Culture: Dimensions of Canada's Labour Past, held at McGill University, March 7-8, 1980. Highlights the contrasting views of David Bercuson and Gregory Kealey on class and culture. Argues that there should have been greater focus at the conference on the relationship between class and culture, including a theoretical analysis of the concept of working-class culture. Comments on papers on the Cape Breton and Alberta mining industries, ethnicity and class, the role and practice of the legal system in the 18th and 19th centuries, and social structure and mobility in rural Canada. Concludes that, overall, the conference was a great success.
In March 1892, the conductors and trainmen's unions on the CPR's Western Division won a week-long strike and a signed contract, the first on the CPR. The walk-out was forced upon the unions by company president Van Home's decision to drive them off the CPR by administering "loyalty" oaths to company trainmen and conductors. During the strike, the company's extensive use of anti-American propaganda against the two international unions made the question of international unionism a key issue in the dispute. The unions won the strike because almost all the conductors and trainmen on the Eastern Division heeded the strike call, contrary to Van Home's expectations, and because they proved, by shutting down adjacent divisions, that they could turn the strike into a nationwide tie-up if necessary. Recognizing that breaking the strike under these circumstances would be unnecessarily costly. Van Home capitulated. The strike is historically significant, first, because it marked the beginning of modem union recognition and collective bargaining on the cpr — and subsequently on other Canadian railways — and second, because it noticeably strengthened the position of international craft unions on Canadian railways.
The article reviews and comments on "A Shopkeeper's Millennium: Society and Revivals in Rochester, New York, 1815-1837," by Paul E. Johnson, "Crusade in the City: Revivalism in Nineteenth Century Philadelphia," by Marion L. Bell, "Transatlantic Revivalism: Popular Evangelicalism in Britain and America, 1790-1865," by Richard Carwardine, "Religion and Respectability: Sunday Schools and Working Class Culture, 1780-1850," by Thomas W. Laqueur, "Revivals, Awakenings and Reform: An Essay on Religion and Social Change in America, 1607-1977," by William G. McLoughlin, "Gospel Hymns and Social Religion: The Rhetoric of Nineteenth-Century Revivalism," by Sandra S. Sizer, "Rockdale: The Growth of an American Village in the Early Industrial Revolution," by Anthony F.C. Wallace, "Vision of the Disinherited: the Making of American Pentecostalism," by Robert M. Anderson, and "The Second Coming: Popular Millenarianism, 1780-1850," by J.F.C. Harrison.
This article reviews the book, "Ethnic Radicals," edited by J. Donald Wilson and Jorgen Dahlie.
This article reviews the book, "Marxism and Literature," by Raymond Williams.
This bibliography continues the work of the Bulletin of the Committee on Canadian Labour History in attempting to present a record of books, theses, articles, and related materials produced in the year preceding this volume (i.e., 1979). Through some warp in time, however, the Committee has yet to present the 1978 bibliography. Readers will therefore find one 1979 bibliography, one 1978 bibliography, and a third section entitled "Update in Labour Bibliography." [Note: See also the database, Canadian Labour History, 1976-2009, published at Memorial University of Newfoundland.] --Compiler's introduction
English/French abstracts of articles in the issue.
English/French abstracts of articles in the issue.
En 1979, au congrès de Saskatoon, le professeur Stuart Jamieson avait reçu, à l'occasion de sa retraite comme professeur à l'Université de Colombie Britannique, une mention d'honneur pour sa contribution à la recherche en relations industrielles au Canada. Suite à ce précédent, l'Association décida d'établir une distinction annuelle de l'A.C.R.I. La première fut décernée le 2 juin 1980, lors de l'assemblée annuelle de l'association, au professeur Harry Douglas Woods. Voici le texte de présentation du président de l'A.C.R.I., le professeur Gérard Hébert. Le texte de présentation est reproduit ci-dessous.
Resource type
- Audio Recording (1)
- Blog Post (5)
- Book (767)
- Book Section (267)
- Conference Paper (1)
- Document (6)
- Encyclopedia Article (23)
- Film (7)
- Journal Article (11,083)
- Magazine Article (55)
- Map (1)
- Newspaper Article (5)
- Podcast (11)
- Preprint (3)
- Radio Broadcast (6)
- Report (151)
- Thesis (514)
- TV Broadcast (3)
- Video Recording (9)
- Web Page (61)
Publication year
- Between 1800 and 1899 (4)
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1900 and 1909 (2)
- Between 1910 and 1919 (3)
- Between 1920 and 1929 (3)
- Between 1930 and 1939 (3)
- Between 1940 and 1949 (380)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (637)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (1,040)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (1,110)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (2,299)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (1,964)
Between 2000 and 2025
- Between 2000 and 2009 (2,140)
- Between 2010 and 2019 (2,527)
- Between 2020 and 2025 (837)
- Unknown (30)