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The article reviews the book, "Unions And Communities Under Siege: American Communities And The Crisis Of Organized Labor," by Gordon L. Clark.
Cet article s'intéresse aux salariés non familiaux du secteur agraire québécois. Il décrit d'abord les principales caractéristiques socio-économiques des ouvriers agricoles. Ensuite, il analyse dans quelle mesure le droit du travail québécois s'applique à ces travailleurs. Enfin, il discute de la validité des diverses exceptions et exclusions légales visant les salariés agricoles à la lumière des chartes canadienne et québécoise des droits de la personne.
Depuis 1958, le droit social communautaire se forge. Mais avec la réalisation du grand marché intérieur en 1992 se trouve posées de nouvelles problématiques sociales qui peuvent être rapprochées de celles qui résulteront de l'ouverture économique entre les USA et le Canada avec l'Accord de libre-échange. Elles s'articulent autour de la nécessaire mobilité des travailleurs et de la recherche d'un statut social pour le travailleur communautaire.
The article reviews the book, "Les femmes et l'équité salariale, un pouvoir à gagner!," edited by Marie-Claire Dumas and Francine Mayer.
Analyzes the informal elements of rules-based railway yard and road service operations as an example of the semi-autonomous, self-management of worker teams in North American industry. Also discusses rank, discipline, hiring, and training. Concludes that while the seniority system is not fully democratic, there are other factors that contribute to a feeling of equality and fairness amongst workers. Includes a bibliography and a photograph of the author, who was a railway engineer.
The article reviews the book, "Décrets et comités paritaires," by Jean-Louis Dubé.
The article reviews the book, "Reshaping Labour: Organization, Work and Politics -- Edinburgh in the Great War and After," by John Holford.
The article reviews the book, "A Rope of Sand: The AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education 1955-1967," by Alan Draper.
The article reviews the book, "Political Choices and Electoral Consequences: A Study of Organized Labour and the New Democratic Party," by Keith Archer.
The article reviews the book, "Guide des sources archivistiques sur l'industrie forestière au Nouveau-Brunswick = A Guide to Archival Sources on the New Brunswick Forest Industry," by Daniel Hickey, Louise Charlebois, and Bruce Oliver.
James Naylor traces the transformation of class relations in the industrial cities of southern Ontario, examining the character of the regional labour movement, the nature of employer and state response, and the reasons for the failure of labour's "new democracy." --Publisher's description. Inside front-cover summary: The period during and after the First World War was marked by tremendous labour unrest, not only in Winnipeg where the general strike of 1919 was a watershed, but across the country. James Naylor focuses on southern Ontario, in the industrial heartland of Canada, as a key to understanding the character of this phase of labour history. In the 1919 provincial election, the Independent Labor Party of Ontario swept most of the province's industrial constituencies outside Toronto and formed a coalition government with the organized farmer. Strike activity soared to unprecedented levels. The Toronto Trades Council organized a general strike, and new forms of industrial unionism began to emerge. If these events lacked some of the drama of those in the West, they reflect both an increasingly articulate working-class view of democracy and labour's determination not to be overlooked in the postwar reconstruction. Naylor examines a number of issues: the nature of working-class views of democracy and the state; the role of women in these movements; the logic participation in the electoral process; the dynamic between 'industrial' and 'political' activity in the context of a liberal-democratic system. He also considers the responses of employers and government with a view to undertanding the 'negotiated' character of postwar reconstruction in the context of social classes.
The article reviews and comments on the book, "The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism," by Alfred D. Chandler, Jr.
The article reviews the book, "Trade Union Gospel: Christianity and Labor in Industrial Philadelphia 1865-1915," by Ken Fones-Wolf.
The article briefly reviews "Killing Time, Losing Ground: Experiences of Unemployment." by Patrick Burman, "423 Days on the Picket Line," by Raymond Léger, "Restructuring and Resistance: Perspectives From Atlantic Canada," edited by Bryant Fairley, Colin Leys, and James Sacouman, "Privatizing a Province: The New Right in Saskatchewan," by James Pittula and Ken Rasmussen, "Up and Doing: Canadian Women and Peace," edited by Janice Williamson and Deborah Gorham, "Race, Class, Gender: Bonds and Barriers," edited by Jesse Vorst, et al., "Co-operative Organizations and Canadian Society: Popular Institutions and the Dilemmas of Change," edited by Murray E. Fulton, "Attitudes to Social Structure and Mobility in Upper Canada, 1815-1840: 'Here We Are Laird Ourselves,'" by Peter Russell, "Old Ontario: Essays in Honour of J.MS. Careless," edited by David Keane and Colin Read, "Essays in the History of Canadian Law, III: Nova Scotia," edited by Philip Girard and Jim Phillips, "Moments of Unreason: The Practice of Canadian Psychiatry and the Homewood Retreat, 1883-1923," by Cheryl Krasnick Warsh, "In Whose Interest? Quebec's Caisses Populaires, 1900-1945," by Ronald Rudin, "Perspectives on American Labor History," edited by J. Carroll Moody and Alice Kessler-Harris, "Working Classics: Poems on Industrial Life," edited by Peter Oresick and Nicholas Coles, "Labor Divided; Race &. Ethnicity in United States Labor Struggles, 1835-1960," edited by Robert Asher and Charles Stephenson, "Within the Shell of the Old: Essays on Workers' Self-Organization" and "George Rawick, 1930-1990: In Memoriam," edited by Don Fitz and David Roediger, "Fitness in American Culture: Images of Health, Sport, and the Body, 1830-1940," edited by Kathryn Grover, "Visible Histories: Women and Environments in a Post-War British City," by Suzanne Mackenzie, "Death by Migration: Europe's Encounter with the Tropical World in the Nineteenth Century," by Philip D. Curtin, "Kropotkin and the Rise of Revolutionary Anarchism, 1872-1886," by Caroline Cahm, "Resistance and Revolution in Mediterranean Europe, 1939-1948," edited by Tony Judt, "The Dialectic of Change," by Boris Kagarlitsky, "The New Detente: Rethinking East-West Relations," edited by Mary Kaldor et al., "The Debate on Classes," by Erik Olin Wright et al., and "An Introduction to Labor Law," by Michael Evan Gold.
The article briefly reviews "Canadian and Australian Labour History," edited by Gregory S. Kealey and Greg Patmore, "Brother Max: Labour Organizer and Educator," by Max Swerdlow, edited by Gregory S. Kealey, "The New Era of Global Competition: State Policy and Market Power." edited by Daniel Drache and Meric S. Gertler, "Making a Middle Class: Student Life in English Canada during the Thirties," by Paul Axelrod, "Careless at Work: Selected Canadian Historical Studies," by J.M.S. Careless, "The Political Economy of Manitoba," edited by Jim Silver and Jeremy Hull, "Debating Canada's Future: Views from the Left," edited by Simon Rosenblum and Peter Findlay, "Activists and Advocates: Toronto's Health Department, 1883-1983," by Heather MacDougall, "Perspectives on Canadian Economic Development: Class, Staples, Gender, and Elites," edited by Gordon Laxer, "The Upper Ottawa Valley to 1855," edited by Richard M. Reid, "Women and Social Change: Feminist Activism in Canada," edited by Jeri Dawn Wine and Janice L. Ristock, "Delivering Motherhood: Maternal Ideologies and Practices in the 19th and 20th Centuries," edited by Katherine Amup, Andrée Levesque, and Ruth Roach Pierson, "Radical Sociologists and the Movement: Experiences, Lessons, and Legacies," edited by Martin Oppenheimer, Martin J. Murray, and Rhonda F. Levine, "Fire in the Hearth: The Radical Politics of Place in America; The Year Left, IV," edited by Mike Davis et al., "The Sociogenesis of a Race Riot: Springfield, Illinois, in 1908," by Roberta Senechal, "American Immigrants and Their Generations: Studies and Commentaries on the Hansen Thesis after Fifty Years," edited by Peter Kivisto and Dag Blanck, "Working Time in Transition: The Political Economy of Working Hours in Industrial Nations," edited by Karl Hinrichs, William Roche, and Carmen Sirianni, "Dependent Care and the Employee Benefits Package: Human Resources Strategies for the 1990," by LouEllen Crawford, "Learning About Women: Gender, Politics, and Power," edited by Jill K. Conway, Susan C. Bourque, Joan Scott, "Opera Muliebria: Women and Work in Medieval Europe," by David Herlihy, "Fin de Siècle Socialism; and other essays," by Martin Jay, "History and Communications: Harold Innis, Marshall McLuhan, and the Interpretation of History," by Graeme Patterson, "Marx's Proletariat: The Making of a Myth," by David W. Lovell, and "Ideology and Class Conflict in Jamaica: The Politics of Rebellion," by Abigail B. Bakan.
The article reviews the book, "Marchés du travail: limites sociales des nouvelles théories," by David Marsden.
The article reviews the book, "Dangerous Premises: An Insider's View Of OSHA Enforcement," by Don J. Lofgren.
The article reviews the book, "Becoming Prominent: Regional Leadership in Upper Canada 1791-1841," by J. K. Johnson.
The article reviews the book, "East of Adelaide: Photographs of Commercial, Industrial and Working-Class Urban Ontario 1905-1930," by Alan Noon.
The article reviews the book, "La communication interpersonnelle et organisationnelle: l'effet Palo-Alto," by P. Dionne et G. Ouellet.
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- Between 1940 and 1949 (380)
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