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Pathways To Precariousness: Canada’s Intentional Failure Of Migrant And Undocumented Care Workers

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Pathways To Precariousness: Canada’s Intentional Failure Of Migrant And Undocumented Care Workers
In this report, we, the research team, are going to consider the policies that come together to create an exploitative and precarious labour conditions for migrant care workers, who are predominantly financially challenged racialized women. We have conducted a systematic narrative synthesis analysis of the policies that are relevant to migrant care workers. In our consideration of these myriad policies, we will present a narrative that emerges in the coordinated design of these policies. The narrative that has emerged presented a journey to precariousness through a heightened likelihood of human rights violations that is facilitated by a network of policies and practices. We identify policies and practices that obscure care workers and the conditions of their labour, as well as the discriminatory impact of various policies and practices that support devaluing and delegitimizing the identities and labour of care workers. Finally, we consider the ways in which multiple policies and practices come together to create significant authorities with the capacity to surveil, restrict, and punish workers.... Executive summary
Waterloo, Ont.
University of Waterloo
27 pages
Report also available in French translation: Chemins vers la précarité : la défaillance intentionnelle du Canada envers les travailleurs soignants migrants et sans papiers
Van Katwyk, T., Jeyakumaran, A., & Wong, V. (2024). Pathways To Precariousness: Canada’s Intentional Failure Of Migrant And Undocumented Care Workers (p. 27 pages). University of Waterloo. https://uwspace.uwaterloo.ca/handle/10012/20621?show=full