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The articles reviews the book, "Les peurs au travail," edited by Alain Max Guénette and Sophie Le Garrec.
Le Comité d’hygiène, de sécurité et des conditions de travail (CHSCT) s’avère, en France, une pièce maitresse des dispositifs de prévention des risques et d’amélioration des conditions de travail dans les entreprises. Bien que son rôle soit de plus en plus reconnu, il a souvent des difficultés à fonctionner et à trouver sa place dans le paysage des relations professionnelles.
The article reviews the book, "The Daunting Enterprise of the Law -- Essays in Honour of Harry W. Arthurs," edited by Simon Archer, Daniel Drache, and Peer Zumbansen.
The article reviews the book, "After Prison: Navigating Employment and Reintegration," edited by Rose Ricciardelli and Adrienne M.F. Peters.
This article explores the role of race in structuring the movement of seasonal tobacco workers from the Southern United States to Ontario from the 1920s to the 1960s. Over this period, tens of thousands of southern migrant workers of varying skill levels travelled to Ontario to take up jobs in all aspects of tobacco production. Participation in the movement was limited exclusively to white workers until 1966, when it was integrated at the behest of American officials fearful of contravening the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Methodologically, the article follows Michel-Rolph Trouillot and is an exercise in uncovering silences in the archive, as civil servants in both countries and employer representatives in Ontario were extremely hesitant about mentioning the movement’s racial character on record. Beyond methodology, the findings presented here contribute to a deeper understanding of the uneven nature of the “deracialization” of Canada’s immigration policies in the 1960s and to charting more of Canada’s role in the construction and maintenance of transnational systems of white supremacy.
This article reviews the book, "Trajectories of Neoliberal Transformation: European Industrial Relations since the 1970s" by Lucio Baccaro and Chris Howell.
In 1931, eight leaders of the Communist Party of Canada (cpc) were convicted under Section 98 – a federal law that criminalized the advocacy of radical politics – and the party was declared illegal in Canada. The Canadian Labour Defense League (cldl), the party’s ancillary organization responsible for legal matters, conducted an intense campaign directed at securing both the release of the party’s leaders and the repeal of Section 98. This campaign included the distribution of pamphlets, the organization of demonstrations, and even the production of a dramatic play, entitled Eight Men Speak. Canadian state officials, led by Prime Minister R. B. Bennett, responded to the party’s efforts oppressively. Prison guards fired shots into cpc general secretary Tim Buck’s cell in Kingston Penitentiary, and Bennett himself had Eight Men Speak banned from performance in Toronto. Such kneejerk reactions, however, afforded cldl leaders opportunities to conduct meaningful work. This article argues that the cldl skillfully accentuated its own repression, keeping Section 98 relevant to Canada’s voting populace and placing capitalism and the Canadian state on trial in the eyes of the Canadian public.
The articles reviews the book, "Technology and the Future of Work: The Impact on Labour Markets and Welfare States," by Bent Greve.
This article examines the effect of transformational and laisser‐faire leadership on the part of local union leaders and immediate supervisors on the dual commitment of unionised workers. Building on the social information processing perspective, it is suggested that these leadership styles are linked to commitment through the workplace relations climate (WRC). Based on a sample of 834 unionised workers, our results suggest that WRC represents an important mechanism explaining the effect of the immediate supervisor's leadership in unionised settings. Results also show that transformational leadership on the part of union representatives is positively linked to union and organisational commitment. This article contributes to the WRC and dual commitment literatures by going beyond structural and institutional explanations and considering relational and actor‐related variables, such as leadership styles.
This article reviews the book, "Unfree Labour? Struggles of Migrant and Immigrant Workers in Canada," edited by Aziz Choudry and Adrian A. Smith.
Les démarches relatives aux « compétences », qui marquent la gestion des ressources humaines (GRH) depuis quelques décennies, recourent à des référentiels servant à établir les compétences à maîtriser et déployer. Ces outils de gestion s’inscrivent dans un contexte organisationnel évolutif et interactif suscitant des interrogations, particulièrement sur la façon de les déployer afin qu’ils traduisent les compétences valorisées par les parties concernées et celles effectivement déployées.
The article reviews and comments on the books, "Contemporary Slavery: Popular Rhetoric and Political Practice," edited by Annie Bunting and Joel Quirk, "Modern Slavery: The Margins of Freedom," by Julia O'Connell Davidson, and "The Poverty of Work: Selling Servant, Slave and Temporary Labor on the Free Market," by David Van Arsdale.
This article reviews the book, "Equality on Trial: Gender and Rights in the Modern American Workplace" by Katherine Turk.
The global agricultural industry is increasingly supported by transnational migrant labour. The experience of this precarious workforce in receiving states has been the focus of intensified scrutiny by policy-makers and academics at the global and national scale. Drawing on field research we examine how the International Organization for Migration was involved in the development of a transnational labour migration corridor from Guatemala to Canada, and how the organisation’s activities are associated with new forms of migration governance. This story, while unique in some ways, illustrates the increased complexity of the international management of migration. For instance, destination states such as Canada continue to play key roles in the management and recruitment of temporary labour migration but other actors have also entered the picture. This development, as this case illustrates, places migrant workers in increasingly vulnerable positions, while states can disclaim responsibility for their plight.
This article reviews the book, "The Second Line of Defense: American Women and World War I" by Lynn Dumenil.
This article reviews the book, "Writers' Rights: Freelance Journalism in a Digital Age" by Nicole Cohen.
En contexte de réadaptation au travail, l'action concertée (concertation) serait déterminante pour le succes du retour au travail. Or, un débat théorique entoure toujours le concept de concertation ?, qui peut étre rapproché (ou non) de la négociation ?. De plus, aucune étude n'a encore exploré les processus de prises de décisions collectives a partir d'échanges entre les multiples parties prenantes a un programme de réadaptation au travail. Cet article vise a proposer des définitions opérationnelles distinguant la concertation de la négociation, puis a les tester en contexte de réadaptation au travail. D'abord, des définitions de l'action concertée ?, de la concertation et de la négociation sont comparées, afin d'en venir a distinguer ces deux derniers concepts, notamment par la présence de conflit(s) et des relations (de coopération/ collaboration) entre les parties. Les définitions proposées sont, ensuite, testées empiriquement a partir de données issues d'une étude de cas multiples (N=6) qui explore les processus de prises de décisions entre les parties prenantes a un programme de réadaptation au travail. Les données de l'étude montrent l'importance de comprendre la concertation et la négociation comme des types de processus de prises de décisions complexes et dynamiques. L'étude permet aussi de distinguer la concertation et la négociation a l'aide des définitions proposées en contexte de réadaptation au travail. Le recours a ces définitions pourrait engendrer d'importantes retombées, notamment sur le plan des pratiques en réadaptation au travail. Ces définitions pourraient, en effet, permettre de mieux cibler des stratégies a privilégier pour atteindre des décisions favorables au retour durable et en bonne santé des travailleurs en incapacité, selon le type de prise de décisions anticipé. Ceci dit, d'autres études devront venir approfondir la connaissance des processus de prises de décisions collectives (incluant la concertation et la négociation) en contexte de réadaptation au travail, ainsi que leurs liens possibles avec le succes ou l'échec du retour au travail.
The article reviews the book, "Agir ensemble. Penser la démocratie sydicale," by Christian Nadeau.
Le but de cet article est de comprendre la dynamique de mediation en associant ses antecedents, ses differentes manifestations et un resultat : l'accord. Théoriquement, en proposant une approche synthétique qui integre des elements contextuels, comme la presence de tiers ou les caracteristiques des mediateurs, cette recherche realise une contribution academique importante, d'autant que ces elements sont demeures ignores par la litterature. Empiriquement, le choix du contexte français est porteur d'enseignements manageriaux importants. Lorsque le nouveau gouvernement redefinit les fondements du droit du travail en donnant un nouveau rôle a la branche professionnelle, mieux comprendre comment l'action d'un mediateur valorise l'emergence d'un accord nous apparaît fructueux pour tous les partenaires. De meme, ce travail permet de valoriser la complexity du rôle tenu par le mediateur pour l'obtention d'un accord.
The article reviews the book, "Mistreatment in Organizations," edited by Pamela Perrewé, Jonathon Halbesleben, and Christopher Rosen.