Building Blocks of Victory in Oshawa 1937: The Left, The Rank And File, and the International Union

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Building Blocks of Victory in Oshawa 1937: The Left, The Rank And File, and the International Union
The Oshawa 1937 strike against General Motors was a major turning point in Canadian labour history. This thesis explores the factors that led to its success, including the historical background of working class struggle; the economic and political context of the times; prior organizing by Communists; the engagement of rank-and-file GM workers and the remarkable stewards’ body they established; and the support and leadership of the UAW International union. The influence of Communists meant that the strike incorporated many features of what might now be called rank-and-file unionism: industrial unionism, democratic engagement of rank-and-file workers, militancy on the shop floor, building solidarity within the workforce and in the community, international solidarity, and rejecting cooperation with corporations. The contending forces of workers, corporations, and rabidly anti-union governments that clashed in Oshawa in 1937 are largely the same ones we see in the battles going on in North America today. Thus, understanding the factors that led to the success of the Oshawa strikers can provide valuable lessons to those seeking to revive today’s labour movement.
M.A., Labour Studies
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ont.
# of Pages
xi, 238 pages
Leah, A. D. (2023). Building Blocks of Victory in Oshawa 1937: The Left, The Rank And File, and the International Union [M.A., Labour Studies, McMaster University].