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Contents: Section 1. The era of industrialization. Ethnicity and class, transitions over a decade: Ontario, 1861-1871 / A. Gordon Darroch and Michael Ornstein -- Women and wage labour in a period of transition: Montreal, 1861-1881 / Bettina Bradbury -- The 1907 Bell Telephone strike: Organizing women workers / Joan Sangster -- Industry and the good life around Idaho Peak / Cole Harris -- Through the prism of the strike: Industrial conflict in Southern Ontario, 1901-14 / Craig Heron and Brian D. Palmer. Section 2. World War I and its aftermath. Munitions and labour militancy: The 1916 Hamilton Machinists' Strike / Myer Siemiatycki -- Company town/labour town: Local government in the Cape Breton Coal Towns, 1917-1926 / David Frank. Section 3. The rise of modern unionism. Strike in the single enterprise community: Flin Flon, Manitoba, 1914 / Robert S. Robson -- The 1943 steel strike against wartime wage controls / Laurel Sefton MacDowell. Section 4: Overviews. Unionization versus corporate welfare: The "Dofasco Way" / Robert Storey -- Labour and working class history in Canada: Prospects in the 1980s / Gregory S. Kealey -- Through the looking glass of culture: An essay on the new labour history and working class culture in historical writing / David J. Bercuson -- Further reading.
In 1980...[the author] was approached by Nanaimo's Coal Tyee Society to write a book based on 105 interviews of Vancouver Island coal miners and their families. Nanaimo coal mines had closed 30 years before and the city had been home to some of the most important coal mines in the world, along with the one of largest explosions in history, the 1887 Nanaimo mine explosion. The miners wanted their oral histories preserved. Bowen compiled those oral histories in her first book, Boss Whistle, and later book, Three Dollar Dreams. --From Wikipedia article on Lynne Bowen
1983's powerful Solidarity movement, which for a time seemed capable of deflecting the Social Credit government of British Columbia from its neo-conservative course - or even toppling it - instead died with a whimper. In Solidarity: The Rise and Fall of an Opposition in British Columbia, the first book-length account of this pivotal point in the province's history, Bryan Palmer concludes that it was not Social Credit tactics, but the nature of Solidarity's leadership which foreordained the defeat. --Publisher's description
History of Fort Chipewyan, the first European settlement in Alberta, an important fur-trading centre, and a vital base for the exploration of the continent's hinterland. Traces the development of the Fort Chipewyan fur trade from 1778, when Peter Pond entered the region, until 1835, when the rivalry between the North West and Hudson's Bay companies was no longer a factor, and a monopoly in the fur trade had been restored. Provides a vivid portrayal of life in a remote fur trade outpost during this crucial period in Canadian history. --WorldCat summary/Publisher's description
The lumberjack – freewheeling, transient, independent – is the stuff of countless Canadian tales and legends. He is also something of a dinosaur, a creature of the past, replaced by a unionized worker in a highly mechanized and closely managed industry. In this far-ranging study of the logging industry in twentieth-century Ontario, Ian Radforth charters the course of its transition and the response of its workers to the changes. Among the factors he considers are technological development, changes in demography and the labour market, an emerging labour movement, new managerial strategies, the growth of a consumer society, and rising standards of living. Radforth has drawn on an impressive array of sources, including interviews and forestry student reports as well as a vast body of published sources such as The Labour Gazette, The Pulp and Paper Magazine of Canada, and The Canada Lumberman, to shed new light on trade union organization and on the role of ethnic groups in the woods work force. The result is a richly detailed analysis of life on the job for logging workers during a period that saw the modernization not only of the work but of relations between the workers and the bosses. --Publisher's description
Bob White, president of the Canadian Auto Workers, is without a doubt the single most influential figure in the Canadian labour movement. Respected by workers and business leaders alike. White has become a major voice in national; affairs. All his life he has bargained hard, and more often that not, won.