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Originally published as a monograph in the International encyclopedia of labour law and industrial relations; Includes bibliographical references (page 52) and index
This book, published in 1979, was the first book about sexual harassment to be published in Canada, and the second in North America. Quotation from the inside flap: If you thought women have finally become more accepted as real people with readier access to the conclaves of corporate power, read this book - you'll think again. Using statistical studies, interviews with executives and personnel managers, case studies, historical records, and court cases, Constance Backhouse and Leah Cohen show how pervasive sexual harassment is in the workplace. The authors provide us with a balanced and incisive understanding of what goes on. They also recommend ways to combat sexual harassment. Since this subject has till now been unexplored, avoided, and rife with myths and misinformation, this book is all the more important to our society. -- Author's website
Here is a hard-hitting look at Canada's wealthiest and most powerful mining company - the International Nickel Company of Canada. "Hardrock Mining" is the first in-depth study of both Inco Limited and the Canadian mining industry as a whole, an incisive look at both the effects of the technological revolution on a corporation and an industry which affects the lives of millions of Canadians. Respected sociologist Wallace Clement has interviewed hundreds of working men and women, and utilized unprecedented access to all facets of Inco's operations to build a fascinating and colourful portrait of a corporate giant. Clement documents the effect of the unions on the workers' welfare, the strikes and layoffs that are a fixture in the mining industry, and the effects of technological changes on health, safety, and the demand for specific skills. --Publisher's description
The introduction to the memorable collection of photographs of Hamilton workers, All That Our Hands Have Done...announced: "Labour history is a new field. It demands new methods, new sources, new questions and new, mutual relations between researchers and their subjects." --From David Sobel, "Remembering Wayne Roberts, 1944-2021," Labour/Le travail, 87 (Spring 2021) 15.
First published in 1981, H. Clare Pentland's Labour and Capital in Canada, 1650-1860 is a seminal work that analyzes the shaping of the Canadian working class and the evolution of capitalism in Canada. Pentland's work focuses on the relationship between the availability and nature of labour and the development of industry. From that idea flows an absorbing account that explores patterns of labour, patterns of immigration and the growth of industry. Pentland writes of the massive influx of immigrants to Canada in the 1800s--taciturn highland Scots who eked out a meagre living on subsistence farms; shrewd lowlanders who formed the basis of an emerging business class; skilled English artisans who brought their trades and their politics to the new land; Americans who took to farming; and Irish who came in droves, fleeing the poverty and savagery of an Ireland under the heel of Britain. Labour and Capital in Canada is a classic study of the peoples who built Canada in the first two centuries of European occupation. --Publisher's description. Edited, with an introduction by Paul Phillips. Contents: Slavery in Canada -- The Pre-Industrial Pattern: Personal Labour Relations -- Canada's Labour Force: Population Growth and Migration -- Population Growth and Migration: The Irish -- The Transformation of Canada's Economic Structure -- The Transformation of Canadians.
La Confédération des syndicats nationaux, qui s'est appelée jusqu'en 1960 la Confédération des travailleurs catholiques du Canada (CTCC), et sans conteste l'une des institutions les plus importantes du Québec. Depuis sa fondation en 1921, elle a joué un rôle de tout premier plan, s'affirment à la fois comme un des mouvements organisés des travailleurs et travailleuses et un des principaux agent de transformation sociale. Au cours de son histoire, la CSN s'est toujours distinguée par sa volonté de réformer et profondeur la régime économique et d'instaurer une société plus juste, respecteuse de la dignité des travailleurs. Publié à l'occasion du 60e anniversaire de la CSN, ce livre ne se veut cependant pas une histoire officielle. Il a été écrit par une spécialiste de l'histoire des travailleurs et il s'adresse à ceux et celles qui s'intéressemt à cet aspect fondamental, pourtant encore largement méconnu de l'histoire du Québec. Sommaire de l'éditeur
The selection of topics for this Encyclopedia has not always been easy, especially as some topics coincide with the present, and obscure with their familiarity the context of the past. Yet we have learned from our research for this work that unless the present be recorded in print now it has less chance of being known in the future. In addition to the thousands of topics compiled by the Editor in Chief, Mr. Smallwood, the topics presented here have been selected from those suggested by many people and from nearly one hundred and fifty source books of Newfoundland society and history. Sometimes the work of choosing the best and most accurate sources has been as difficult as choosing the topics; history is an account of what has been recorded to have happened. This being so, we have attempted to corroborate and otherwise verify such records, and, where this is impossible, to present and identify conflicting statements... Robert D.W. Pitt --Website description
Here is the populist anthology that touches the heart of North American life, a collection that achieves in poetry what Stud Terkel's Working did in prose. Its wide appeal is obvious. Included are 200 selections by 90 Canadian and American writers, from foundry workers and short-order cooks to the likes of Joyce Carol Oates, Patrick Lane, Pier Giorgio di Cicco and Wayman himself. --Publisher's description