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This paper examines the management of trade disputes in essential services in Nigeria and identifies two settlement approaches which are seen to have the opposite effects to those intended.
L'auteur explore une avenue différente de politique salariale pour le secteur public québécois qui consisterait à fixer le niveau des rémunérations des salariés de l'État à un niveau comparable à celui pratiqué par les industries du secteur privé en concurrence sur le marché international. Il présente ensuite les résultats qu'aurait permis d'obtenir l'application d'une telle politique dans le secteur public québécois.
This article reviews the book, "Pioneer and Gentlewomen of British North America, 1713-1867," by Beth Light & Alison Prentice, edited.
This article reviews the book, "Wealth of a Nation to Be: The American Colonies on the Eve of the Revolution," by Alice Hanson Jones.
This article reviews the book, "The wpirg Reader: Case Studies in Underdevelopment," by the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group.
This article reviews the book, "Schooling and Society in 20th Century British Columbia," by J. Donald Wilson and David C. Jones, edited.
This article reviews the book, "Studies in American Historical Demography," edited by Maris Vinovskis.
This article reviews the book, "Paternalism in Early Victorian England," by David Roberts.
This article reviews the book, "The State Élite," by Dennis Olsen.
This article reviews the book, "Protest and Punishment: The Story of the Social and Political Protesters Transported to Australia 1788-1868," by George Rude.
This article reviews the book, "The Literacy Myth: Literacy and Social Structure in the Nineteenth-Century City," by Harvey J. Graff.
This article reviews the book, "Canadian Papers in Rural History, Vol. I," by Donald H.Akenson. This article reviews the book, "A Century of Canadian Grain," by C.F. Wilson.
This article reviews the book, "Kent Rowley, The Organizer, A Canadian Union Life," by Rick Salutin.
The paper analyzes the effects of the factors noted in the title on reported unemployment rates, both theoretically and empirically. The implications of the results for the natural rate debate and macroeconomic stabilization policies are briefly discussed.
This article reviews two books, "Unemployment and Labour Force Behaviour of Young People: Evidence from Canada and Ontario," by F.T. Denton, A.L. Robb & B.G. Spencer, and "Getting Started: The Youth Labor Market," by P. Osterman.
Les règles de base de la négociation collective n'ont guère changé au cours des années 1970. Mais plusieurs de ses paramètres ont considérablement évolué. Le mouvement syndical s'est mor- celé, et radicalisé, en partie. Les nouvelles mesures législatives n'ont pas produit les effets désirés. L'inflation, avec ou sans contrôles, a bouleversé les habitudes de négocier. Le secteur public a pris le pas sur le secteur privé. Le caractère politique de ces rondes majeures risque d'ébranler le régime même de la libre négociation collective, au moins dans ce secteur. Les conventions collectives se sont allongées, et l'approche légaliste s'est accentuée.
Provides an introductory commentary on the significance of the document, "Notes historiques sur l'Association ouvrière de Hull," by Révérend Père Joseph Bonhomme of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI), of Hull, Quebec. Written in 1921, the document discusses the formation and evolution of the Hull Catholic workers' organization, of which Bonhomme was appointed the chaplain in 1918. The commentary argues that Hull was the exemplar of developments in other Quebec centres. It concludes that the document sheds light on the complex relationship between church and worker as well as the quest for social justice. Includes three photos.
This article reviews two books, "The Organizer: A Canadian Union Life," by Rick Salutin and Kent Rowley, and "An Account to Settle. The Story of the United Bank Workers," by the Bank Book Collective.
This article reviews the book, "Worker Participation: Prescription for Industrial Change," by Frank R. Anton.
This article reviews the book, "Big Steel: Black Politics and Corporate Power in Gary, Indiana," by Edward Greer.