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This article reviews the book, "Rapport de la Commission d’experts pour l’application des conventions et recommandations," by Conférence internationale du travail. This article reviews the book, "Âge minimum," by Conférence internationale du travail.
This article reviews the book, "Rapport de la Commission d’experts pour l’application des conventions et recommandations," by Conférence internationale du travail. This article reviews the book, "Travailleurs migrants," by Conférence internationale du travail.
The article reviews and comments on "Luttes de classes et question nationale au Québec 1948-1968," by Roch Denis, "The Québec Establishment: The Ruling Class and the State," 2nd revised edition, by Pierre Foumier, and "QUÉBEC and the Parti Québécois," Pauline Vaillancourt, guest editor.
Cet article cet propose de faire l'historique du conflit en insistant prioritairement sur les grévistes et les syndicats chargés de défendre leurs intérêts. Embourbés dans un dédale judiciaire, les mineurs, les Métallos et la FTQ devront répliquer à l'antisyndicalisme primaire de la Gaspé Copper Mines, forte de l'appui indéfectible du gouvernement Duplessis et de sa police provinciale. Outre le rappel des événements, l'article analyse les répercussions de la grève sur l'opinion publique québécoise, qui s'avérera plutôt tiède à l'endroit des grévistes. Il accorde une attention particulière aux réactions du mouvement syndical et à l'élaboration d'une action unitaire CTCC-FTQ. L'article démontre que ce front commun était nécessaire pour renverser le rapport de force en faveur des mineurs, tout en décelant des retards dans sa mise en branle. Aussi, cette action commune ne peut exercer quelque influence sur le dénouement du conflit en dépit de possibilités certaines. L'échec de la grève de Murdochville n'est donc qu'en partie imputable à l'ampleur de la répression patronale et gouvernementale. À l'intérieur même du mouvement syndical, une part de responsabilité revient à la FTQ, dont la très récente fondation n'a pas permis de résoudre certaines faiblesses structurelles nuisibles à l'établissement d'un vaste mouvement de solidarité.
This article reviews the book, "La démocratie industrielle / The Industrial Democracy," by Marcel Côté et Vasile Téga.
This article reviews the book, "TUC: The Growth of a Pressure Group 1868-1976," by Ross M. Martin.
This article reviews the book, "Worker Participation : Sucess and Problems," by Hem C. Jain.
This article reviews the book, "Le psychologue et l’entreprise," by C. Levy-Leboyer.
This article reviews the book, "Organisations sociales et comportements," by Jean M. Guiot.
This article reviews the book, "Techniques et politiques d’amélioration des conditions de travail," by Claude Péganiol.
This is an analysis of the concept of working-class culture as applied by some practitioners of the new labour history in Canada. The article begins with a comparison of the approach of traditional labour history to that of the "new" labour history and asserts that there are significant differences in philosophy and lesser differences in methodology. A brief examination of the concept of working-class culture and how it is to be utilized by historians follows. The validity of using such a general framework is questioned in a close examination of recent major works of the new labour history genre. A conclusion is offered that these works show that the application of general principles is a tricky business because, although factual evidence appears at times to support the idea that working-class culture was an important determinant, at other times it does not. The article concludes by questioning the assumption that there is any "best" way of approaching the study of social history; that to assert that history must be studied "from the bottom up" is as predeterministic as the notion that it should be studied "from the top down." Prejudice and a priori assumption plagues all historians.
Portrays the extreme economic distress of newly arrived Irish immigrants (stereotyped as "Paddy") who worked under harsh conditions for low wages on the canals of Upper Canada, which, in turn, fuelled feuds, ethnic clashes, and crimes against property in the 1840s. Describes the canallers' shanty town support system, their strikes for higher wages, and other forms of resistance related to secret societies, as well as the extensive efforts of the government of the Canadas to suppress the labour unrest. Concludes that state officials and contractors, in blaming "Paddy" for an ungovernable disposition, ignored the historic, aggrieved legacy of Irish class conflict that set the stage for confrontation in the Canadas.
This article reviews the book, "The British Ordnance Department and Canada's Canals 1815-1855," by George Raudzens.
This article reviews the book, "Conciliation and Arbitration Procedures in Labour Disputes. A Comparative Study," by International Labour Office.
This article reviews the book, "La gestion des relations du travail au Québec. Le cadre juridique et institutionnel," by Noël Mallette, edited.
This article reviews the book, "La suspension du contrat de travail," by Jean-Marc Béraud.
This article reviews the book, "Les clauses d’ancienneté et l’arbitrage des griefs," by Claude Vézina.
This article reviews the book, "Multinational Collective Bargaining Attempts," by Herbert R. Northrup and Richard L. Rowan.
This article reviews the book, "Unions and the Public Interest: Collective Bargaining in the Government Sector," by Sandra Christensen.
This article reviews the book, "Avec les ouvriers de Mazamet dans la grève et l'action quotidienne, 1909-1914," by Rémy Cazals.