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The article reviews the book, "Shifting Sands Beneath the State: Unemployment, the Labor Market, and the Local Community, 1893-1922," by Peter C. Seixas.
The article reviews the book, "Sexual Harassment in the Workplace," by Arjun P. Aggarwal.
The article reviews the book, "Les ouvrières de Dominion Corset à Québec, 1886-1988," edited by Jean DuBerger and Jacques Mathieu.
The article reviews the book, "Soviet Marxism and Analytical Philosophies of History," by Eero Loone.
The article reviews the book, "Managing the Shop-Floor: Subjectivity, Masculinity and Workplace Culture," by David Collinson.
The article reviews the book, "James P. Cannon and the Early Years of American Communism: Selected Writings and Speeches, 1920-1928," by James P. Cannon.
The article reviews the book,"Planting the Province: The Economic History of Upper Canada, 1784-1870," by Douglas McCalla.
The article reviews the book, "Trouble in the Woods: Forest Policy and Social Conflict in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick," edited by L. Anders Sandberg.
The article reviews the book, "New Perspectives on Industrial Disputes," edited by David Metcalf and Simon Milner.
The article reviews the book, "The Passionate Debate: The Social and Political Ideas of Quebec Nationalism 1920-1945," by Michael Oliver.
Contents: Introduction : the workplace and labor regulation in comparative perspective / P.K. Edwards, Jacques Bélanger, and Larry Haiven -- A comparison of national regimes of labor regulation and the problem of the workplace / P.K. Edwards -- Job control under different labor relations regimes : a comparison of Canada and Great Britain / Jacques Bélanger -- Workplace discipline in international comparative perspective / Larry Haiven -- Shopfloor relations at U.S. and Canadian plants of an automotive parts supplier, 1936-1988 / Stephen Herzenberg; Bargaining regimes and the social reorganization of production : the case of General Motors in Austria and Germany / Karen Shire -- New technology and the process of labor regulation : an international perspective / Anthony E. Smith -- Conflict and compliance : the workplace politics of a disk-drive factory in Singapore / Chung Yuen Kay -- The new international division of labor and its impact on unions : a case study of high-tech Mexican export production / Harley Shaiken -- Patterns of workplace relations in the global corporation : toward convergence? / Stephen Frenkel -- Conclusion : globalization, national systems, and the future of workplace industrial relations / Larry Haiven, P.K. Edwards, and Jacques Bélanger; Introduction : the workplace and labor regulation in comparative perspective / P.K. Edwards, Jacques Belanger, and Larry Haiven -- A comparison of national regimes of labor regulation and the problem of the workplace / P.K. Edwards -- Job control under different labor relations regimes : a comparison of Canada and Great Britain / Jacques Belanger -- Workplace discipline in international comparative perspective / Larry Haiven -- Shopfloor relations at U.S. and Canadian plants of an automotive parts supplier, 1936-1988 / Stephen Herzenberg; Bargaining regimes and the social reorganization of production : the case of General Motors in Austria and Germany / Karen Shire -- New technology and the process of labor regulation : an international perspective / Anthony E. Smith -- Conflict and compliance : the workplace politics of a disk-drive factory in Singapore / Chung Yuen Kay -- The new international division of labor and its impact on unions : a case study of high-tech Mexican export production / Harley Shaiken -- Patterns of workplace relations in the global corporation : toward convergence? / Stephen Frenkel -- Conclusion : globalization, national systems, and the future of workplace industrial relations / Larry Haiven, P.K. Edwards, and Jacques Belanger
The extent and the scope of organizational and technological innovations currently being introduced by many firms present important challenges of adjustment for the union movement. While working to renew their own collective strength, unions must also define their position with regard to new forms of work organization. Current mutations in identities both at work and beyond raise pressing questions about the relationship between the union and its members, particularly the capacity of unions to represent increasingly diverse groups of workers. The question of the link between identity at work and social cohesion will probably be exacerbated in the coming years because the current changes in the organization of work and the management of production are likely to have increasingly significant repercussions on the post-war institutional compromise in the workplace.
The article reviews the book, "Grand Designs : The Impact of Corporate Strategies on Workers, Unions, and Communities," by Charles Craypo and Bruce Nissen.
It is a widely held axiom of British Columbia' s labour history that the province' s radical tradition originated among immigrant British workers who formed the social bedrock of Vancouver Island's coaltowns in the 19th century. This paper challenges the stereotype of the British BC worker in the last century by balancing the post-immigration experience against the pre-emigration vocabulary of work, class, race, and politics. I conclude that insofar as a British fountainhead is significant for BC's political history it is in the diffusion of class solidarity to competing claimants for political support. The legacy of the British collier on Vancouver Island was not one of monolithic radicalism or even Labourism; instead it was one of conflicting inclinations which were as politically divisive for labour in Britain as they were on Canada's west coast.
The article reviews the book, "Recasting Steel Labour: The Stelco Story," by June Corman, Meg Luxton, D. W. Livingstone and Wally Seccombe.
The second edition of Canadian Labour History invites the reader to enter the debate that has made this field of study such a dynamic one in the past two decades. Covering the period from 1840 to 1980, these essays focus on a variety of Canadian regions demonstrating the similarities and differences of regional experiences. Similarly, alternate approaches to a single event-the Winnipeg General Strike-illustrate the diversity in the interpretation of labour history. --Publisher's description. Contents: The formation and fragmentation of the Canadian working class, 1820-1920 / Daniel Drache -- Listening to history rather than historians: Reflections on working class history / Bryan D. Palmer -- Ethnicity and class, transitions over a decade: Ontario, 1861-1871 / A. Gordon Darroch and Michael Ornstein -- Women and wage labour in a period of transition: Montreal, 1861-1881 / Bettina Bradbury -- Strikes in the Maritimes, 1901-1914 / Ian McKay -- Labour's civil war / David J. Bercuson -- 1919: The Canadian labour revolt / Gregory S. Kealey -- “We are all kin”: Reconsidering labour and class in Calgary, 1919 / David Bright -- Communists and auto workers: The struggle for industrial unionism in the Canadian automobile industry, 1925-1936 / John Manley -- The United Mine Workers and the coming of the CCF to Cape Breton / M. Earle and H. Gamberg -- The 1943 steel strike against wartime wage control / Laurel Sefton MacDowell -- Woodworkers and the mechanization of the pulpwood logging industry in Northern Ontario, 1950-1970 / Ian Radforth -- Inside postal workers: The labour process, state policy, and the workers' response / Bruce Laidlaw and Bruce Curtis -- A heritage of hope and struggle: Workers, unions, and politics in Canada, 1930-1982 / Wayne Roberts and John Bullen.
Au Canada, le secteur des services privés, qui compte 40,4 % de la main-d’œuvre, n'a qu'une densité syndicale de 10,7 % comparativement à 37,9 % pour le secteur privé des biens (26,9 % de la main-d’œuvre) et 58,6 % pour le secteur public (32,7 % de la main-d’œuvre). Notre enquête démontre pourtant que près de 40 % des travailleurs non syndiqués des services privés des villes de Montréal et de Toronto désirent se syndiquer. Les facteurs explicatifs les plus importants de cette propension à se syndiquer sont les attitudes envers les syndicats, l'influence du groupe informel de travail, la solidarité avec les travailleurs et la satisfaction au travail. Les implications de cette enquête pour les acteurs du système de relations industrielles sont explorées.
The article reviews the book , "Ballots and Barricades: Class Formation and Republican Politics in France, 1830-1871," by Ronald Aminzade.
The article reviews the book, "Mutual Gains. A Guide to Union-Management Cooperation," by Edward Cohen-Rosenthal and Cynthia E. Burton.
Resource type
- Audio Recording (1)
- Book (313)
- Book Section (15)
- Encyclopedia Article (1)
- Film (5)
- Journal Article (6,936)
- Magazine Article (7)
- Map (1)
- Report (12)
- Thesis (143)
- Video Recording (3)
- Web Page (13)
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1900 and 1909 (2)
- Between 1910 and 1919 (3)
- Between 1920 and 1929 (3)
- Between 1930 and 1939 (3)
- Between 1940 and 1949 (380)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (637)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (1,040)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (1,111)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (2,301)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (1,970)