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During World War II the Canadian state, under the authority of the War Measures Act, exercised extraordinary powers of repression against political activity and expression considered "subversive" of the war effort. These powers included press censorship, internment without trial, and the outlawing of associations. From 1939 through 1941 a prime target of repression was Communism, with serious ramifications for trade union activities and political life in Canada. The reluctance to lessen this repression after the wartime alliance with the Soviet Union came into effect calls into question conventional wisdom concerning the strength of Popular l-'ront enthusiasm during this period.
This article reviews the book, "Walter Reuther and the Rise of the Auto Workers," by John Barnard.
The Provincial Workmen's Association (PWA) in Canada was a successful labor organization for much of its existence. However, it began to lose member support when it was unable to effectively advance the miners' interest in the face of the changing character of the Nova Scotia coal industry. As an alternative, the United Mine Workers (UMW) proposed methods of collective agreement negotiating and business unionism instead of methods of political representations and legislative enactment. The active and growing efforts of the UMW split worker support between the UMW and the PWA, but neither organization was able to firmly organize the industry. After years of conflict, both organizations participated in moves to unite. The efforts resulted in a reestablished District 26 of the UMW. In the end, the workers endorsed the philosophy and the methods of trade unionism.
The article reviews and comments on "Dynamics of Global Crisis," by Samir Amin, et al., "Crisis in the World Economy," by Andre Gunder Frank, "Value and Crisis," by Makoto Itoh, "Late Capitalism," by Ernest Mandel, "The Second Slump: A Marxist Analysis of Recession in the Seventies," by Ernest Mandel, "Long Waves of Capitalist Development: The Marxist Interpretation," by Ernest Mandel, "Economics, Politics and the Age of Inflation," by Paul Mattiek, "Economic Crisis and Crisis Theory," by Paul Mattiek, "Can Capitalism Survive?" by Joseph A. Schumpeter, with an introduction by Robert Lekachman, and "Maturity and Stagnation in American Capitalism," by Joseph Steindl, with a new introduction by the author.
The objective of this paper is to examine the financial history of the British motor vehicle industry betweem 1896 and 1939. The study is based on data collected from 38 firms which issued shares publicly or were required to publish balance sheets. These firms represent the majority of British firms engaged in the quantity production of motor vehicles. ...Our interest in the industry's financial history, and in particular, the return to capital of firms using British production techniques was stimulated by the long standing argument that since 1870 British levels of productivity have lagged behind others countries, particularly the United States. --Introduction
English/French abstracts of articles in the issue.
English/French abstracts of articles in the issue.
This article reviews the book, "Davitt and Irish Revolution 1846-1882," by T.W. Moody.
This article reviews the book, "'Remember Kirkland Lake': The History and Effects of the Kirkland Lake Gold Miner's Strike 1941-42," by Laurel Sefton MacDowell.
This article reviews the book "Working Class America: Essays on Labor, Community, and American Society," by Michael H. Frisch. & Daniel J. Walkowitz, edited.