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Decisions rendues par le Conseil canadien des relations du travail.
Le Conseil s'est penche sur la portée de sa juridiction exceptionnelle à l'endroit des employés de l'État à l'occasion d'une demande d'accréditation présentée par une association représentant certains employés de la Gendarmerie Royale Canadienne qu'il a rejetée. Il s'est également déclare sans compétence pour déclarer inopérant un article de la Loi sur les relations de travail dans la Fonction publique qui enfreindrait la liberté d'association ou le droit à l'égalité garanti par la Charte et a refuse de renvoyer cette question à la Cour fédérale.
This article reviews the book, "A Woman's Place: An Oral History of Working-Class Women, 1890-1914," by Elizabeth Roberts.
This article reviews the book, "Soft Sell : "Quality of Working Life" Programs and the Productivity Race," by Don Wells.
This article reviews the book, "Sex and Class in Women's History," edited by Judith Newton, Mary P. Ryan, and Judith R. Walkowitz.
This article reviews the book, "The National War Labor Board: Stability, Social Justice, and the Voluntary State in World War I," by Valeric Jean Conner.
The article reviews and comments on "CPR West: The Iron Road and the Building of a Nation," edited by Hugh A. Dempsey, "Essays in the Political Economy of Alberta," edited by David Leadbeater, and ""The Canadian Prairies: A History," by Gerald Friesen.
This article reviews the book, "Maîtresses de maison, maîtresses d'école: Femmes, famille et education dans l'histoire du Québec," edited by Nadia Fahmy-Eid and Micheline Dumont.
This article reviews the book, "Karl Marx Collective: Economy, Society and Religion in a Siberian Collective Farm," by Caroline Humphrey.
This article reviews the books, "Death is a Social Disease: Public Health and Political Economy in Early Industrial France," by William Coleman, and "Endangered Lives: Public Health in Victorian Britain," by Anthony S. Wohl.
This article reviews the book, "Madrid. 1931-1934. De la Fiesta popular a !u lucha de clases," by Santos Juliá.
This article reviews the book, "Le conflit du travail : stratégie et tactique," by Gilles Plante.
This article reviews the book, "The System of Industrial Relations in Canada," 2nd ed., by Alton W. J. Craig.
A study was conducted to examine personal and organizational factors that affect the rise to office of presidents of Canadian national unions. A model was developed based on the personal characteristics of the labor leaders and on the characteristics of the unions they headed. Completed questionnaires were received from 94 presidents of national unions. Results indicated that union size varied positively with ''time to become presidents.'' Thus, chief executives of large unions took 3.9 years longer to reach the top office than did chief executives of small unions. Also, education varied inversely with ''time to become president.'' An officer with a university degree took 5 years less to reach the presidency than someone with no formal education. Finally, ''percent of income from union office'' varied positively with ''time to become president.'' For example, when the union pays 100% of the salary, it takes about 3 1/2 years longer to reach the top office than when the union pays none of the salary.
This article reviews the book, "Power! Black Workers, Their Unions and the Struggle for Freedom in South Africa," by Denis MacShane, Martin Plaut, and David Ward.
This article reviews the book, "Le mariage, la population et le taux d'activité des femmes," by Albert Breton.
This article reviews the book, "Unemployment and Politics: A Study in English Social Policy, 1886-1914," by Josée Harris.
This paper examines the importance employers attach to a variety of potential costs and savings which might be incurred in the course of a work stoppage.
This article reviews the book, "Between Two Worlds: The Canadian Immigrant Experience," edited by Milly Charon.
This article reviews the book, "The Politics of the Yorkshire Miners," by Andrew Taylor.