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This article reviews the book, "The Story of an African Working Class: Ghanaian Miners' Struggles. 1870-1980," by Jeff Crisp.
Même si on peut soutenir que la technologie informatique, à long terme, incitera les organisations productrices de biens et de services à adopter des formules de gestion plus souples et plus décentralisées, certains facteurs individuels, organisationnels et culturels inhibent, à court terme, ces tendances.
Le rationnel et le raisonnable : deux necessites distinctes et conjugees en droit.
This article reviews the book, "'Building the Co-operative Commonwealth': Essays on the Democratic Socialist Tradition in Canada," edited by J. William Brennan.
This article reviews the book, "Union and Politics in Washington State, 1885-1935," by Jonathan Dembo.
This article reviews the book, "British Workers and the Independent Labour Party, 1888-1906," by David Howell.
This article reviews the book, "Rebuilding From Within: Remedies for Canada's Ailing Economy," by Abraham Rotstein.
This article reviews the book, "A Working Majority: What Women Must Do for Pay," by Pat Armstrong and Hugh Armstrong.
This article reviews the book, "Living the Fishing," by Paul Thompson, Tony Wailey and Trevor Lummis.
This article reviews the book, "The Evolution of Management Education: A History of the Northwestern University J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management, 1908-1983," by Michael W. Sedlak and Harold F. Williamson.
This article reviews the book, "Black Liberation in Kentucky: Emancipation and Freedom, 1862-2884," by Victor B. Howard.
Presents songs sung by coal miners in Cape Breton.
This article reviews the book, "English University Adult Education 1908-1958: A Unique Tradition," by John A. Blyth.
The article briefly reviews "A Guide to Labour Records and Resources in British Columbia," compiled by Louise May, "The Rebel in the House: The Life and Times of A.A. Heaps, MP," by Leo Heaps, "Arguments For the Labour Trial of the Century: On the Real Meaning of Unionism," [by James Clancy, Wayne Roberts, David R. Spencer, and John Ward,] "Toronto to 1918: An Illustrated History," by J.M.S. Careless, and "Toronto Since 1918: An Illustrated History," by James Lemon, "Strong Women, Strong Unions: Speeches By Union Women," by Partieipatory Research Group, and "Short Circuit: Women in the Automated Office," by Partieipatory Research Group, "The Black Worker since the AFL-CIO Merger, 1955-1980 ," edited by Philip S. Foner, Ronald L. Lewis, and Robert Cvornyek, "Challenges and Choices Facing American Labor ," edited by Thomas A. Kochan, "From Syndicalism to Trade Unionism: The IWW in Ohio. 1905-1950," by Roy T. Wortman, "The World of Women's Trade Unionism," edited by Norbert C. Soldon, "Coalmining Women: Victorian Lives and Campaigns," by Angela V. John, "Technological Change and Workers' Movements," edited by Melvyn Dubofsky, "A City in the Republic: Antebellum New York and the Origins of Machine Politics ," by Amy Bridges, "Dreams & Dynamite: Selected Poems," by Covington Hall, "The Invention of Tradition," edited by Eric Hobsbawm and Terence Ranger, "Mary, After the Queen: Memories of a Working Girl," by Angela Hewins, "The State in Socialist Society," edited by Neil Harding, "Soviet Economy and Society," by David Lane, "Settler Capitalism: The Dynamics of Dependent Development in the Southern Hemisphere," by Donald Denoon, "Caste, Conflict and Ideology: Mahatma Jotinao Phule and Low Caste Protest in Nineteenth-Century Western India," by Rosalind O'Hanlon, "Religion and Rural Revolt," edited by Jânos M. Bak and Gerhard Benecke, "The British Marxist Historian," by Harvey J. Kaye, and "History and Structure: An Essay on the Hegelian-Marxist and Structural Theories of History," by Alfred Schmidt.
This article reviews the book, "The Practice of Solidarity: American Hat Finishers in the Nineteenth Century," by David Bensman.
The article briefly reviews "Ravished bx the Spirit: Religious Revivals, Baptists, and Henry Alline," by G.A. Rawylk, "The Acadiensis Reader, v. 1: Atlantic Canada Before Confederation and v. 2: Atlantic Canada After Confederation," edited by P.A. Bucknerand David Frank, "The Mysteries of Montreal: Memoirs of a Midwife," by Charlotte Fiihrer, edited by Peter Ward, "The Promoters' City: Building the Industrial Town of Maisonneuve, 1883-I9I8," by Paul-Andre Linteau, translated by Robert Chodos, "Government and Enterprise in Canada," edited by K.J. Rea and Nelson Wiseman, "Collective Bargaining in the Public Service: The Federal Experience in Canada," v. 1-2, edited by Jacob Finkelman and Shirley B. Goldenberg, "The Labor History Reader," edited by Daniel J. Leah, "C. Wright Mills: An American Utopian," by Irving Louis Horowitz, "Foundry Foreman, Foundry men," by Lloyd Zimpel, (San Pedro: Singlejack,1980); "Longshoring on the San Francisco Waterfront," by Reg Theriault, (San Pedro: Singlejack, 1978); and "Night Shift in a Pickle Factory," by Steve Turner (San Pedro: Singlejack, 1980), "The Fight Against Shutdowns: Youngstown's Steel Mill," by Staughton Lynd, "International Labour Reports" (a bimonthly magazine established 1983), "The Idea of Poverty: England in the Early Industrial Age," by Gertrude Himmelfarb, "A History of British Socialism," by Max Beer. with a new introduction by Ken Coates, "English Industrial Cities of the Nineteenth Century," by Richard Dennis, "Shop Floor Bargaining and the State: Historical and Comparative Perspectives," edited by Steven Tolliday and Jonathan Zeitlin, "Wigan Pier Revisited: Poverty and Politics in the 80s," by Beatrix Campbell, " Vision and Method in Historical Sociology," edited by Theda Skoepol, and "Making Sense of Marx," by Joe Elster / reviews by Bryan D. Palmer -- "Agriculture in America, 1622-1860," by Andrea J. Tucher / review by D.H.A. -- "Labor's Joke Book," edited by Paul Buhle / review by Gregory S. Kealey.
This article reviews the book, "Job Satisfaction in Public Administration," by P.B. Beaumont & M. Partridge.
This article reviews the book, "A Machinist's Semi-Automated Life," by Roger Tulin.