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L’accès à la syndicalisation.
This article reviews the book, "The Remaking of Pittsburgh: Class and Culture in an Industrializing City," by Francis G. Couvares.
This article reviews the book, "Contradictions of the Welfare State," by Claus Offe, edited and introduced by John Keane.
This article reviews the book, "Pensions Policy in Britain : A Socialist Analysis," by Eric Shragge.
Collective bargaining simulation exercises are valuable to students for a number of reasons: 1. They help students develop insight into interpersonal issues. 2. They motivate students. 3. The exercises offer specific skills that are usable in the job market. However, there are also a number of problems with simulation exercises. First, simulations are constructed using a contrived environment that does not parallel the real world. Second, peer pressure during the simulation encourages gregarious and arrogant forms of communication. Finally, production and personnel managers, presidents, and shop stewards cannot be included effectively. Despite these problems, there are 3 methods that can be used to give simulations a greater sense of reality: 1. follow up the first round of simulation with another based on the results of the first, 2. make third-party intervention available, and 3. encourage group support of a single chief negotiator.
This article reviews the book, "Power in a Trade Union: The Role of the District Committee of the AUEW," by Larry James.
La présente étude concerne le lien entre le nombre de mentors et le nombre de promotions obtenues par un individu au cours de sa carrière. Elle précise l'influence de diverses variables, reliés au mentor et au protège, sur la relation mentors-promotions en carrière. D'autres variables sont aussi mises en rapport avec le nombre de mentors eus au cours de la carrière d'un protège.
This article reviews the book, "Entreprises d'intérêt collectif et création d'emplois," by Initiatives locales de création d'emplois.
This article reviews the book "One Union in Wood: A Political History of the International Woodworkers of America," by Jerry Lembcke and William Tattum.
This article reviews the book, "The Rebellion of 1837 in Upper Canada: A Collection of Documents," edited by Colin Read and Ronald J. Stagg.
This article reviews the book, "Contemporary Canadian Labour Relations," by John A. Willes.
This article reviews the book, "The Labor History Reader," by Daniel J. Leab.
This article reviews the book, "Culture, Ideology and Politics," edited by Raphael and Gareth Stedman Jones.
This article reviews the book, "Time Without Work," by Walli F. Leff and Marilyn G. Haft.
L'avènement de l'instruction obligatoire au Québec en 1943 s'inscrit dans un tissu de relations complexes, d'alliances, et de luttes très longues. Contrairement à ce que laisse croire l'histoire officielle, le mouvement ouvrier et le mouvement paysan ont joué un rôle actif dans cette longue «querelle.» Quoique prenant part dans cette lutte, ces mouvements ont aussi été très divisés. Alors que le Congrès des métiers et du travail du Canada (CMTC) appuie la fréquentation scolaire obligatoire, la Confédération des travailleurs catholiques du Canada (CTCC), et l'Union Catholique des cultivateurs (UCC) s'y opposent durement. L'influence que l'Église Catholique exerce sur la CTCC et l'UCC explique en partie le refus catégorique de ces deux organisations, mais sans plus. La composition des membres de chacune, les secteurs d'implantation de celles-ci, le type d'agriculture dominant au Québec et les coûts liés à l'éducation ont joué un rôle déterminant dans les positions des organisations étudiées.
This article reviews the book, "Shaky Palaces: Homeownership and Social Mobility in Boston's Suburbanization," by M. Edel, E. D. Sclar and D. Luria.
This article reviews the book, " Dictionnaire canadien des relations du travail," by Gérard Dion.
This article reviews the book, "Foucault, Marxism and History: Mode of Production versus Mode of Information," by Mark Poster.
This article reviews the book, "Technological Change : The Tripartite Response, 1982-85," by B.I.T.
This paper examines the factors considered in proving sexual harassment and in determining compensation and remedies