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Ce document politique adopté par le Conseil exécutif du Congrès du travail du Canada a été ratifié lors de la douzième Assemblée statutaire de ce groupement tenue à Québec en avril 1978.
The paper examines the question whether « structural » unemployment in Canada worsened during the period 1971-1974. Structural unemployment is here defined as a mis-match between the location and skill of job seekers and the location and skill requirements of available jobs (vacancies).
This article reviews "The Labour Relations Law of Canada" edited by Richard Martin Lyon and prepared by the International Labor Law Committed, Section of Labor Relations Law, American Bar Association.
L'auteur regroupe un éventail de courts textes issus du discours écrit de la C.S.D. afin de décrire succintement ce qui lui apparaît être l'articulation fondamentale de son idéologie.
Dans cet article, l'auteur examine l'aspect « demande » de la politique des services de main-d'oeuvre dans l'industrie de la construction au Québec.
This study is directed to the issue of what determines the importance of an offence. Two types of characteristics were examined: the offence itself and several aspects of the organizations involved. It is possible to compare some of the results obtained here with a survey of U.S. compares (BNA, 1973).
This article reviews "Aspects de la réalité syndicale québécoise, 1966", by François Delorme et Gaspar Lassonde.
This article reviews "Canadian Directorship Practices: A Critical Self-Examination", by Suzan Peterson, assisted by Morris Heath.
This article reviews the special issue, « Le monde du travail », published by Travail-Québec, vol. 14, no 4.
This article reviews "The Current Industrial Relations Scene in Canada 1978", edited by W.D. Wood and Pradeep Kumar.
Après avoir examiné la littérature sociologique sur la définition de la notion de « profession », l’auteur étudie l'évolution du professionnalisme au Québec en s'attachant particulièrement aux critères qui ont déterminé l'octroi du statut juridique de corporation professionnelle.
This article reviews "L’organisation du travail et ses fonctions nouvelles" by La Documentation Française (Paris).
This article reviews "Le travail enchaîné" by Claude Durand.
This article reviews "Out of the Sweatshop: The Struggle for Industrial Democracy" edited by Leon Stein.
This paper discusses the relevancy of industrial relations education in the formal education Systems in Canada, and through analysis of a survey of vocational and technical educators, examines their perceptions of IR education in Canada generally, and in vocational/technical institutions specifically.
This article reviews "Equal Pay in the Public Sector: Fact or Fantasy" by Sharon P. Smith.
Continuity implies the existence of certain basic facts which must be faced when we think in terms of change because change in the area of labour-management relations cannot be effected in a vacuum. And the basic fact is that labour-management relations are human relations, that basic to the conduct of labour relations and the avoidance of industrial disputes is an appreciation of underlying human factors.