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Provides an overview of the current issue as the journal celebrates its 10th anniversary. Appreciation is expressed for the longstanding relationship the journal had with the printing service, which has drawn to a close. Papers presented emphasize the current state of labour and working-class history, including issues of gender and ethnicity. The editor gratefully acknowledges arrivals and departures of editorial board members. A research assistant has updated the journal's index. Memorial University of Newfoundland is thanked for its generous institutional support of the journal.
The article briefly reviews "The Structure of the Canadian Capitalist Class," by Robert J. Brym, "Democratic Socialism: The Challenge of the Eighties and Beyond," edited by Donna Wilson, "Old Passions, New Visions: Social Movements and Political Activism in Quebec," by Marc Raboy, "Frank H. Underhill; Intellectual Provocateur," by R. Douglas Francis, "Emerging Identities: Selected Problems and Interpretations in Canadian History," edited by Paul W. Bennett and Cornelius J. Jaenen, "Tobacco and Slaves: The Development of Southern Cultures in the Chesapeake, I680-1800," by Allan Kulikoff, "Will Herberg: A Bio-Bibliography," by Harry J. Ausmus, "Disorderly Conduct: Visions of Gender in Victorian America," by Carrol Smith-Rosenberg, "The Collected Essays of Asa Briggs, Volume 1: Words, Numbers, Places, People and Volume Two: Images, Problems, Standpoints, Forecasts," by Asa Briggs, "The Irish in the Victorian City," by Roger Swift and Sheridan Gilley, "British Economic Growth during the Industrial Revolution," by N.F.R. Crafts, "Language, Gentler and Childhood," edited by Carolyn Steedman, Cathy Urwin, and Valerie Walkerdine, "British Trade Unionism Against the Trades Union Congress," by Gerald A. Dorfman, "Artisans, Peasants, and Proletarians, 1760-1860: Essays Presented to Gwyn Williams," by Clive Emsley and James Walvin,"Labor Migration in the Atlantic Economies: The European and North American Working Classes During the Period of Industrialization," edited by Dirk Hoerder, "The Peculiarities of German History: Bourgeois Society and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Germany," by David Blackbourn and Geoff Eley, "The Development of Capitalism in Northern Nigeria," by Robert Shenton, "Capitalism and Social Democracy," by Adam Przeworski, "Outsiders: A Study in Life and Letters," by Hans Mayer / reviews by Bryan D. Palmer -- "Talkin' Union: Music Lore History," journal edited by Saul Schniderman, "Nature's Noblemen: The Fortunes of the independent Collier in Scotland and the American Midwest, 1855-1885," by John H.M. Laslett / reviews by Gregory S. Kealey.
This article reviews the book, "Women, History, and Theory," by Joan Kelly.
Consists of 12 colour reproductions of selected works from artist Robert Kell's series on the Winnipeg General Strike, including drawings, paintings, acrylic on canvas, and quilting and applique. See also the article, "Robert Kell and the Art of the Winnipeg General Strike," by Sharon Reilly, in the same issue of the journal.
Relations industrielles/lndustrial Relationscongratulates Queen 's University on its fiftieth anniversary, in 1987, of the founding of the Industrial Relations Centre. A pioneer in the industrial relations field among Canadian universities, Queen's has constantly played a role of leadership. Its historic and continuing efforts are much appreciated by everyone involved in this field of enquiry. In order to further the understanding of the various aspects of the task undertaken, as well as the contribution of the people involved, we are very pleased to present our readers with the following study done by Queen's Industrial Relations Centre.
The article reviews and comments on "Women At War With America: Private Lives in a Patriotic Era," by D'Ann Campbell, "Creating Rosie the Riveter: Class, Gender and Propaganda during World War II," by Maureen Honey, and "They're Still Women After All": The Second World War and Canadian Womanhood," by Ruth Roach Pierson.
This article reports the results of a survey of union staff representatives regarding the impact of the duty of fair representation on grievance handling. The survey confirmed previous research results suggesting that fair representation complaints are frequently reflective of political factionalism within unions or a measure of economic decisions adversely affecting individuals rather than a sign of inadequate representation by unions. It was also found that grievors' exploitation ofthe doctrine does at times cause unions to process unmeritorious grievances, increasing the cost of contract administration to ail parties.
The paper reviews recent wage trends and patterns, and examines whether the wage deceleration since 1982 can be explained by the steady decline in inflation and the persistent high rates of unemployment.
Envisageant le changement comme enjeu des rapports du travail plutôt que comme source d'impacts, les auteurs adaptent l'approche stratégique à l'étude des relations du travail et du contrôle syndical du changement.
Après avoir situe la Loi sur les normes du travail dans son contexte historique et dégage les règles d'interprétation applicables à une telle législation, l'auteur en analyse le caractère d'ordre public et la portée des dérogations autorisées par le législateur.
This article reviews the book, "Les normes minimales du travail au Canada et au Québec : Étude juridique et institutionnelle," by Gérard Hébert & Gilles Trudeau.
This article reviews the book, "Le travail intellectuel," by Jean Guitton.
This article reviews the book, " Les technologies nouvelles," by Michel Poniatowski.
The article reviews and comments on "Ah les Etatsl: tes travailleurs canadiens-frangais dans I'in-dustrie textile de la Nouvelle-Angleterre d'apres le te'moignage des derniers migrants," by Jacques Rouillard.
This article reviews the book, "Working in Hawaii: A Labor History," by Edward D. Beechert.
Andre Leblanc is acknowledged, whose idea it was to have this new section of the journal. Several forthcoming conferences are noted, as are two journal publications of interest. Also reported is a new masters and diploma program in gender and social policy at the University of Bristol. The editor is compiling a list of publications that mistakenly render the Industrial Workers of the World as the International Workers of the World.
This article reviews the book, "Roughneck: The Life and Times of Big Bill Haywood," by Peter Carlson.
This article reviews the book, "The Soul of the Wobblies: The I.W.W., Religion, and American Culture in the Progressive Era, 1905-1917," by Donald E. Winters.
This article reviews the book, "Grosse-Ile: Gateway to Canada 1832-1937," by Marianna O'Gallagher.
Les objectifs de cette étude sont de tester de nouveau les relations entre d'une part le stress intrinsèque et extrinsèque et d'autre part, l'absence et l'assiduité au travail et de déterminer la nature des relations entre le stress au travail et différentes mesures de fréquence des absences et de temps perdu.