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This article reviews "The Industrial Composition of Income and Product" edited by John W. Kendrick.
This article reviews "The Nation Keepers" edited by Isaiah A. Litvak.
Les structures du Congrès du travail du Canada, le cas du Québec et les valeurs du syndicalisme américain sont autant de sujets que l'auteur traite dans cet article.
This article reviews the article "Classes sociales et pouvoir politique en Amérique Latine" from Sociologie du Travail, under the direction of Alain Touraine.
This article reviews "Personnel : The Human Problems of Managements" by George Strauss and Leonard R. Sayles.
This article reviews "The Industrial Society, Three Essays on Ideology and Development" by Raymond Aron.
This article reviews the study "The Liability of Strikes in the Law of Tort" by I.M. Christie.
The Author briefly reviews the historical developments that have led to the present cultural-linguistic situation in Québec business. He then proceeds to a realistic description of Canadian and even international markets for more and more Quebec-based secondary-manufacturing firms, stressing the need for working bilingualism and greater mobility of French-Canadian employees. In such a context, French-Canadians would get greater opportunities, and both sides would gradually abandon prejudice in favour of equity and efficiency.
Collective bargaining is a process on which technological change might not only have an impact but a process that should be strengthened through its responses to technological change.
Lorsque la Fédération des travailleurs de l'Ontario avait décidé d’étudier le problème de la crise constitutionnelle que traverse le Canada, elle avait souhaité entendre le point de vue, sinon du Québec, du moins d'un travailleur syndiqué du Québec.
L'examen de l'évolution du peuplement de la province de Québec révèle l’existence de puissants courants migratoires qui modifient radicalement les structures démographiques dans les régions de départ et les régions d'accueil En agissant comme un prélèvement sélectif sur les populations des zones de refoulement, les migrations intérieures de population contribuent à créer des déséquilibres graves dans la composition par sexes des populations concernées. En particulier, il apparaît que les effectifs démographiques des campagnes sont caractérisés par la supériorité numérique du groupe masculin et que l’élément féminin prédomine en milieu urbain. La dissymétrie observable dans la structure des sexes des populations rurale et urbaine, conséquence du processus de déféminisation progressive des campagnes recèle le germe de migrations futures nécessaires au rétablissement de l’équilibre des sexes.
Contents: 1. The Roots of Canadian Socialism -- 2. The Years of Uncertainty and Unrest: 1917-1919 -- 3. The Birth of the Canadian Communist Party -- 4. The Rise of the Workers' Party -- 5. Underground Operations and the CPC -- 6. The CPC and the Fourth Comintern Congress -- 7. The CPC and the United Front -- 8. The Emergence of the Canadian Communist Party -- 9. Bolshevization and the Canadian Party -- 10. The Interim Years: 1924-1925 -- 11. The CPC and the Canadian Labor Party -- 12. The CPC and the Trade Union Educational League -- 13. Canadian Party Life: 1925-1926 -- 14. The Seventh Plenum, Comintern Proposals, and Canadian Party Policies -- 15. The Rise of Canadian Trotskyism -- 16. North American Exceptionalism and the Triumph of Stalinism in Canada -- Epilogue.
This article reviews "Nouveau manuel de l’agent de maîtrise" by Pierre Demarne and Jacques Ferras.
Même quand on a réussi à réduire au minimum le travail nécessaire à la fabrication d'un produit, il subsiste encore de nombreux points qui sont autant de sources de temps perdu, sur lesquelles le travailleur a peu de prise, mais que par de bonnes méthodes de gestion et d'organisation la direction peut en partie éliminer.
Pending the results of such further research it can only be concluded at this juncture that, given the nature of the Canadian economy and the system of wage determination, there is no reason to believe that the contribution of collective bargaining to recent price developments was any greater than that of other factors in the inflationary process.
The author makes a few general comments about the work of the CLC Commission on Constitution and Structure and about a few of the recommendations which seem to be of most importance in the face of the realities of industrial relations and collective bargaining in the 1960’s.
This article reviews "Ethics for an Industrial Age : A Christian Inquiry" by Victor Obenhaus.
This article reviews "Management at the Bargaining Table" by K.O. Warner and M.L. Hennessy.
Resource type
- Audio Recording (1)
- Book (314)
- Book Section (15)
- Encyclopedia Article (1)
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- Journal Article (6,936)
- Magazine Article (7)
- Map (1)
- Report (12)
- Thesis (143)
- Video Recording (3)
- Web Page (13)
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1900 and 1909 (2)
- Between 1910 and 1919 (3)
- Between 1920 and 1929 (3)
- Between 1930 and 1939 (3)
- Between 1940 and 1949 (380)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (637)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (1,040)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (1,111)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (2,302)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (1,970)