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This article reviews the book, "More Deadly Than War: Pacific Coast Logging 1827-1981," by Andrew Mason Prouty.
This article reviews the book, "The Soul of the Wabblies: The I.W.W., Religion, and American Culture in the Progressive Era 1905-1917," by Donald E. Winters Jr.
Quotations and work poetry including "Come Daylight," "Sunday" and "the Choreo/graphy of Getting."
The authors present theoretical constructs of power and theoretical concepts as they apply to motivation, conflict and negotiation.
This article reviews the book, "Class and Reform: School and Society in Chicago 1880-1930," by David J. Hogans.
L'auteur évoque les principaux changements qu'ont connus les syndicats ouvriers au cours de leurs cent ans d'histoire, comment leurs objectifs, leurs structures, leurs membres et leurs méthodes d'action ont évolue au gré des périodes et de l'environnement social. Il s'interroge sur les caractéristiques actuelles du mouvement, sur le bien-fondé aujourd'hui des privilèges qui leur ont été accordés au cours des années et sur leur statut présent: sont-ils des organismes prives, publics ou semi-publics?
This article reviews the book, "Skilled Workers in the Class Sturcture," by Roger Penn.
This article reviews the book, "Steel at the Sault: Francis H. Clergue, Sir James Dunn, and the Algoma Steel Corporation, 1901-1956," by Duncan McDowall.
This article reviews the book, "Deliver Us from Evil: The Radical Underground in Britain, 1660-1663," by Richard L. Greaves.
This article reviews the book, "The Alternative Culture - Socialist Labor in Imperial Germany," by Vernon L. Lidtke.
This article reviews the book, "'We Were the Salt of the Earth!' A Narrative of the On-To-Ottawa Trek and the Regina Riot," by Victor Howard.
This article reviews the book, "Workers' Self Management in the United States," by Christopher Eaton Gunn.
This article reviews the book, "Family Life in Central Italy, 1880-1910: Sharecropping, Wage Labor and Coresidence," by David I. Kertzer.
L'industrialisation des régions périphériques du Canada est un processus encore mal connu. La venue de l'Alcan à Arvida, au Saguenay, constitue un bel exemple. A l'aide des dossiers du personnel, cet article décrit en premier lieu l'évolution de la structure des professions au complexe industriel de l'Alcan de ses débuts en 1925 jusqu'à 1940. Il montre ensuite la constitution d'un noyau de travailleurs stables à travers le roulement élevé de la main-d'oeuvre au cours des premières années; ce processus résulte à la fois des sélections opérées par l'employeur, des départs volontaires et de l'effet de la Crise. Parmi les travailleurs stables, qui forment le gros des effectifs pour l'ensemble de la période, on remarque un taux assez élevé de mobilité professionnelle au sein de l'entreprise.
This article reviews the book, "The Second Industrial Divide: Possibilities For Prosperity," by Michael J. Piore and Charles F. Sabel.
Reviewing existing police recruitment and selection policies across Canada, the author identifies systemic barriers faced by visible minorities in entering police forces and makes recommendations in order to increase the representation of such minority persons in Canadian police departments.
This article reviews the book, "Industrial Relations in a Decade of Economic Change," by H. Juris, Mark Thompson & W. Daniels
This article reviews the book, "Industry and Inequality: The Social Anthropology of Indian Labour," by Mark Halström.
This article reviews the book, "Walking to Work: Tramps in America, 1790-1935," edited by Eric H. Monkkonen.
This article reviews the book, "The Craft Transformed: An Essay on the Carpenters of Halifax 1885-1985," by Ian Mackay.