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This article reviews "Le placement des travailleurs âgés" from the Division des Affaires sociales de l’O.C.D.E. (Paris).
This article reviews "Les cadres et l’entreprise" by Maurice Monteil.
This article reviews "Manpower Policies for Youth" by Eli Cohen and Louise Kapp.
This article reviews "Programmes d’emplois compensatoires" by E. Jay Howenstine.
This article reviews "Ressources humaines pour le développement industriel" from the B.I.T. (Genève).
This article reviews "Teachers, School Boards and Collective Bargaining : A Changing of the Guard" by Robert E. Doherty and Walter E. Oberer.
DOMTAR has invested in Quebec a large part of its capital, maintains over 7,000 employees (40% of its Canadian work force) in that province and has located its head office in Montreal. Its markets, however, are international. Thus its basic interest on constitutional, cultural, and linguistic matters.
L'auteur, un linguiste, décrit sommairement les grandes périodes qui ont marqué l'histoire des langues dans le monde. Il circonscrit ensuite la notion de langue de travail. Il applique enfin cette notion au travailleur québécois de langue française, pour en souligner les conséquences dangereuses pour l’ensemble de la culture française quand le travailleur « doit laisser sa langue maternelle, le français, au vestiaire ».
Après un historique et une présentation de la nature de l’Alliance de la fonction publique du Canada, l'auteur en présente les structures et relève quelques problèmes internes de ce syndicat.
L’auteur fournit une réponse claire en se servant d'un cas d'espèce, celui de l'ALCAN.
La caractéristique fondamentale du régime de relations de travail dans la Fonction publique québécoise c'est qu'il relève du Droit commun du travail tel que complété ou modifié par la loi de la Fonction publique de 1965. Le fonctionnaire est donc en principe un salarié et Sa Majesté un employeur au sens du Code du travail sauf dérogation explicite1. Or ces dispositions dérogatoires sont suffisamment cohérentes, croyons-nous, pour que l'on puisse parler d’un statut particulier, fait de particularités fondées sur des exigences propres au service public. Ces particularités sont relatives au droit d'association, à l’accréditation, à la structure et au contenu des unités de négociation, à la délimitation de la matière négociable et l’exercice du droit de grève. A l’aide de la jurisprudence nous tenterons d'analyser ici la particularité relative aux unités de négociation.
This article reviews "Combien vaut notre entreprise?" by André Barnay and Georges Calba.
This article reviews "Leadership and Motivation : Essays of Douglas McGregor" by W. Bennis.
This important new study in Canadian politics discusses the role of socialism in Canada. By means of comparison between the English-Canadian and the American political importance of socialism in Canada than the United States. In this section Louis Hartz's theory of "fragment" cultures is carried forward and applied to Canada. The remainder of the book is devoted to a detailed historical study of the relationship between the labour movement and the socialist parties in Canada. It starts in the early years of the century and follows the story through to its significant conclusion—the support (and formation) by many Canadian unions of a labour party. The brilliant analysis of Canadian politics in Hartzian terms restores ideology to a place in our political culture, and the meticulous, objective recounting of labour's involved in the formation of the NDP is a timely and valuable contribution to our limited understanding of how Canadian political parties "live and move and have their being." The main sources used by the author were correspondence, minutes, and other materials in the files of the NDP and the Canadian Labour Congress, and personal interviews with labour leaders and socialist politicians. --Publisher's description
After a brief review of Maslow's and Herzsberg's theories, the author proposes three solutions to help unions in satisfying the real needs of its members.
This article reviews "The New Perspectives in Collective Bargaining" edited by Don R. Sheriff.
A brief ethnographic study done for the National Museum of Canada in 1961-62 focusing on the then continuing economic importance of hunting and trapping for the native people of the region. --Author's description
The Cooperative Commonwealth Federation government in Saskatchewan, which was elected in 1944, remains the only government with avowed socialist goals to have come to power in Canada or the United States. In 1949, Seymour Martin Lipset wrote Agrarian Socialism, which has since become a classic, a study of the social background that enabled the movement to succeed in the region that it did. The CCF government, however, remained in power for twenty years. So this new Anchor edition contains not only a new introduction by the author, evaluating his earlier research in terms of later developments, but five new chapters by other sociologists who, taking off from the findings in Agrarian Socialism, studied later developments in Saskatchewan.... -- Publisher's description
« An interest organization which limits itself to guarding existing group interests risks becoming petrified in tradition and losing all influence over developments. On the other hand, if an organization accepts change and is able to integrate the group interest within the overall process of development, the aims of the organization will he accepted as progressive and the organization will have the possibility of actively influencing the course of the future. »
Resource type
- Audio Recording (1)
- Book (314)
- Book Section (15)
- Encyclopedia Article (1)
- Film (5)
- Journal Article (6,936)
- Magazine Article (7)
- Map (1)
- Report (12)
- Thesis (143)
- Video Recording (3)
- Web Page (13)
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1900 and 1909 (2)
- Between 1910 and 1919 (3)
- Between 1920 and 1929 (3)
- Between 1930 and 1939 (3)
- Between 1940 and 1949 (380)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (637)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (1,040)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (1,111)
- Between 1980 and 1989 (2,302)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (1,970)