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The article reviews "Factors in Successful Collective Bargaining: Report" of the Subcommittee on Labor and Labor-Management Relations, 82nd Congress, 1st Session, (57 pages).
An article from Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations, on Érudit.
The article reviews "La mesure de la productivité," by Jean Dayre, conseiller technique du Comité national de la productivité. Series of three articles published successively in the october, november and december 1951 issues of the journal, Travail et Méthodes. Editions Science et Industrie, Paris.
The article reviews "Labor Views Collective Bargaining," by J.A. Beirne, President, Communications Workers of America (CIO), 1952 (22 pages).
The article reviews "Le patronat devant le syndicalisme," summayr of the 12th congress of the Fédération des Patrons catholiques de Belgique, held on 15-16 December 1951, published in the Bulletin social des Industriels, January 1952.
List of journals that are pertinent to the field.
The article reviews the book, "Problèmes du travail féminin," by Roger Chartier, proposed for the teaching of labour relations, Centre de culture populaire de Laval, Université Laval, 1952 (61 pages).
Bibliography with subject headings.
Should Conciliation Boards be abolished? This is an interesting question raised up in the contributed editorial of the 1952 winter issue of "Public affairs" and presented in the following way.
The article reviews the booklet, "Strikes," by William Goldner, edited by Irving Bernstein, Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, Berkeley, 1951 (50 pages).
The article reviews the books, "L'adulte des milieux ouvriers," v. I: Essai de psychologie sociale (586 pages), v. II: Essai de psychologie pastorale (402 pages) by Simon Ligier.
L'auteur décrit la composition de la Conférence internationale du Travail, « assemblée annuelle des Etats membres de l'Organisation internationale du Travail ». L'O.I.T. se propose comme but l'extension de la « justice sociale, dans l'intérêt de la paix mondiale ». Après une brève analyse des moyens dont dispose cet organisme, l'auteur établit les nécessaires distinctions entre trois types de décisions sur lesquelles l'O.I.T. peut s'arrêter: résolutions, recommandations et conventions. Il souligne ensuite le caractère de l'obligation des Etats-membres en face des conventions, parlant du rôle de l'opinion publique et du mécanisme des commissions d'enquête. L'auteur s'arrête assez longuement sur le cas des Etats fédératifs, ainsi le Canada, qui jouissent d'une situation privilégiée, car ici la compétence législative en matière du travail n'est pas réservée entièrement au pouvoir central. A la fin de l'article sont étudiées les contestations possibles et énumérées les sanctions éventuelles.
The Author describes the International Labour Conference, as the "annual meeting of the Member States of the International Labour Office. " The I.L.O. has as purpose "to promote social justice in the interest of world peace.'' After a short analysis of the means at the disposal of this organization, the Author establishes the necessary distinctions between three types of decisions which the I.L.O. may reach: Resolutions, Recommendations and Conventions. He then emphasizes the characteristics of the obligation of the Member States towards conventions, discussing the rôle of public opinion and of the functions of boards of inquiry. The author gives considerable attention to the case of federated states such as Canada, who enjoy a privileged situation, as the legislative jurisdiction here on labour questions is not entirely confined to the central authority. The possible points of dispute are studied in conclusion as well as the eventual sanctions.
The article reviews the book, "Employers' Associations and Collective Bargaining in New York City," by Jesse Thomas Carpenter.