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Essential Work, Disposable Workers: Migration, Capitalism, and Class

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Essential Work, Disposable Workers: Migration, Capitalism, and Class
Recent years have seen massive waves of migration from the Middle East, Latin America, and Africa to Europe and North America and a corresponding rise in anti-immigrant, far-right populism in host countries, placing the question of migration at the forefront of politics and social movements. Henaway seeks to understand these patterns through contextualizing global migration within a history of global capitalism, class formation, and the financialization of migration. As globalization intensifies, a neoliberal labour market forces workers around an unevenly developed world to compete for wages--not through foreign investment and outsourcing, but through an increasingly mobile working class. Henaway rejects the right-wing response of restricting or "managing" immigration through temporary worker programs and instead suggests that stopping a race to the bottom for all working people involves building solidarity with the struggles of these migrants for decent work and justice. Through examining the organizing strategies of migrant workers at giants like Amazon and Wal-Mart as well as discount retailers like Dollarama and Sports Direct, the immense power and agency of precarious workers in global companies like UBER or Airbnb, the successful resistance of taxi drivers or fast food workers around the world, and the contemporary mass labour movement organized by new unions and workers' centres, Henaway shows how migrant demands and strategies can help shape radical working class politics in North America and Europe. --Publisher's description
Fernwood Publishing
# of Pages
224 pages
Short Title
Essential Work, Disposable Workers
Library Catalog
Open WorldCat
OCLC: 1354945411
Henaway, M. (2023). Essential Work, Disposable Workers: Migration, Capitalism, and Class. Fernwood Publishing. https://fernwoodpublishing.ca/book/essential-work-disposable-workers