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A U.S. Commentary.
In the present paper, the author is analysing and criticizing the prevalence of human resources management (HRM) in the study of industrial relations over the past few years, as shown in a previous article of this journal. This controversial topic is subject to discussion and exchange of views which can be sustained through this forum.
The 1891 Census asked Canadians if they had been unemployed in the week preceding the taking of the census. On the basis of a preliminary analysis of responses from working class areas in British Columbia, we comment on the nature of this source, and on the possibility of using it to determine both the extent of unemployment and the characteristics of the unemployed. We demonstrate our conclusion that this source has significant utility by testing the hypothesis that unemployment was a structural problem in the industrial capitalist labour market and not simply a result of specific deficiencies in part of the labour force.
This paper describes four strike situations, following which teachers and school boards tried to engineer changes to theirprestrike relationships. The authors analyse these situations and identify some ofthefactors which appeared to distinguish the successes from the fallures.
This article reviews the book, "Caring For Profit : Economic Dimensions of Canada's Health Industry," by Malcolm C. Brown.
The article reviews the book, "Argentina: From Anarchism to Peronism," by Ronaldo Munck with Ricardo Falcon and Bernardo Galitelli.
Poem published in the "work poetry" section of the journal.
Poem published in the "work poetry" section of the journal.
Poem published in the "work poetry" section of the journal.
Poem published in the "work poetry" section of the journal.
The article reviews the book, "'Rock in a Stream': Living With the Political Economy of Underdevelopment in Cape Breton," edited by Constance P. deRoche and John E. deRoche.
The article reviews and comments on two films: "Even the Heavens Weep: The West Virginia Coal Wars," directed by Danny L. McGuire and "Matewan," directed by John Sayles.
This article reviews the book, "Cleared for Takeoff : Airline Labour Relations since Deregulation," by Jean T. Mckelvey.
This article reviews the book, "Public Sector Bargaining," by Benjamin Aaron, Joyce M. Najita & James L. Stern.
The article reviews the book, "The Crisis of Mexican Labor," by Don La Botz.
The article reviews the book, "Urban Domestic Servants in 19th-Century Canada/Les Domestiques En Milieu Urbain Canadien au XIXe Siècle," by Claudette Lacelle.
This article reviews the book,"Le contrat d'emploi," by A.E. Aust.
Le modèle-type utilisé pour guider le fonctionnement des cercles de qualité n'a pas le caractère général que cherche à lui attribuer la documentation sur cette forme de gestion participative dans l'entreprise. En précisant, à l'aide d'une étude de cas, que ce modèle-type correspond à une étape spécifique (en l'occurrence l'implantation et les premiers mois) du développement de la formule, cette recherche fait ressortir sa portée limitative pour orienter le fonctionnement des cercles de qualité, une fois franchie la période immédiate consécutive à leur création.
The article reviews the book, "The New York Intellectuals: The Rise and Decline of the Anti-Stalinist Left from the 1930s to the 1960s," by Alan Wald.
The article reviews the book, "Three Dollar Dreams," by Lynne Bowen.