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Le 8 février 1978, Monsieur le juge Jean-Guy Boulard de la Cour Supérieure a prononcé un jugement mettant en cause le règlement n° 717 (1970) relatif à l'avis de licenciement collectif On se souviendra que ce règlement a été adopté en 1970 afin de préciser l'article 45 de la Loi sur la formation et la qualification professionnelles (Bill 49) établissant le programme québécois de reclassement de la main-d'oeuvre victime de licenciement collectif. Ce texte établissait les aspects opérationnels du programme de reclassement. Or ce jugement décide de rendre « invalides et inopérants » trois articles importants de ce règlement et de ce programme. Vu la portée de ce jugement, nous le publions ici in extenso.
This paper explores the relationship between a six-dimensional achievement scale, as well as some socio-economic characteristics and perception of employment assurance, desired job characteristics, income aspiration level and willingness to make an effort for obtaining desired job characteristics by students in the province of Québec.
This article reviews "Les jeunes face aux conditions et au milieu de travail" by le Bureau international du travail (Genève).
The author examines the role and forms of industrial democracy in the enterprise and when in the process of selection of questions, study and analysis, search for solutions and defining the final decision and which methods of implementation shall employees and their union share, and in what manner, the responsibilities of decision-making with management. Current arrangements must be viewed essentially as transitional accommodations in the unending search for viable, more satisfying and productive plans.
This article reviews "Research in Labor Economics" by Ronald G. Ehrenberg.
This article reviews "Canadian Labour Standards in Law, Agreement, and Practice" by Paul Malles.
This article reviews "Collective Agreement Arbitration in Canada", by Earl Edward Palmer.
This article reviews "Grievance Arbitration, A Practical Guide" by the International Labour Office (Geneva).
This article reviews "Grievance Arbitration: a Review of Current Problems" edited by M.A. Hiclking.
This article reviews "Rapports collectives du travail au Québec" by F. Morin.
This article reviews "The Practice of Industrial Relations" by D. A. Peach and D. Kuechle.
This article reviews "Capital et travail (la collaboration de classes dans le mouvement syndical)" by Victor Levant.
This article reviews "L’organisation du temps de travail dans les pays industrialisés" by le Bureau international du travail (Genève).
This article reviews "Le travail de nuit : effets sur la santé et la vie sociale du travailleur", by J. Carpentier and P. Cazamian.
This article reviews "The Social Psychology of Bargaining and Negotiation", by Jeffrey Z. Rubin and Bert R. Brown.
The authors present a survey of the wage-setting practices of a number of employers of clerk-typists in the city of Calgary to provide additional information concerning the determinants of extra-market wage differentials.
This article reviews "Le lock-out et le chômage technique" by Alain Ramin.
This policy document adopted by the Executive Council of the Canadian Labour Congress was ratified by the 12th Constitutional Convention held in Québec City, April 1978.
Le Centre des Dirigeants d'entreprise est un mouvement formé de cadres supérieurs oeuvrant dans les grandes ainsi que les petites et moyennes entreprises au Québec. Au mois de février 1978, il adoptait cette prise de position.