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The article reviews the book, "The Hawk's Nest Incident: America's Worst Industrial Disaster," by Martin Cherniak.
The essays are gathered around two themes: the relationship of sociology and social history, and the intersection of gender, ethnicity, and region with class. Unlike most Canadian essay collections, the contributors and their subjects cover Canada from British Columbia to Newfoundland, with forays into Cape Breton and central Canada. The volume contains articles by Ian McKay, Gordon Darroch, James R. Conley, Alicja Muszynski, Gillian Creese, and Jim Overton. An interesting collection of some of the new work being done in Canada by historians and sociologists, Class, Gender, and Region reflects Charles Tilly’s suggestion that “there should be no disciplinary division of labour: simply both doing social history.” --Publisher's description (Athabasca University Press) Contents: Introduction / Gregory S. Kealey -- The crisis of dependent development: class conflict in the Nova Scotia coalfields, 1872-1876 / Ian McKay --Class in nineteenth-century, central Ontario: a reassessment of the crisis and demise of small producers during early industrialization, 1861-1871 /Gordon Darroch -- “More theory, less fact?” Social reproduction and class conflict in a sociological approach to working-class history / James R. Conley -- Race and gender: structural determinants in the formation of British Columbia’s salmon cannery labour force / Alicja Muszynski -- The politics of dependence: women, work, and unemployment in the Vancouver labour movement before World War II / Gillian Creese -- Public relief and social unrest in Newfoundland in the 1930s: an evaluation of the ideas of Piven and Cloward / James Overton.
The essays are gathered around two themes: the relationship of sociology and social history, and the intersection of gender, ethnicity, and region with class. Unlike most Canadian essay collections, the contributors and their subjects cover Canada from British Columbia to Newfoundland, with forays into Cape Breton and central Canada. The volume contains articles by Ian McKay, Gordon Darroch, James R. Conley, Alicja Muszynski, Gillian Creese, and Jim Overton. An interesting collection of some of the new work being done in Canada by historians and sociologists, Class, Gender, and Region reflects Charles Tilly's suggestion that "there should be no disciplinary division of labour: simply both doing social history." --Publisher's description
The editor reports on the Notebook section introduced in the previous issue as well as the interdisciplinary coverage of labour. The forthcoming issue will launch an annual review of Access to Information legislation, while issue 23 will update on archival and bibliographic resources for the study of labour.
Expresses appreciation to three departing editorial board members, in particular André LeBlanc. Notes the introduction of a new section on access to information and the return of the section on labour accessions at the National Archives. Publication of the updated Canadian labour bibliography is deferred until a later issue. The editor apologizes and notes the correction to be made on p. 145 of Alvin Finkel's article [The Cold War, Alberta Labour, and the Social Credit Regime] in the previous issue.
This paper is an attempt to schematize and survey those recent efforts of industrial relationists and labor economists to examine mediation within an inter-disciplinary framework.
The article reviews the book, "Communist Resistance in Nazi Germany," by Allan Merson.
The article reviews the book, "Solidarity and Fragmentation: Working People and Class Consciousness in Detroit, 1875-1900," by Richard Jules Oestreicher.
This paper presents new estimates of unionization and collective bargaining coverage for Canada from a special Statistics Canada household survey conducted in December 1984. The new estimates are comparee with the old estimates.
Les auteurs évaluent l'effet de deux types de lois du travail sur l'activité de grève, à savoir celles visant à réduire telle activité et d'autres qui ne cherchent pas à la reduire mais qui peuvent l'affecter indirectement par leur incidence sur les rapports de force syndical-patronal.
Réalisée dans l'industrie forestière, cette étude traite des effets de la mécanisation de l'abattage et de l'ébranchage sur la fréquence et la gravite des accidents du travail ainsi que sur les conditions dans lesquelles ceux-ci se produisent.
The article reviews the book, "Immigrant Women in the Land of Dollars," by Elizabeth Ewen.
The article reviews the book, "The New Democrats 1961-1986: The Politics of Change," by Desmond Morton.
Stacey MacAindra burns – to burst through the shadows of her existence to a richer life, to recover some of the passion she can only dimly remember from her past. The Fire-Dwellers is an extraordinary novel about a woman who has four children, a hard-working but uncommunicative husband, a spinster sister, and an abiding conviction that life has more to offer her than the tedious routine of her days. Margaret Laurence has given us another unforgettable heroine – human, compelling, full of poetry, irony and humour. In the telling of her life, Stacey rediscovers for us all the richness of the commonplace, the pain and beauty in being alive, and the secret music that dances in everyone’s soul. --Publisher's description
The article reviews the book, "Winning the Second Battle: Canadian Veterans and the Return to Civilian Life, 1915-1930," by Desmond Morton and Glenn Wright.
The call for papers at several conferences is reported, as are other forthcoming conferences of interest. The spring issue (no. 27) of Archivaria will be on documenting labour. A new program in social history at Carnegie Mellon University is noted. The John Dryer Collection at Wayne State University has opened; it has one of the premier archival collections on American Trotskyism.
Takes note of calls for papers and a forthcoming conference. Reports on an addition to Wayne State University's Raya Dunayevskaya Collection, the effort to set up an international research network on coal miners and coal mines, and the Women's Labour History Project documentary entitled "Keep the Home Fires Burning." The spring 1989 edition of Archivaria will have a labour theme.
This article reviews the book, "Public Service Labour Relations : Recent Trends and Future Prospects," by Treu Tiziano et al.
The article reviews the book, "The Agrarian History of England and Wales: Volume V. Part 1: Regional Farming Systems; Part 2: Agrarian Change," edited by Joan Thirsk.
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