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This article reviews the book, "Les syndicats et l’OIT," by Bureau international du travail.
This article reviews the book, "Les syndicats indépendants au Québec : un aperçu de leur situation," by François Delorme & Diane Veilleux.
This article reviews the book, "Sept syndicalismes," by Gilles Martinet.
This article reviews the book, "Essays in Scottish Labour History: A Tribute to W.H. Marwick," edited by Ian MacDougall.
This article reviews the book, "Analysing Jobs," by M.B. Youngman, R. Oxtoby, J.D. Monk & J. Heywood.
This article reviews the books, "The Union Politic, The CIO Political Action Committee," by James C. Foster, and "Political Ideologies of Organized Labor," by Ruth L. Horowitz.
The trade unions’ reluctance to accept the reforms envisaged in the Industrial Relations Act 1971 is cited as an important example of trade unions* intransigence and arrogance and of the fact that they consider themselves to be above law. But the way the trade unions fought the Act appears to be quite in keeping with the democratic procedure and the rule of law.
This article reviews the book, "Trade Unions Under Capitalism," edited by Tom Clarke and Laurie Clements.
This article reviews the book, "Historical Studies of Changing Fertility," edited by Charles Tilly.
This article reviews the book, "The Condition of the Working Class in Toronto, 1900-1921," by Michael J. Piva.
The intensified problems of an increasingly urban and industrial Canada by the late nineteenth century stimulated the development of a significant movement of radical social critics. This article describes and interprets the convictions, supporters, and organizations of Canadian radicalism during the 1890s, encompassing labour leaders, anti-monopolists, single taxers, social gospellers, and the like. The radicals rejected free-market assumptions and, on the basis of their concern for ethical values and for the protection of the productive elements of the community, advocated a radically restructured society based on cooperation and brotherhood. The article explains the rise of socialist ideas against the background of traditional forms of radical protest.
The editor notes that articles on conferences and labour-related archival resources are included in the issue, and that a bibliography is forthcoming. Appreciation is expressed for two departing members of the editorial board.
This article reviews the book, "Révolution industrielle et travailleurs : une enquête sur les rapports entre le capital et le travail au Québec à la fin du 19e siècle," by Femand Harvey.
This article reviews the book, "Les aspects humains de l’organisation," by J.L. Bergeron, N. Côté-Léger, J. Jacques & L. Bélanger.
This article reviews the book, "150 ans de luttes. Histoire du mouvement ouvrier au Québec," edited by Louis Fournier, et al.
This article reviews the book, "Public Access: Citizens and Collective Bargaining in the Public Schools," by Robert E. Doherty, Edited.
This article reviews the book, "Developing Employee Relations," by Peter Warr, Stephen Fineman, Nigel Nicholson & Roy Payne.
This article reviews the books, "Industrial Democracy in Western Europe: A North American Perspective," by John Crispo, and "The Canadian Industrial Relations System," by John Crispo.