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The article reviews the book "Feminism and Political Economy. Women Work, Women's Struggles," edited by Heather Jon Maroney and Meg Luxton.
While attracting a growing research attention, the wage determination process has largely been studied from an economic perspective. This study, in contrast, adopts a combined, economic and structural approach in an attempt to account for wage gains and concessions. This paper asks, which determinants, other than economic factors, may impact the outcomes of wage settlements? Given their economic and political environments, what are the choices available to parties pursuing the maximization of wage settlements? A logit analysis of 405 agreements filed with Alberta Labour, in 1987, shows that structural variables bear important impacts on the likelihood of wage negotiations to result in wage increases. This, in turn, carries important implications for union and management wage bargaining tactics which are also discussed.
The article reviews several books, including "The New Populism: The Politics of Empowerment," edited by Harry C. Boyte and Frank Riessman, "Citizen Action and the New American Populism," by Harry C. Boyte, Heather Booth and Steve Max, and "Beyond Revolution," by Daniel A. Foss and Ralph Larkin.
The article reviews the book, "Worker Participation and the Politics of Reform," edited by Carmen Siriarmi.
The article reviews the book, "Power and Culture: Essays on the American Working Class," by Herbert G. Gutman, edited by Ira Berlin.
The article reviews the book "Disaffected Patriots: London Supporters of Revolutionary America 1769-1782," by John Sainsbury.
The article reviews the book, "Labour People: Leaders and Lieutenants, Hardie to Kinnock," by Kenneth O. Morgan.
Qui est syndiqué-ε aujourd'hui au Québec? Après une revue des principauxchangements survenus dans le marché du travail depuis 1975, changements qui serésument en trois traits: la féminisation, la précarisation et la tertiairisation, l'articletrace le portrait des charactéristiques internes de la population syndiquée. L'article compare ensuite les syndiqués avec non-syndiquées et la maind'oeuvre potentielle, quant à l'âge, au sexe, au niveau de scolarité, au secteurd'activité, au statut d'emploi, et au salaire moyen. Il conclut que la population syndiquée se distingue par rapport à son âge moyen relativement élevé, sa surreprésenttion relative des hommes, sa relative sécurité d'emploi, son salaire relativement élevé, et sa concentration sectorielle. Enfin, il tente de mettre en lumière l'impact des nouveaux paramètres démographiques sur le difficile repositionnement stratégique en voie de se cristalliser au sein du mouvement syndical québécois.
The authors examine the role of the State in industrial relations in Canada. They address themselves particularly to the questions in which circumstances and to what extent the State should intervene.
The article reviews the book, "My Life As a Newfoundland Union Organizer: The Memoirs of Cyril W. Strong. 1912-1987," by Cyril W. Strong, edited by Gregory S. Kealey.
The article reviews the book, "Whalers No More: A History of Whaling on the West Coast," by W. A. Hagelund.
The article reviews the book, "Labour Pains: Women's Work in Crisis," by Pat Armstrong.
The article reviews the book, "Le choc du passé. Les années trente et les sans-travail. Bibliographie sélective annotée," by Centre Populaire de Documentation de Montréal.
Two weaknesses in previous job design research were examined: the overuse of self-report measurements and the questionable use of Growth Need Strength as a moderator between job characteristics and employee performance. Job orientation was hypothesized to moderate the relationship between job characteristics and employee performance. Results indicated that job orientation moderated the relationship between job characteristics and quality of performance but not between job characteristics and quantity of performance, job involvement and satisfaction with work.
The article reviews the book, "British Labour and the Cold War," by Peter Weiler.
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether previously identified socio-demographic, psychographic, health state, financial state, and attitudinal variables could successfully discriminate blue-collar workers in the resource industries in Northern Ontario who accepted companies' retirement offers from those who rejected them. Such a discriminant function was developed and discussed. The «hit rate» was an impressive 76%.
The article reviews the book, "American Technology and the British Vehicle Industry," by Wayne Lewchuk.
This article reviews the book, "Les relations du travail dans l'industrie de la construction," by Carol Jobin.
The article reviews the book, "The Secret Plague: Venereal Disease in Canada, 1838-1939," by Jay Cassel.