Full bibliography
The Enemy That Never Was: A History of the Japanese Canadians
- Adachi, Ken (Author)
Contents: 1. First Contact -- 2. Confrontations -- 3. The Riot of 1907 -- 4. Picture Brides -- 5. Becoming a Foreigner -- 6. Paring a Surfeit -- 7. Generations -- 8. A Low, Dishonest Decade -- 9. The Time of Decision -- 10. Scapegoats and Victims -- 11. Exile -- 12. The New Frontier -- 13. Judgements -- 14. Still a Yellow Peril -- 15. "A Blessing in Disguise?" -- App. 1. Immigration and Population -- App. 2. Select Statistics on Evacuation and Deportation -- App. 3. The War Measures Act -- App. 4. The National Emergency Transitional Powers Act, 1945 -- App. 5. Authorizing Minister of National Defence to Evacuate Japanese Nationals -- App. 6. Authorizing Minister of Justice to Evacuate All Persons of the Japanese Race -- App. 7. Regulations of Minster of Justice Implementing the Evacuation -- App. 8. The Powers of the British Columbia Security Commission -- App. 9. Management and Liquidation of Property -- App. 10. Notice for Dispersal East of the Rockies -- App. 11. Authorizing the Deportation of Persons of Japanese Race -- 12. Prime Minister W.L. Mackenzie King on the Question of Loyalty -- App. 13. Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson on the Evacuation. Includes bibliographical references (pages 435-448) and index.
"Commissioned by the National Japanese Canadian Citizens Association."