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Recommendations for Amendments to the Labour Relations Code: A Report to the Honourable Harry Bains, Minister of Labour [British Columbia]

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Recommendations for Amendments to the Labour Relations Code: A Report to the Honourable Harry Bains, Minister of Labour [British Columbia]
On February 6, 2018, the Minister of Labour appointed us as a Labour Relations Code Review Panel with a broad mandate to review the B.C. Labour Relations Code, RSBC 1996, c 244 (the “Code”) and to provide recommendations for any amendments or updates to the Code. The terms of reference directed us to consult with the community, consider labour law developments in other Canadian jurisdictions and to: "….assess each issue canvassed from the perspective of how to “ensure workplaces support a growing, sustainable economy with fair laws for workers and business” and promote certainty as well as harmonious and stable labour/management relations. The conceptual and structural framework for the Code was established 45 years ago and there have been significant changes in the B.C. workforce, workplaces and economy in theintervening decades. --Introduction
Victoria, B.C.
British Columbia, Ministry of Labour
154 pages
Labour Relations Code Review Panel, Fleming, M., Banister, S., & Dong, B. (2018). Recommendations for Amendments to the Labour Relations Code: A Report to the Honourable Harry Bains, Minister of Labour [British Columbia] (p. 154 pages). British Columbia, Ministry of Labour. https://engage.gov.bc.ca/app/uploads/sites/332/2018/10/Labour-Relations-Code-Review-Panel-Report.pdf