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The Transformation of the Canadian Labour Movement from International to National Union Dominance: Tracing the Roots of Breakaways
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- Duff, Lenore (Author)
The Transformation of the Canadian Labour Movement from International to National Union Dominance: Tracing the Roots of Breakaways
This thesis examines the dramatic shift from international to national union dominance in Canada. Within this context, this analysis explores breakaway activity, and discusses the broader significance of this phenomenon in relation to the labour movement in Canada. It identifies factors critical to the development of international unions. and factors related to their decline, both in Canada as reflected in breakaways, and in the United States as reflected in the general decline of the labour movement. and concludes that contextual factors and individual responses have been central to this process. Ultimately. this thesis illustrates existing distinctive elements of the Canadian labour movement. and suggests that these became more apparent over time. It identifies changes that occurred in objective and subjective conditions that led to the expression of this distinctiveness in a series of breakaways that contributed to the 'Canadianization'. if not the dramatic differentiation, of the labour movement in Canada.
M.A., Sociology and Anthropology
Carleton University
# of Pages
150 pages
Duff, L. (1998). The Transformation of the Canadian Labour Movement from International to National Union Dominance: Tracing the Roots of Breakaways [M.A., Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University]. https://curve.carleton.ca/system/files/etd/abe8f910-bc21-4ee6-afbc-af4971fecd41/etd_pdf/b6e6aa222bd0442c7af352e6e95b9c51/duff-thetransformationofthecanadianlabourmovement.pdf
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