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Negotiating Risk, Seeking Security, Eroding Solidarity: Life and Work on the Border

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Negotiating Risk, Seeking Security, Eroding Solidarity: Life and Work on the Border
Through a series of interviews with workers in the automotive parts industry, Negotiating Risk argues that the restructuring of labour markets and welfare states, paired with firm-level work and management reorganization, has exposed working-class families to greater levels of job risk and insecurity. Focusing on workers in Canada and Mexico and using a gender and race analysis, this book paints a bleak portrait of the lives of working people, where workers and their families continually renegotiate the effects of neo-liberal economic and social change. These changes see individuals working harder, longer and travelling further from home to keep their jobs, while straining familial and community relations and eroding the basis for worker solidarity and collective action. --Publisher's description. Contents: Negotiating risk, seeking security, eroding solidarity -- Labour markets, the state and work through the lens of the automotive parts industry -- Communities and their labour markets -- Experiencing risk and seeking security -- Gendered practices of coping with risk and insecurity -- Sustaining livelihoods through mobility -- Whither solidarity?
Fernwood Publishing
# of Pages
vii, 147
978-1-55266-527-5 1-55266-527-5
Short Title
Negotiating Risk, Seeking Security, Eroding Solidarity
Library Catalog
OCLC WorldCat FirstSearch

Contents: Negotiating risk, seeking security, eroding solidarity -- Labour markets, the state and work through the lens of the automotive parts industry -- Communities and their labour markets -- Experiencing risk and seeking security -- Gendered practices of coping with risk and insecurity -- Sustaining livelihoods through mobility -- Whither solidarity?

Gibbs, H., Yates, C. A. B. (Charlotte A. B., & Leach, B. (2012). Negotiating Risk, Seeking Security, Eroding Solidarity: Life and Work on the Border (J. Antony, Ed.). Fernwood Publishing. https://archive.org/details/negotiatingrisks0000gibb