An Accidental History of Canada
- Davies, Megan Jean (Editor)
- Hudson, Geoffrey L. (Editor)
Contents: Introduction: Framing an Accidental Past / John Douglas Belshaw, Megan J. Davies, Geoffrey L. Hudson, and Sasha Mullally (page 3). Part 1: Equity. 1 “Vahinko!”: Finnish Canadian Socialists Making Sense of Accidental Fire / Samira Saramo (33) -- 2 The Accidental Underground: Death and Injury in Ontario’s Mining Industry /John Sandlos (61) -- 3 Coroner Morton Shulman versus Dr Edward Shouldice: Medical Malpractice in 1960s Canada / R. Blake Brown (89) -- 4 Pedalling Acceptable Losses: Narratives of Cyclist Accidents in Vancouver, BC / John Douglas Belshaw (113). Part 2: Education. 5 Life and Death in the Building of Montreal’s Victoria Bridge, 1854–1860 / Anh-Dao Bui Tran (143) -- 6 A “Lack of System in Their Work”: Risk, Injury, and Labour in the Grenfell Medical Mission of Northern Newfoundland and Labrador, 1893–1914 / John R.H. Matchim (170) -- 7 An Allowance for Accidents: Alberta’s 1908 Workmen’s Compensation Legislation / Ceilidh Auger-Day (197) -- 8 “Don’t Shoot Crooked Chute”: Memorializing Death and Mediating Risk on Ontario’s Petawawa River / Cameron Baldassarra (225). Part 3: Narratives. 9 Wind, Error, and Providence: Shipwrecks in New France / Colin M. Coates (253) -- 10 Accidental History and Manitoulin Island, ca. 1830–1960: Indigenous and Settler Experience / Geoffrey L. Hudson and Darrel Manitowabi (281) -- 11 An Accident’s Afterlife: Childhood, Disability, Maternalism, and Rehabilitation / Megan J. Davies and Tamara Gene Myers (313) -- 12 Kitchen-Table Surgery: Rural Risk and Accidental Care in Early Twentieth-Century General Practice / Sasha Mullally (342) -- Conclusion / John Douglas Belshaw, Megan J. Davies, Geoffrey L. Hudson, and Sasha Mullally (367).