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This article reviews the book, "Rereading Capital," by Ben Fine and Laurence Harris.
This article reviews the book, "Walter Lippmann and the American Century," by Ronald Steel.
This article reviews the book: "Footballers and Businessmen: The Origins of Professional Soccer in England," by Steven Tischler.
This article reviews the book, "European Resistance Movements, 1939-1945: A Complete History," by Jorgen Haeslrup.
This article reviews the book, "Making Sense of Self: Medical Advice Literature in Late Nineteenth-Century America," by Anita Clair Fellman and Michael Fellman.
This article reviews the book, "The Shaping of Sudbury: A Labour View," by Jim Tester.
This article reviews the book, "Civilizing the West: The Gaults and the Development of Western Canada," by A.A. den Otter.
L'action politique partisane a été et demeure une des grandes préoccupations de la FTQ. À travers le cheminement idéologique et politique de la Fédération se dessine une constante: le dessein de créer un parti de la classe ouvrière. Pourtant, cet idéal controversé, source de division au sein des syndicalistes, n'arrive pas à s'affirmer concrètement. Pour faire triompher ses vues sociales et économiques, la FTQ s'engage plutôt dans une participation politique consistant à appuyer les partis dont certaines lignes directrices recoupent les revendications ouvrières. Après avoir investi un espoir illusoire dans le NPD et tenté quelques expériences provinciales peu concluantes, la FTQ pense voir dans le Parti Québécois en 1976, l'instrument par lequel elle parviendra à ses fins politiques. Notre étude analyse et dresse le bilan de ces différentes démarches et alliances.
This article reviews the book, "A History of Retirement: The Meaning and Function of an American Institution. 1885-1978," by William Graebner.
This article reviews the book, "Alley Life in Washington: Family, Community. Religion, and Folklife in the City, 1850-1970," by James Borchert.
This article reviews the book, "Culture, Communication and Dependency: The Tradition of H.A. Innis," by William H. Melody, Liora Salter, and scholars in related fields with a strong Paul Heyer, eds.
This article reviews the book, "Sandino," by Gregorio Selser.
This article reviews the book, "Social Impact Assessment in Small Communities," by RoyT. Bowles.
This article reviews the book, "An Ordered Love: Sex roles and sexuality in Victorian Utopias--the Shakers, the Mormons, and the Oneida Community," by Louis J. Kern.
This article reviews the book, "The New Deal and American Tribalism: The Administration of the Indian Reorganization Act, 1934 -45," by Graham D. Taylor.
This article reviews the book, "Native Land Claims; For a Just Settlement," by Ben Swankey.
This article reviews the book, "The French Canadian Idea of Confederation: 1864-1900," by Arthur Silver.
The article reviews and comments on "The Formation of a Modern Labor Force. Upper Silesia, 1865-1914," by Lawrence Schofer, "Town in the Ruhr. A Social History of Bochum, 1860-1914," by David F. Crew, "Berliner Arbeiterviertel 1800-1918," by Horant Fassbinder, with a contribution by Ingrid Krau,"Massenwohnungsbau in Hamburg. Materialien zur Entstehung und Verdnderung Hamburger Arbeiterwohnungen und -siedlungen 1800-1967," by Hans-Jürgen Nörnberg and Dirk Schubert, "Fabrik, Familie, Feierabend. Beitrdge zur Sozialgeschichte des Ailtags im Industhezeitalter," by Jürgen Reulecke and Wolfhard Weber, "Arbeitergeschichte und Arbeiterbewegung. Industriearbeit und Organisationsverhalten im 19. und friihen 20. Jahrhundertm" by Wilhelm Heinz Schröder, "Die badische Sozialdemokratie 1890 bis 1914. Zum Zusam-menhang von Bildung und Organisation," by Konrad Elsasser, "Zur Konstituierung des Proletariats als Klasse- Strukturunter-suchung iiber das Leipziger Proletariat wdhrend der industriellen Revolution," by Hartmut Zwahr, "Sozialgeschichte der Bergarbeiterschaft an der Ruhr im 19. Jahrhundert," by Klaus Tenfelde, and "Social Democracy and Society. Working-class Radicalism in Dusseldorf, 1890-1920," by Mary Nolan.
This article reviews the book, "Beyond the Monetarists: Post Keynesian Alternatives to Rampant Inflation, Low Growth and High Unemployment," by David Crane, éd.
This article reviews the book, "Dorothea Lange and the Documentary Tradition," by Karin Becker Ohrn.
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- Book (76)
- Book Section (2)
- Encyclopedia Article (1)
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- Journal Article (2,168)
- Report (1)
- Thesis (50)